Collin's POV

For seven years I had been an only child. Until the day my dad left when my mom told him she was pregnant again. He claimed it wasn't his. But I knew better than that. My dad left. My mom had another kid. My little sister. I hated her at first. But my best friend, Brady, talked me threw it. When Carmen started school, she became my second friend, and my favorite person in the world. I graduated high school when she was ten. Of course when I was a freshman in high school, me and Brady phased into wolves, so I wasn't around much then. My mom knew because I accidently phased in front of her, but we kept it from Carmen.

I still lived with mom and Carmen after I graduated. I had to make sure no one hurt my baby sister. The day she came home with a guy I almost phased. Mom calmed me down. That was the day me and my sister got in our first fight since we were little.

"Collin, you are such an arrogant asshole! Why can't I have a damn boyfriend around you? Oh wait, I know! Because you will try to kill him! Just stay away from me until you can figure out how to be my brother again."
"That's a brother's job though Carmen! To protect their little sister's from douche bag's like him!"
"Yeah whatever Collin." And with that she stormed up to her room and came back down ready for volleyball practice.
"Even though I'm still pissed at you, can you take me to practice? Mom had to go to work."
"Yeah. I have to hurry cause some of the guys are coming over. And I really don't want you to meet Paul."
"From what you talk about him, I don't want to meet him either." We both laughed at that. "So are you going to stay mad at me forever?"
"No. Just don't go off on my boyfriend again please."
"Wait, boyfriend? When did that happen?"
"Last year. You always left when he came to the house. Therefore, you have never met him till today."
"Oh wow. I have missed out a lot haven't I?"
"Yep," she said making the "p" pop. We pulled up to the gym and she grabbed her bag and got out.
"Wait, what time do you get out of practice so I can make sure the guys are gone?"
"I get out at five, but I start work at the diner in Fork's with Liza tonight. So mom will probably come get me."
"Okay. Sounds good to me. Bye sis!"
"See ya!" And with that, I took off to get Paul and Brady and Seth. I had a new video game and Paul swore he could beat me. I picked him up first seeing his was the first house I came to.

"Hurry it up Paul! I have to go get the others." He jumped into the truck and the first thing he looked at was mine and Carmen's photo booth pictures on the dash.
"This your piece of ass man? She's hot!"
"Hell no! That's my sister Carmen. And don't you talk about her like that. Anyways, she has a boyfriend."
"Oh, well that sucks. I didn't even know you had a sister," he said as we got to Brady's house.
"Yeah Paul, he does have a sister. Don't even think about it. Your already dating Rachel. Heaven forbid we need you dating another sister of the guys."
"I'm about tired of her shit anyways. I'm gonna break it off with her. I'll have to do it if I imprint anyways. So why not?"
"True. You have a point. We don't need another Sam, Leah, Emily triangle. Even though things are good there, it's still harsh." We picked Seth up and took off the house. We was playing for a few when my mom called.
"Collin, Carmen got hurt at practice. They think she might have broke her ankle. Can you go get her and bring her here to the Hospital? We are short on staff members and I can't leave."
"Yeah mom, I'll go get her. See you in a few." Brady and Seth already left an hour ago so that left Paul.
"You going with me to take my sister to the E.R. or what?"
"I guess. I really don't want to go home and listen to Rachel bitch about something random."
"Alright, but my sister is still hands off. Got it?"
"Yeah whatever." We got to the school to see my sister on her boyfriend's lap while he kissed her and one of the other girls held her ankle with an ice pack on it. I looked over at Paul and saw he couldn't take his eyes of my sister. I knew that look. He just fucking imprinted on my sister.