Honey, I Lost the Kids!

Author's Note: I got kinda bored, but hey, maybe you'll like the product of my boredom? Anyhoo, Chapter 2 will be posted soon:D

Chapter 1 - Alex Gets Hired

"Hi, I'm Alex," Alex said monotonusly to the current customer for the billionth time that day. "I'll be your waitress today. Would you like to hear about our specials?" She looked at the woman, praying she said no.

"No thank you," the woman smiled, getting the message.

"Kay. I'll give you a minute to pick something," Alex told her. She scampered to the bar, where Harper was running the cash register.

"So, what are you wearing to the dance?" Harper asked her, sitting across from her.

Alex sighed. "That's my issue. I have nothing to wear!"

"Ooh! Idea!" Harper announced. "I could make you a dress if you want! What's your favorite animal?"

Alex looked at her friend's current outfit: a blue dress with neon green seahorses, hard-to-miss neon green leggings, and a seashell headband. She shuddered. "Sorry, Harper, but I'm gonna have to pass. There's a dress down at Martie's that I really want. Problem is, I already spent my allowence of these." she propped her foot on the table, proudly showing off her new checkerboard high tops.

Harper rolled her eyes. Before she could reply, a little boy about eight approached the two of them.

"Alex! Alex!" he exclaimed, making Alex spin around to face him.

"What's up, Dude who apperently knows me from somewhere?"

"You waited you table. What's that over there?" he asked, pointing to the wall covered in poorly drawn drawings on napkins and kids meal pages. Alex smiled.

"Oh, that's my art wall. Any time a squirt in the resteraunt draws something for me, I tape it up over there for all to see." She grinned and shrugged. As grouchy and devious Alex could be, she always had a soft spot for kids, being just a kid herself at heart.

"Oh. Well, I drew you something for your wall, if you like it," he hesitantly pulled a kid's meal menu from behind his back. He flipped the menu over to the white backside, which was a drawing of a dark-haired stick person, holding a tray of sandwiches. In big purple crayon letters, it read, "ALEX. BY KANE DANIELS."

Alex smiled as she took it from him, "this is awesome, Kane!" She chuckled, "Check it out, Harper!" she held up the picture next to her face and made a dopey grin, "Look's just like me, right?" :)

Kane's face lit up like a Christmas tree, "Do you like it?"

Alex met him at eye level and smiled. "I love it," she smiled. "You wana help me put it up?" Kane grinned and nodded as they walked over to the wall. He picked out a spot for it. Alex taped it up. They stepped back to admire it.

"Looks good, right?" she asked him. He nodded and held up his hand for a high five. She returned it and rumpled his shaggy brown hair.

"Kane! We're leaving! C'mon!" a woman called after them. (yes, same chick from before:)

"Aww," he pouted, "Bye, Alex!" he took off after his mother as Alex walked back to the register.

"You know, Alex, you're suprisingly really good with kids." Harper informed her. Alex shrugged and stole a pickle slice out of the jar in front of her.

"Excuse me, Alex, is it?" Kane's mother asked her.

"That's the name, don't wear it out," Alex warned her, smiling down at Kane.

"Ha, funny," she laughed, "I was wondering, do you babysit?"

Alex looked back at Harper in confusion. "Babysit?" she mouthed.

"You'll get paid," Harper mouthed back.

"Oh! Yeah! Pshh 'Course I do!" Alex replied.

"Are you available tomorrow night?"

Alex, once again, looked back at Harper for help. Harper nodded, her face reading "duhh!"

"Yes? I think."

"Great. Do you think you could watch my Kane and my other two for me? I know it's short notice, but I really need a sitter."

Harper coughed at her, "*cough*, YES! *cough*."

Alex shot her a death glare, "*cough* No DURRR! *cough*. Yes, I am available."

"Thank you so much, Alex. You are a lifesaver! I'll explain it tomorrow." she smiled and sighed in relief. she scribbled her number down on a napkin and handed it to her. "Bye!"

Alex looked at the napkin. "No problem." she Looked down at Kane again, "Bye, Kane."

So, Alex has a babysitting job. Sounds normal, right?

But what happend when Kane finds Alex's wand, and casts a spell by mistake?

hmmm... :)

Please review. I'm pretty sure Chapter 1 sucked, but it WILL get interesting! Promise! :)