Day: 3

Moon: 2

Season: 19

The war. That's all that matters to them. The war. Been going on for as long as anyone could remember. They can remember one thing, it seems, and one thing only. They are your enemy. They will attack you, wound you, and leave you for dead. Who is they, you may ask? Well... you, actually. But they don't think they do those things... it's impossible for the to think that. Treasonous. It's impossible for them to be wrong. I think that's whatyou think, too. Just the same as they do. Now, what do I know about the war? The oldest of the elders can still remember the peace times. Not true peace, no... but when there was four Clans. ThunderClan, WIndClan, ShadowClan, and RiverClan. They worshiped their ancestors, I think. Yeah. Load of good it did them. And as for the cause of the war... they doh't remember, but popular opinion says that at a Gathering, which was when all four Clans gathered together in peace, ShadowClan and RiverClan broke their bonds to their ancestors. The two Clans then formed one, and they called themselves IvyClan. That's you, I belive.

Attacks were swift and brutal. IvyClan, as they were nicknamed, lead attacks into ThunderClan's and WIndClan's camps, which were all the prey was, and where everybody lived. We all live alone, now. Many cats were lost, and the prey was scattered. ThunderClan and WindClan formed an alliance under Onestar and Firestar, called just, The Clan. And under them, The Clan won many great victories against IvyClan, particularly at The River. The Clan was losing ground, and many cats were running. For a while, it seemed as if The Clan was going to lose. But, with a great roar, our current leader, Lionstar, then Lionblaze, leapt into battle. Like a symphony of claws, it was! Left and right, no matter where you looked, you couldn't see Lionblaze! You just saw a streak of fur, then, always, a pained shreik, and then a poor cat running away from the battle. So they say, that is. Needless to say, The Clan won the battle. Firestar, however, did not fare as well. Nor did the deputy, Brambleclaw. Both were old, and Firestar was on his last life. Now they both had none.

Lionblaze was elected leader, and became Lionstar. However, he was headstrong, and led The Clan into many battles. Battles they couldn't win. Slowly, they lost territory. And now, where it stands, they can barely feed their Clan. These were the events that lead up to the present. The Clan, it seems, is doomed. That's what you want me to tell you, isn't it? One more thing you want? What? Oh. My name, of course. My name is Silver. I am a hired cat, for a losing cause. Please, Lepoardstar, spare my life, and I can provide you with information. Clues. So that you can win quicker, with less bloodshed. Please.