Black World's God

Chapter 18

I'm sorry, my dearest friend.

But this ends today.


"…Interesting…" Eriol set down his chopsticks, lacing his hands together and resting them on the table. His dark blue eyes were deep in thought. "But even if what Void told you is true… it doesn't solve the problem. How are we going to deal with him?"

Sakura pulled out her key from under her shirt, fingering the small item.

"I guess… we'll just go for it."

Eriol's eyebrow twitched. "No battle plan? No strategies? Just… attack?"

Sakura blushed and looked down. "Well… I do have an inkling of how to take him down but…" She knew a weakness… but whether she would be able to take advantage of it…

Eriol sighed, hanging his head. "Kaoru is smart. He has decades of planning and experience over you. And furthermore… just power won't do. You may be the strongest sorceress in the world, magically, but that won't be enough to deal with a seasoned sorcerer like Kaoru. Especially not with the one that I personally trained with and taught a few tricks of my own. And what's more… Kaoru's specialization… is nothing like what you've seen or dealt with before."

"He specializes in illusions and hypnotism, isn't it?" She shuddered at the memory of what he had done to Rika, to Terada-sensei, to Eriol and to Tomoyo. Playing with another's mind… it was just despicable.

Eriol chuckled darkly. "Contrary to what you believe, mind manipulation was one of the easiest braches of magic back in my days. It died out after the question of ethics but… even now, I can perform it with ease and I'm sure you could too, even without any specialized training. No, he specializes in something different. Something… I regret introducing him to."

Sakura stiffened.

"What?" She breathed out, fearing the answer.

"I think you know already. After all, Void did tell you… how demanding a spell of that magnitude is, even with the tapping of the dark side of magic."

Just then, a wave of darkness enveloped the city.


"Really… that kid…"

Touya rubbed the back of his head. He was pissed off at the attitude of the Chinese brat, but at the same time, he couldn't shake off the overwhelming ominous feeling that plagued him. The air felt heavy and it was becoming increasingly harder to breathe.

Yukito laid a gentle hand on his shoulder, turning him around to examine his face. "You're pale. Is something wrong?"

Ah, that's right. Even if Yukito is… was… magical, he was just an ordinary human right now. Just like how he had desired him to be. Free, uninhibited from the duties and responsibilities. Just…. Ignorant to all the magical things that happens around him. Even he was in the loop, his involvement would stay just at that as he had no way of sensing magic.

"I'm feeling a bit… unwell," he said, taking his partner's hand. "Let's get back to the hotel, shall we?"

At the back of his mind, he wondered what was going on. And knowing his sister, she would probably be heading right into the middle of it already.

He shook his head to clear his mind of those thought. He had more pressing things to deal with. Such as the person beside him.


She stood up, pocketing her key.

"I have to go."

Eriol stood up as well.

"I will go as well. Let's hurry."

Sakura shook her head, pushing him back down. "You can't. You woke up just weeks ago and you haven't recovered fully. You're in no condition to fight Kaoru."

Eriol's eyes were full of indignation and reluctance.

"And besides, his target is you. If you come now, you'll only be a liability."

Her words were biting but he knew they were true. Kaoru was on a mission to exact vengeance on him, the Cards, and everything and everyone that had to do with it. If he went now, in his present condition…

Eriol dropped his head into his hands. "I can't let you go alone."

Sakura's warm hands touched his cheek, bringing his head to look up at her determined and resolute emerald eyes.

"I'm not alone. I'm with the Cards, all which are hoping for his redemption. They may be under me, but the days they spent with you will never be erased. Don't worry. We'll win. Everything will be alright."

Everything will be alright.

How long has it been since she last uttered those word? He couldn't even remember.

"And besides, you have something you need to do as well."

And with that, she was gone.


"I'm surprised. You came alone."

She pulled her key out from her pocket, pressing it to her lips. She took long strides up to him, stopping and leaving just a few meters in between them. The grassy field he had chosen to settle this in was wide and open and far enough from the city to ensure that no one would be able to see them.

Kaoru looked haggard.

His kimono seemed to hang off his think frame loosely and his long hair was thin and limp. Her eyes roved over the glazed chocolate eyes, the last vestiges of fire burning them were burning with hate and anger. His eyes were sunken in and framed with dark eyebags.

"…This is something I have to settle myself, for everyone else," She said. The wind billowed in the field. Her voice was drowned off by the howling wind, but she was sure he heard her.

"Naïve. A little girl like you would never beat me alone," He sneered.

She contemplated his words silently, before quietly saying, "Perhaps. But I'm not alone. Not anymore." She closed her eyes and spread her arms, allowing her magic to flare. It was something she had not done often in the past few years but it was a movement that she had engraved into her body through those 2 years of card capturing. The key in her hands levitated and spun in between her spread arms and her magical circle drew itself out under her, glowing golden lines drawing on the ground until a large circle with a star, sun and moon drawn inside, was formed.

"Key that hides the power of the stars, show your true form before me. I, Sakura, command you under our contract. Release!"

There was a flash of white and her key expanded, forming a staff in her arms. At the same time, 52 cards formed in a circle around her. She felt the 53rd card slip into her pocket, but she paid no heed to it. She held out a hand, allowing the cards to fall into a deck on her palm.

Kaoru sneered at the sight of the cards. "I see you gave them a horrendous colour," His eyes seemed to be slightly revitalised with hate.

"Really? I find it a cheerful colour," She closed her hand and the cards disappeared, in wait for her to call upon them.

"Tch. Enough talking." He raised a hand, a thin, bony hand.

She raised her staff, magic buzzing around her.

They clashed.


The moment the first burst of offensive magic was felt, Eriol knew exactly what he had to do.

He got up quickly, leaving the warm confines of the dumpling shop and out into the cold windy streets. The sky was gradually darkening and it would soon be night. He looked up. A full moon.

A full moon meant that someone that depended heavily on the darker aspects of magic would be in the advantage. But Sakura harnessed the power of the stars – it was a sun that shone even in the darkness. The darker the sky, the brighter she shined.

No amount of darkness would be able to put out her light.

He glanced at the window of a shop, pausing slightly. It was an antique shop, with many trinkets and objects, big and small, crammed into the tiny room. Without hesitation, he entered the shop and walked up to the third mirror he saw, breathing into it and wiping off the condensation that appeared on the shiny surface, revealing a pristine surface. There was no reflection in the mirror, but instead a grey void on the other end. Nostalgia filled him as he pressed a hand to the cold surface.

"…Are you there, Yuko?"


"He's a skilled swordsman," Sakura commented between pants. She wiped the sweat off her forehead, fighting the fatigue in her arms and legs. Her sword was hanging loosely in her hand.

The field they were in was savaged mercilessly by their combined magical and sword attacks. Deep gorged were made in the soft dirt, some deep enough to become trenches. Water that had been conjured somewhere through their fight had permeated the ground, making the ground muddy and hard to move around in. Sakura's legs trembled from the strain of running around. She wouldn't last long, physically.

'Just hang in there. Just wait for it.'

"I know," She whispered to herself, slowly straightening up. From a distance away, Kaoru appraised her silently. His chocolate brown eyes were cold, yet they still showed exhaustion. He was in no better shape than her. Now that physical attacks would only be a matter of endurance, they had to step up the game.

"I must admit… for a little girl you have good skills," Kaoru banished his katana. "Especially… with only one leg."

"I have two legs, thank you," Sakura retorted. 'We were right. This… this is his remuneration!'

Kaoru narrowed his eyes. "…Cheeky girl. It's about time you shut up."

He raised a hand. Sakura's eyes widened, feeling the dark magic swirl around his hand.

"…No conduit?" She gasped softly. "He's channelling magic… through his body?"

Doing magic without a conduit was taxing, and above all, dangerous. Staffs and other magical equipment served as a conductor for their magic, allowing them to channel raw energy and mould it as they wish. Even she herself relied on channelling magic through the cards when she wasn't using her staff. Channelling raw energy through your own body, without proper skills, could lead to a gruesome and painful outcome. A single slip and the magic could rip through your body, causing irreparable harm to the body.

Kaoru let out a smirk.

Her eyes darted around. It was a strange sense of blindness. She couldn't see what he was about to cast. Her sword transformed back into her staff and she poised it, ready to react to whatever comes next.

"This is the end, little girl," He waved his hand, and a burst of dark magic erupted.

Sakura took a step back as the world slowly turned dark. As if a black curtain was slowly forming around her, the world was darkening around her. She looked around, seeing only and endless black abyss around her. She took another step back. She couldn't hear her own footstep. She felt her throat vibrate yet there was no sound. She reached up to touch her own face, yet she couldn't even see her own fingers.

It was… a black world…


"No matter what I try, I still can't get something to work for me!"

He threw the wooden stick across the room. It shattered into splinters, the little gems adorning it cracking into pieces. With a frustrated shout, he kicked the wall.

"Patience, my friend."

"I've been trying this for over a year! Nothing works!"

His friend stood up from his armchair. "Perhaps you're not destined for a staff."

"Then what, a ribbon like your Chinese who-"

"Kaoru. Don't disrespect her."


"What I was trying to say… is that perhaps you're not destined to use a conduit."

"Then what? I remain a half sorcerer the rest of my life? I remain crippled and weak?"

"…Patience." He sighed.

He regretted it immediately, taking a deep breath to calm his raging anger. "…Sorry."

"Thought it is discourage, it is still possible. You need find a conduit. You yourself are a conduit. A natural conduit."

"Are you crazy? You know how dangerous that is!"

"True. It has its limitations. You need years upon years of training. Your concentration must be unparalleled. Your body needs to be honed… And you can never channel too much magic or you might just kill yourself. But don't forget. Magic comes from both within you and from the environment. While you seem to be drawing magic from the environment, you could also be tapping into your reserved. While you might be forming magic in your hands, it's actually the magic within your heart that is forming the true attack. The body is both the spear and the shield."

He scowled. "And I blow myself up trying to achieved that?"

"You won't." A smile. "Because I'll be there to help you."


He stopped at the edge of the field. The ground felt wet and soft under his shoes. The malevolent energy swirling around the field was overwhelming, and much unlike what he had experienced before in Hong Kong. It made him sick to the stomach and he wanted nothing more than to turn around and run the other way, away from the tainting of dread and coldness. But he stood his ground. Even though he couldn't see, he could sense the person in the midst of the black mass, standing in the very heart of the dark magic. The person's presence was one he would never forget.

Killing his father, taking his eyes… he would never forgive him. He would forever despise that man, even in death. The rage and anger pent up from years ago surged within him. Years of pain and resentment, the frustration and anger at being handicapped… He gritted his teeth. This man's life was his to take.

"You… YOU!" He let out a roar, releasing his sword and pulling out an ofuda. "Raitei Shorai!" The rage in him coursed through his veins like fire and he let out a burst of magic, aiming it right at that man. The man moved away, but the lightning struck the wet ground and sent electricity sparking up the man's legs. He could hear the splash of the man's knees hitting the muddy ground and he let out a smirk. He charged forward, swinging his sword forward to bring the man's life to an end.



"Silly boy. Falling prey to my illusion so easily…" Kaoru scoffed, coldly eyeing the silvery haired being.

Yue had his arm wrapped around the boy's neck, pulling him away from the black mass that was covering his Master. The Li heir struggled, but even his well built body was no match for the Moon Guardian. Yue frowned, snapping his fingers and sending a spark of magic to the boy's head to dispel the illusion. Instantly, he stopped struggling, breathing hard as he shook his head in disorientation.

"I must admit… I expected more. For someone that cannot fall prey to visual illusions… and relies so heavily on his sensory abilities… you'd think he wouldn't be that easy of a prey. Pity." Kaoru shook his head. Inwardly, Yue agreed with him. This… boy had very nearly killed his Master in a fit of rage, failing to keep his calm in the midst of a dangerous enemy. But he kept it within him, deciding not to voice his honest opinion. It was not his place.

Yue's cold hand touched the boy's temple. "Have you regained your senses, Li Shaoran?"

The boy nodded, breathing ragged.

"Who… who did I… just attack?"

Yue appraised him silently.

"Who else… other than Sakura?" He replied softly, releasing the boy and letting him stumble to the ground.

The boy drew in a sharp gasp.

Kaoru appraised them silently. Yue raised his hands, ice crystals already forming around him. He had to buy time. He had to buy all the time he could, and he was pulling no stops to get what he needed.

"Foolish Guardian. Do you really think that you could stand again me?" Kaoru raised his hands. Yue could sense the dark magic swirling around him. He could also feel it tingling against his senses and shimmering cloak of magic that was enveloping the area. He was manipulating the natural magic around the area to his will, corrupting it and tainting it with his dark magic. Yue felt sickened, but he fought against his instincts to leave the taint and the darkness. He had to stay. He had to protect his Master. He had to protect Sakura.

"…Do you still remember what Clow said?" Kaoru snarled at the mention of the name, but Yue went on, "Magic… is never stagnant. I… We… have changed since you last met us. We will not fall to you."

Kaoru clenched his fists. "We'll see about that."

Dark bolts of electricity shot down from the sky.


Sakura looked around. She was surrounded by darkness. It was as she had expected… A Black World.

'We were right.'

"Yes… Somehow, Kaoru managed to create a dimension of his own. It's beyond amazing… albeit how void it is," Sakura bent down to touch the floor, only for her fingers to slip past the murky darkness. The dimension was cold and dark, and she couldn't see anything at all, apart from her own body. But then again, that is what a Black Dimension is.

'…You are awfully calm.'

Sakura brushed back a stray lock of hair, looking around. The action in itself was pointless but…

'You do know that only an outsider is able to break the Black Dimension, right? Unless the caster releases the spell… unless someone interferes… you're trapped.'

"I don't find that a problem. Eriol will probably deal with it. In the meantime, Yue and Keroberos is out there stalling for time. This gives us time to regroup." She sat down, tapping her staff against her knee. For what reason had he imprisoned her here? If his target was Eriol, then it would make sense for him to incapacitate her before moving onto Eriol but… something just didn't feel right. Was her intuition wrong?

'…If Kaoru really is that powerful, even Yue-sama won't be able to hold him off.'

"Don't be so pessimistic, Void." Sakura gave a small chuckle. "After all, we do have a trump card."

'And that is?'

"Kaoru is one person. We… we are fifty three plus two plus one."



The silver haired guardian barely looked up as he narrowly dodged a bolt of lightning from the man.

The winged beast landed next to the panting man. It appraised him silently, noting that he was still unscathed but was visibly worn from the attacks. Keroberos narrowed its eyes, turning its attention to the sallow faced man.

"And what is this? The ugly beast that Clow took in?" Kaoru's sneer made his face, if possible, even more ugly and twisted than it already was. Keroberos let out a growl, claws lengthening and drawing into the muddy ground.

"Keep your calm, Keroberos," Yue's soft voice chided sharply.

Keroberos snarled, baring its canines. "I know. It's just that… this guy ticks me off."

Yue wiped the sweat off his brow, raising his hands once more and summoning his crystals.

"Focus on the battle, Keroberos."

"Tch. You don't have to tell me that. I'm well aware of who is the enemy."

"That may be so, but you fail to realise that our purpose is greater than just fighting the enemy."

Keroberos glanced down at the black mass in the centre of the field. "…Just what is Kaoru thinking?"

Yue sent a flurry of crystals to deflect the lightning bolts from Kaoru. The crystals met the bolts halfway and shattered into dust, shimmering particles scattering back into the environment. The full moon hanging above their heads resonated with his magic, amplifying it. Never had he felt so much power coursing through his veins. He clenched his fists, vowing not to be intoxicated with the allure of the moon's powers. It was not the time and place. He had no right.

"Regardless of what he's planning… our duty is to find out and fulfil our responsibilities."

His silver eyes glinted.

"Even if he's Clow's best friend… we shall have no mercy!"


Eriol leant against the wall, facing the image of the beautiful woman in the mirror. She had long, long black hair that flowed past her waist like a waterfall. It contrasted with her pale, papery white skin that looked far too pale to be considered healthy. He met her eyes, glowing red eyes that held no shock, only calm acceptance in them.

"…It's been a while, Yuko. My… friend."

"Indeed… Clow."

"…I go by Eriol now."

"Is that so?" Her eyes bore deep into his. Even now… even after so many years of being apart… She didn't change one bit. He smiled gently.

"I have a wish to make."

"Oh? Something that even you cannot fulfil yourself?"

Eriol chuckled, rubbing his chest where he felt the protruding scars. "I am in no condition to be casting magic of that magnitude. You're the only one I can entrust this task to, Yuko."

"Like always, it will come with a price."

"I am well aware of that."

"And I demand it now."

Eriol's smile became strained.

"I'm afraid I'm rather pressed for time."

He flinched at her disapproving face. The woman shifted in her cumbersome kimono – one that had a beautiful obi shaped like a butterfly.

"I see. Then I will take a small portion of the price now and save the rest to be taken at a more convenient time."

"That would be much appreciated."

"Then tell me,… Hiiragizawa Eriol. Who are you exactly, and what is Kaoru to you?"

Eriol's smile dropped completely.

"I won't grant your wish until the price has been received."


Sakura opened her eyes, looking up and meeting the eyes of the newcomer.

"…I see you've made yourself comfortable."

Sakura slowly stood up. "In a world of sensory deprivation, I wouldn't classify anything as being remotely comfortable."

The man cocked his head to the side, straggly locks of hair falling over his face. He looked emaciated, malnourished. She could see the dark magic wrecking his body from within. She could barely imagine the amount of pain he must be going through.

"I believe we can come to a compromise." He took a step forward, bring himself closer to her. She eyed him carefully, keeping her senses on the lookout for any potential magical attacks. Kaoru took another step closer, continuing on, "You see… I believe that we can come to terms that will bring about mutual benefits."

"Oh?" He was negotiating now. But what did she have that he didn't? More specifically, what did she have that he wanted?

"You see… I know you didn't come here to finish me off."

Her breath hitched.

'Master? What does he mean?'

"I've seen your heart, Kinomoto Sakura. I know… that you came here to die."


Yukito stopped in his tracks.

Touya turned around, brows furrowed. He tugged on Yukito's hand, which was firmly clasped in his larger, warmer one. "Come on, Yuki. Let's get back to the hotel."

Yukito's grey eyes met his. There was something off in the man's gaze. It was as though… he was not really there.


The man collapsed.


"…What do you mean?" She said quietly.

Kaoru stared back at her, chocolate brown eyes boring deep into her. He smirked, the corner of his lip twisting into an ugly smirk. "I know that you don't really want to go on. Why would you? Your best friend left you for the friend that eventually cost you the life of your father. Your only love chose your brother over you. Even the brat – he turned his back on you over some petty truth. You aren't loved, Kinomoto Sakura. And you hate it."

Her fist clenched.

"So you decided to leave it all behind. You came to China to avoid reality, but reality followed you here. And now, you just want to leave it all behind for good. I know you, Kinomoto Sakura. And I can grant you your dearest wish."

He raised a hand, offering it to her.

"Only I can grant you your wish."


Yue dropped to his knees, wings fading. He clutched his chest, wheezing heavily.

Keroberos dropped down beside the guardian, using his wings to bat off the dark bolt of lightning from Kaoru. He winced at the impact, feeling the flesh beneath the charred feathers burn from both the electricity and the dark magic. "Yue! Oi! Are you okay?!"

Yue shook his head, choking out, "My magic… my magic is fading…"

Keroberos' eyes widened.



Yuko slowly looked up. She contemplated his words. It was not that it was unsatisfactory. She simply shocked at the answer she received.

"…You've changed… Clow. No… It's Eriol now, isn't it?" She unfolded her arms, facing him properly.

The blue headed teen smiled back, though his smile was laced with something akin to bitter happiness.

"You said it before. Meetings have the power to change people. We only change after meeting someone. That someone simply made a big impact in me."

"And that someone… is it Kinomoto Sakura or Daidouji Tomoyo?"

The two important women in his life.

"…It's neither."


"If you take my hand, I will trap you in this dimension for eternity. I will take you existence instead, and return to reality in your place. Here, you will be safe and sheltered. You will finally leave reality behind. That's what you want, isn't it?"

Kaoru beckoned her forward.

Sakura stared at his hand. Her fist was clenched tightly. It was clenched so tight that her knuckles were white and she could feel sharp pricks of pain in her palm.

'Master… what is he talking about? Master!'

She shut out the voices in her head. The voices of her cards.

Oh, how selfish she was. To think this man who had seen her less than a dozen times had seen right through her when the people around her couldn't. To think she had walked right into his trap, willingly, no matter how subconsciously it was. To think she had harboured such selfish desires within her all this time… to leave behind everything and just lie down and disappear.

He was right. It was what she really wanted.

She took a step forward. And another. And another, until she was right up in front of him.

"Kinomoto Sakura… come, and let me fulfil your wish."

He reached for her hand.


Yuko raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? So who was it?"

"Kinomoto Fujitaka."

The boy remained smiling throughout. It unnerved her slightly.

"Kinomoto… Fujitaka… The other reincarnation of Clow Reed… and Kinomoto Sakura's father? The very one whose soul is now residing within you?"

"The very same." He pressed a palm to his chest, right above where his heart was located.


"Because his intruding existence… made me realise that I'm not Clow. I used to think that I was Clow Reed, greatest sorcerer of all time. I personified Clow. His mischievous side, his intelligent side… but I was wrong. Because Clow Reed is much more than that. He loves. He feels pain. He regrets," Eriol's eyes darkened. "What I was... was a two-dimensional Clow Reed, when he was actually three-dimensional. My whole life was a lie."

She felt a stab of pain in her heart.

"I am not Clow Reed. I merely thought I was. After taking in Kinomoto Fujitaka… the other half of Clow Reed… I finally understood this."

She didn't want to hear this.

"Because Clow Reed is dead. And he will remain dead. I am Hiiragizawa Eriol, just a boy who has a portion of Clow Reed's memories. After taking in Fujitaka-san, after understanding Clow Reed fully… I realise I am not him, nor will I ever be him."

His eyes met hers. He silently pleaded for him to stop.

"…Clow is dead, Yuko. All that's left is his legacy."

He reached forward and touched the mirror, the invisible barrier in between the both of them.

"Let him go."

A tear fell from her eyes.

"…Your wish has been granted."



She slapped his hand away and stepped back.

Kaoru's face was filled with shock, before it was clouded with confusion and then twisted with cold fury.


Why indeed.

"…I am not worthy of such a merciful end. To simply curl up and disappear? That's hardly going to cover all these dark thoughts I've had. I deserve a much more painful end than this," She took another step back. Her hand stung with pain. She could feel warm blood dripping between her clenched fingers. "And besides… even if I don't want to live anymore, I can't just die like that. There are people… whose existence is tied to mine. I can't rob them of their existences just because I decided to curl up and die!"

She raised her bright emerald gaze to his.

"There are things that I need to do before I die. I won't let you take me away just like this!"

He snarled. "Then I'll just take you by force!"

He reached for her.

The black world erupted in a burst of light.


Shaoran felt cold. He was soaked to the bone from the relentless downpour, and fatigued from fighting. His sword hung limply in his hands.

This is the end. In the end, the Clan Heir was amounted to nothing more than just a weak boy that couldn't match up to others without help. He wondered if his mother was disappointed in him. But then again, he would never know.

The two guardians were already down. The human-like one, Yue, had collapsed halfway through. His magical force pulsed weakly. He was on the verge of disappearing. The other one, Keroberos, had exhausted himself from defending both Yue's unconscious body and the dark mass that was Sakura. He too was lying unconscious on the muddy floor.

This was the end.

He was going to die.

"Any last words, brat? I would so dearly like to take your arms as well, if you don't mind."

He could hear the splatter of mud as the man made his way across the torn field to where he was kneeling. He could hear the sound of a blade cutting through wind, and he could sense the magic that embedded the sword that was now raised above his head, ready to be swung down at any moment.

He muttered something under his breath.

"What was that, brat?"

"Go to hell," He spat.

There was a chuckle.

"I would, if I could."

And death came speeding down towards him.


To be continued.

And… once again, I have let you all down by taking this long to update. The past few months have been crazy. I had major exams one after another. The school was like: "Oh, let us reduce your stress by spacing your finals a few weeks apart. This gives you time to study." In reality, all it did was prolong the suffering.

I'm not sure how long the next chapter will take. I really tried to finish this one quickly, but at the same time I was trying out something different. It didn't really turn out the way I wanted it to be, but it was okay enough.

And to be honest, I was completely enraptured with the talent that is Song Joong Ki for the past few days. I have been watching The Innocent Man nonstop, only pausing to force myself to write a bit here and there or to let the show buffer while I watch Running Man which also stars Joong Ki for the first 40 or so episodes. I am such a slacker. I am sorry. *bows 90 degrees*

I hope you like this chapter! Please do leave a review if you can spare the time. Because this was a bit rushed, I might have made a few mistakes here and there and which I missed out in the proof-reading (which normally takes a few days). If there are any mistakes, please do tell me! Thanks again!