A/N- It had been awhile, but here I am. Did you miss me? Did any of you say to yourselves, 'Hey, where has Victor gone? She hasn't written anything recently.' Well, I am back. Anyway, after seeing the season finale, you all know that I can not leave something like that. I just can't help myself. I need to write this story, and I hope you will all love it. I know I love the idea, and I do hope that it becomes what I want it to be, because you never know with these types of stories. I would like to than Jesse Greene, before I begin, because I got the title name from her album "A Demond And Her Lovers," though I named the story "A Demond And Her Friends." Okay, I am done monolouging, (YES! I KNOW THAT IS SPELT WRONG! I CAN'T SPELL, DEAL WITH IT!) I might diolouge for a moment, but I don't think so. Okay, here we go.

"You can't run away from this Michael."

"How do you know...?"

"Are you surprised?"

"Shandel, would it be to much trouble for a straight answer?"

"You know me, Michael. I love the game."

"Then let's play Monopoly."

"Ooh. Harsh. There's no need to be rude, Michael."

"Concentrate, Shandel. How much pressure am I facing?"

"Besides the entire Norwegian government coming after you?"

"Yes, besides that."

"Well, I will be coming after you, along with everyone in my operation."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because the bad guys never seem to grasp the concept of being subtle."

"So you're just filling a stereotype?"

"I have a reputation, Michael."

"So do I, Shandel."

"Michael, if you walk through that door, I will shoot you."

"No you won't."

"Are you really going to put your pretty, little head on the line based on an incorrect assumption?"

"Ahh, that would be a no."

". . ."

". . . "

"Snapping, Michael? "

"It works everytime."

"How much prep did you have to do, to get the explosives in place? How long did it take? Who do you have helping you? How are you even out of Miami?"

"Some questions are better left un-answered."

"You won't do this. You won't let me die here."

"Like I said, I have a reputation."

"Yeah, one that includes a soft spot for children and old ladies. Or was that all just a cover to keep Fiona and your mother happy."

"Goodbye, Shandel."

"You can't run from me, Michael. This isn't over."

"It is over, for both of us."

"We will meet again, Michael."

"Write me a Christmas card."