Hey guys. I'm not really getting any feedback D: If there's a problem with my writing, or it's uninteresting, please let me know so I can fix it! I would really like to get some Reviews from everyone! Thank you!

It was early afternoon, and the four teenagers, one in a cast, the other in handcuffs, a scruffy man with a beer belly and a cigar in his mouth, and another who looked like he had just gotten out of the army, were walking towards a more beat down looking vehicle. Too small to be called a transportation bus, but fatter than a mini-van, the old blue and white, paint pealing, transportation vehicle, stood proudly at the farthest end of the parking lot. The older, scruffy man, who was also the driver, made it clear he did not want to make any trips, nor did he want to drive around for them, meaning Sierra had to walk. The stronger man did look upset about this, but said nothing, and continued to hold onto Duncan as they walked, one hand on his cuffed wrists, the other on the back of his head, as if he was going to push him into a police car at any moment. Cody, wanting to be helpful, wrapped an arm around Sierra to help her move, but after some time he had to stop and regain his composure, his own head beginning to spin, which made everyone stop and wait for him to get better, pissing the driver off even more.

"'Ey, Hurry the damn up so we can get out of this bloody place!" He hissed with an accent. Cody couldn't tell if it was English, Welsh, or Scottish. The man, himself, looked like he could have been any of them, but, then again, he didn't know much about the culture and people, so he wasn't one to make any assumptions. "I ain't got all day!"

The stronger man gave the driver a piercing look, but the driver shrugged it off as if it was nothing. "Get off ya bloody cane an atten' to yer job, mister security man!" He spoke with a vile voice and pulled his cigar out to spit on the ground.

"I suggest you keep your mouth shut before we have ourselves a little accident," The security man spoke to him with a deep voice, his muscles under his tight shirt flexing slightly.

"Oh, I'm so scared of yer threats. Yer nothin' more than a transporter boy, ye little faggot. I dare ya to come an' fight me. Watch as ye get fired and arrested like the lil' punk in yer arms."

The security man's frown deepened but he did nothing. He knew he could get in trouble if he did the first move, so he said nothing more and pushed Duncan hard for him to keep walking, going ahead from the group. Duncan hissed at the pain, but stayed quiet. He knew these kind of men. If you did one little thing to piss them off, and already had a record, you could get your ass beaten, and they could make others believe you did the first move.

"I-it's ok, I can walk now," Cody said and began moving slowly. He didn't like that his lack of movement got the two adults into a bicker battle.

"Are you alright?" Gwen asked Cody, offering to help the boy move. Sierra quickly crutched over and scowled at Gwen, cutting the Goth girl off.

"I think you've done enough," She hissed and went to Cody's side, which pissed him off. He had seen the change in Sierra and watched her all day make crude comments about the innocent Goth Girl.

"No, I think YOU have done enough! I don't need your help, Sierra, so I rather you go with Duncan and the security guard because someone who I would rather be around is not you!" Cody snapped at the tanned girl. He was angry. He was tired, his head was hurting again, and while he cared for this girl on a friendly basis, that was fogged up by his anger.

Sierra looked at him with wide eyes, stunned. Never had she ever been rejected with such anger by him before. Everyone else, even the adults, stopped to watch the scene that happened before them. Duncan whistled, but was soon hit in the head lightly by the security guard.


"What?!" Cody snapped and turned his head sharply, ignoring the pounding within his skull, to face Gwen. She frowned, and his anger vanished. He recoiled slightly, feeling his throat close up with tears threatening to show. He turned his head again and headed for the vehicle, saying nothing more.

Everyone watched him, Sierra slowly following and Gwen being the last of the group. The driver quickly made it to his machine and got in, putting the key in the ignition, turning it, bringing the transportation machine to life with a roar of it's engine. He gave a proud laugh and kissed his hand before patting the steering wheel. He really loved this semi-broken down vehicle.

Cody was the first person to get on besides the driver. He sat at the very back, silent, guilt filling up his body, his soul. He would rather hide in the very back than go near the front, so he could cry silently and without anyone seeing him. Once sitting, he pressed his forehead against the back of the seat in front of him, trembling slightly. This trip had only gone from worse to tragic. He couldn't even begin to think of how it could get any-


Her voice. It was her voice again. He quickly cleaned himself up and lifted his head, his eyes red and puffy from crying. Gwen was next to him, a small frown on her face, her expression filled with worry. Looking around, he noticed the vehicle was in motion. Sierra was sitting in the front on the left side of the vehicle behind the driver. Duncan and the security guard were on the right side, on the second seat row of seats, which wasn't that far up ahead from Gwen and Cody.

"Cody, I'm sorry.." Gwen started, but was interrupted by the boy.

"Sorry..?" He asked "You're sorry? Gwen, you didn't do anything.." He said and put a hand on her shoulder when she began shaking her head. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for snapping at you.. I should have.. I shouldn't have even gotten mad at Sierra.." He sighed. He was so angry at himself for letting his temper loose.

She shook her head "It's ok," She smiled "I understand, Cody. You had gone through a lot, and I don't blame Sierra for being mad at me... I mean, if it weren't for me, Duncan wouldn't have hurt you.." She sighed and looked over at the punk, his hands still handcuffed behind his back. "Duncan and I.. We're no lo-"

"Fuckin' 'Ell man!" The driver hissed and swerved around another, slower car, honking at them. It was the only car they had seen the entire drive, the honk long and loud. "Learn how to drive ya dick wads!" He screamed at them through the open window.

About a second after he finished screaming, there was a long and loud rumble. The driver slowed down slightly, causing the car behind them to run into the back, both cars coming to a stand still. Soon, the entire vehicle was shaking, as if there was an Earthquake. Sierra shrieked and the security guard stood up slightly while Duncan fell out of his seat.

"H-hey!" He screamed at the security guard "I don't have working arms!" He tried to get up, but couldn't when the ground began to shake even more.

Cody wrapped his arms around Gwen protectively, holding her close. At first, she looked displeased at the contact, but when the vibration grew, she no longer cared. She looked around, fear showing on her expression. "Cody..?" She said his name softly.

"'Oly shit..!" The driver yelled and got out of his seat quickly, but couldn't really go anywhere. The driver from the car behind them, a man, had came to hell at the driver, but stopped and ran back to his car.

Cody looked out the window to see a giant white and gray wall heading for them. It was an avalanche, one filled with rocks. He made a cry of disbelief and fear before pushing Gwen onto the other side of the vehicle, onto her back, and held onto her, shielding her body from whatever harm that could happen before a loud BANG was heard and the entire vehicle moved roughly in the other direction.

More screaming was heard and the sound of glass shattering filled the air. Cody didn't look up from his spot. He continued to cover Gwen, before realizing she was one of the people screaming. He looked down at her, seeing fear on her face. He felt like crying as he realized this could be the end for them. He wanted to say something, anything, to kiss her, to tell her everything would be alright. Before he could do anything, though, more pain exploded throughout his body, and he cried in agony, before something hard hit the back of his head, and, like before, the entire world around him went black.

Wow :O what's going on with Cody now D; also, just to let everyone know! The entire time when Cody was looking down at her, and thinking about her, was about a second or two long.

Now, what's going to happen? Will Cody even wake up? Is this the end for him? Stay tuned to find out the rest!

Please, Read and Review!
