Title: 2 a.m.

Summary: Antonio is dropped at Roderich's house by the other two-thirds of the Bad Touch Trio at two in the morning to "help" Roderich. Austria/Spain

Warning: suggestive themes, AU-ish, drabble

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia or the 64damn_prompts list on livejournal.

Prompt 1 of 64: 2 a.m.

Two in the morning was never a good time. Especially not for drunk love-interests to come barging through the front door, unannounced and hideously loud. It was not a good time for Roderich to have to walk down the stairs (attempting to manage with his slippers on the wrong feet and his glasses lost) and fetch a broom. It was not a good time to walk cautiously into the living room, eyes squinting in the dark with broom held high, only to discover that the obnoxious noisemaker, previously thought to be possibly the obnoxious Gilbert, was none other than the slightly less obnoxious Antonio.

Roderich stopped squinting, flicked on a light, and stomped the end of the broom against the ground. Antonio jumped, having successfully managed to knock over two lamps, gripped at a third that tempted to fall off its end table.

"Roddy, Gil has left me here to tend to you!" the Spaniard slurred happily, stumbling over to the half-awake man slumped in the door way. "He told me I needed to loosen you up and get the stick out of your ass!" The half-awake man was quickly awake when he was promptly thrown over the Spaniard's shoulder.

"Put me down this instance!" Roderich scolded, squirming in Antonio's grasp, which was surprisingly strong.

"No way, mi querido! Francis told me the only way to fix you was to ravage you!"

"There is no way in hell you are 'ravaging' me!"

"But I cannot waste a perfectly good package of condoms, Roddy! Plus, that stick really needs to come out, it cannot be healthy."

Roderich was then taken upstairs and ravaged…many times…until the box of condoms was emptied…there are 12 in a normal package…this one was extra large…not the condom size, the box, you perverts!


Ravage him, Spain, ravage him.