Frost my Heart: Ch IV

A/N: Hello all, thanks to those of you who are reviewing, your comments are thoughtful and encouraging. Seeing as my classes will be starting updates may be coming a bit slower, and I do apologize. I also apologize for the wait on this chapter, I've been moving. Haha. This is a long one though, so at least you waited for something substantial!

Anyhow, enjoy the chapter, I don't own anything from the Santa Clause… damn. Lol.


"Scott!" Jack gleefully greeted the man that greatly resembled Santa Clause.

'Scott' looked confused for a moment, his eyes lingering on Holly as he addressed Jack. "Jack." He muttered and shook his head. "Jack!" Scott turned fully now to the Winter Spirit as if suddenly realizing his actual presence in the workshop.

"Santa" Bernard cut it. "I told him how busy we are, he knows what time of year it is, and and-" he couldn't seem to find the words to further describe the situation as he once again turned to Holly. She looked so innocent of all this. Bernard's face softened a bit. "And this!" he continued, motioning in Holly's direction.

Scott was momentarily ignoring his head elf and his large blue eyes flickered between Jack and Holly. 'I'm not going to get mad…' he told himself as he ran a hand through his thick white hair. "Ok" he said with a sigh, his eyes landing on Jack. "Explain Frost."

"What? Santa. It's simple! He brought a-"

"Bernard please." Scott pulled his hand across his neck in a slicing motion, meaning for the elf to shut it. Scott was hoping desperately that, somehow… the seemingly delirious girl could be convinced she was in 'Canada'.

"May I?" Jack inquired with a touch of impatience in his sweet tone. He cleared his throat before he began. "Santa, if we could." He eyed Bernard, "speak in private?"

Scott rolled his eyes. "Jack, I don't have time for this, I just don't."

Jack had opened his mouth for a retort when their conversation was interrupted by none other than Carol Claus. The lovely mother Christmas appeared behind her husband with a soft smile on her mouth and steaming coco in her hands. Jacks eyes flashed darkly for a moment as his plan began to materialize. Sweet Carol, that was the ticket. Her eyes moved around the room to each of them before finally landing on Holly. Perfect.

"Oh! Who's this Scott?" Always eager to see the face of a 'taller person' Carol darted from behind her husband as she spoke and moved briskly over to Holly, who was looking a bit frazzled; fighting exhaustion, her breath was becoming heavy and her face was now flushed from both exhaustion and a growing frustration.

As he watched the perfect situation unfold, completely unprovoked before him Jack grinned a little to himself. Motherly instinct- that's exactly what he needed to soften up old Santa. He just had to wait and let Carol make her own assessment of the current situation and of Holly. This was all strangely easy… He'd have to stay on his toes despite the excellent luck.

"I'm Carol" she introduced herself with a large warm smile and held her hand out to the awkwardly silent Holly.

Holly swallowed, praying her mouth would move for her, she extended her hand and offered Carol a small grin, apparently the little movement was all her literally petrified lips could manage. This was all so absurd. She couldn't take this awful silence anymore. Jack Frost was going to be sorry he'd kidnapped her, sorry he'd ever met her and sorry she was having such a wicked dream. Her mind raced. Then she spotted the steaming cup in Carol's hand. 'Play I cool Holly. Play it cool.'

"Oh, you're freezing" Carol gasped as she held tightly to Holly's hand, rubbing it for warmth that wouldn't come. "Oh dear… do you have a fever?" Carol pushed her hand under Holly's thick long bangs to feel her forehead. Holly glowered, but only a little. She had to get that cup… "You're burning up!" Carol exclaimed upon examination, worry washing over her motherly face.

Holly could do this, it was simple. She widened her large dark eyes and put as soft a smile as she could manage on her lips and pointed to Carols coco, then rubbed her throat, indicating how sore it was and how cold she felt. Pity card, play the pity card.

Jack panicked. He saw what she was playing at… cunning little vixen. Do something quick… "Carol she's lactose intolerant!" he shouted and grabbed Holly's outstretched hand before grinning very sheepishly at Mrs. Claus.

Carol stepped back, worried by Jack's rather strange outburst. "Oh…" she replied rather awkwardly before looking closely at Holly. "Does she… does she talk Jack? At all?"

Feeling her squirm in his grip Jack tightened his hold on Holly's forearm warningly. "She's umm, well she's shy…" Holly rolled her eyes behind him and wriggled again, trying to break away from him. "And…" He had to think of something quick… the situation was spinning out of his control rapidly. Leave it to Holly to destroy what was once a smooth and easy plan. Didn't she see it was all for her? He needed her trust, but there just wasn't time for that. 'Follow through Jack. Follow through.'

He lowered his voice and leaned into Carol "she's just a bit 'off' if you understand… doesn't know what's good for her. I tell you if she drank that coco she'd be- OWW!"

But he hadn't the time to finish his insulting fabrication because Holly had heard quite enough. She pushed the pain from her mind, took a deep inhalation for strength and kicked Jack as hard as she could in the shin. The effect was instant and just as she had desired.

Jack released her in surprise and in that moment Holly snatched the coco from Carols hand. She'd apologize later. Raising the hot mug to her lips she quickly downed as much of the sickeningly sweet liquid as she could. How she hated coco. But the warm thick liquid did its job and feeling was restored to her once numbed lips. She dropped the mug to the floor where it shattered and she began to cough, doubling over from the force, she held her sides as she sputtered. Her breath coming more and more shallow the longer she stood.

He was instantly at her side, catching her as she doubled over in another fit of coughs. She wanted to push him away, to stand on her own but she didn't have the power left. Today, tonight, whatever it was, she didn't care anymore, had been trying to say the least.

Carol stood, frozen in motion, shocked as she seemed to deliberate weather to help the young woman or to be completely alarmed by her outburst.

'Its all in your mind. All in your head Holly. You can stop the pain whenever you want to.' Holly shut out the world for a moment, focusing on composing herself. It was all about willpower, she could do it. Just breathe easy. In a few moments she evened out, and lifted her head, leaning on Jack only out of necessity. She was sweating. "I'm so… sorry." She spoke to Carol softly. "I had to. I'm sorry for, breaking your mug."

Jack glanced quickly at Holly with a flash of amused confusion. "You're sorry for breaking her mug?"

"Shut up." Holly snapped, with as much venom as she could muster, grasping his velvet blazer tightly for support.

"You shut up." He shook his head as he reached down and sweeping her tired feet from under her, scooped her up. "Well." He prompted looking pointedly at the roomful of startled elves along with Carol and Scott. "What?"

"Put me down." Holly demanded halfheartedly into his chest.

Jack ignored her and focused all of his attention on Carol, whose sweet eyes lay on Holly's feverish face. He tried to look calm, which was… difficulty naturally.

"Jack this is ridiculous! I just can't do this right now, I won't! I have limited time left until I have to ride the sleigh and you've kidnapped some poor human girl and brought her to the middle of my very busy workshop!" Scott was shaking his head in frustration as Jack stood silently. Waiting, waiting for what he was praying for. Patience wasn't one of his more 'polished' qualities but he was giving it his best shot. "Jack I'm going to have to as-"

"Scott." Carol spoke up timidly. "Please Scott." Those were the magic words Jack had been itching to hear.

Carol would do all of the talking. He knew he could never have convinced Santa on his own… not after… well. Ha. Everything. Several specific images flashed across his minds eye. Particularly the one of him hitting Scott in the head with a shovel last year while trying to take his job… They had never exactly gotten past that one… or the freezing of his family… or the terrible Christmas musical. 'North Pole, North Pole… pure gold North Pole.' Jack maintained that his little tune was charming and catchy. Oh well…

Scott stopped mid breath and turned to his wife. "What…? " He looked over her large kind eyes and saw something he couldn't fight, the wetness of neat little tears forming by her lashes. "Carol… oh sweetheart don't anything but that Mrs. Claus." He put a comforting arm around her.

"I'm a mom now Scott. We have Buddy. I can see it. She's sick." She paused, fighting her tears for a moment. "She is isn't she Jack?" Everyone turned to him, waiting. Even Holly.

He had her. This was the moment. His icy eyes looked to no one else, only straight to Carol. "Yes."

Holly lay listlessly in his arms, powerless to flee, to escape this nightmare. The nightmare where she was sick. Where she was weak. She was sure when she woke up she would be at home… and perhaps late for her auditions. When she woke up this would have all been a dream, a terrible, terrible dream. Perhaps she had just gotten tired and had a fever in the night. Maybe it was just a little fever.

"I'm going to handle this tonight Scott. No questions. It's not me that's so busy. It's you. I'll take care of this." As she spoke Carol pushed past Santa and Bernard who had fallen silent at her resolved words. "Lets go upstairs for now." She whispered, walking by Jack and leading the way. "There are several very comfortable spare bedrooms just above the workshop."

Before following Carol Jack shot Bernard a rather nasty glance and then disappeared though the workshop behind Mrs. Claus.

"Well." Scott started, tugging nervously at his beard. "Looks like she said her piece."

Bernard flashed his brows in surprise. "What? Said her piece? What's that supposed to mean Santa? Are you… are you seriously going to just let him stay? He obviously has something up his sleeve, using some sick girl to weasel his way in here right in the middle of the Christmas rush!"

Scott sighed and looked his head elf in the eyes for a moment. "She said her piece Bernard. Means 'that's it.' No 'ifs' 'ands' or 'buts' about it. Finished."

Bernard seemed highly confused.

Scott shook his head and chuckled a little to himself. "You'll learn. You'll learn."

Across the workshop floor Holly was beginning to panic. She couldn't fall asleep. As much as she wanted to she couldn't. If she fell asleep she'd wake up in her bed- at home in her apartment. She was sure of it.

The three of them wound their way through the workshop, around the Naughty Nice Center, past the trains and dolls and up a large winding stare case, complete with ribbons, garland and tensile to a quieter floor overlooking the entire workshop on a long and spacious balcony. They followed a wide hall and Carol stopped by the first door, opening it.

Holly instantly perked up, leaning away from Jack's cool chest to get a clearer look at her accommodations for the evening. The room was large and beautiful, complete with an expansive rug covering most of the dark wood floor in colors of navy, ivory, gold and lush burgundy. The walls were painted a creamy peanut butter color and there were tall French windows leading out onto a small balcony. In the center of the room sat a stately oak four-poster covered in beige down comforters, just waiting for her to sink into it.

Carol smiled brightly seeing Holly paying attention and crossed the rug to pull the sheets back on the bed. "You like it?" she asked as she fluffed one of the big feather pillows. "This is my favorite guest bed room."

"This is beautiful. I… I don't know what to say really." She blushed a bit, taking in the details. But she couldn't stay. She couldn't. She had to wake up soon.

"I'm glad you finally like something." Jack quipped as he made his way over to the large bed and dumped her unceremoniously onto the pillow soft mattress. "I was beginning to think we had gotten off on the wrong foot." He continued with the same feigned callousness. "If you know what I'm saying." He grinned mockingly down at her, reaching to pull the comforter over her chilled and feverish body.

She stopped him, holding up her hand in mild protest. "Jack. Jack just, just stop it."

"Holly, now isn't the time to be finky." He offered with a giggle. "Lay do-"

She slipped out of his grip and pushed herself towards the headboard. "No. No Jack." She let out a yelp and dodged as he made a grab for her ankle. She did laugh a little, despite herself.

He was amused by her continued protests. He wanted everything to be ok but first he needed her to calm the hell down. Seriously. "Don't evade me!" he snapped with a sly smile, standing up and planning his next play attack.

Holly couldn't help but grin. Only a little. This was all so absurd.

"Ah!" he shouted, pointing to her wildly and grabbing Carol by the shoulder, spinning her around. "Look, see" he spoke to Mrs. Claus while watching Holly attempt to cover her grin. "She smiles! Would you look at that Mrs. Claus? And isn't she adorable when she does hmm?"

Carol laughed her jolly laugh and looked Holly over. She looked much healthier with a little color to her cheeks. "A nice smile sure does go a long way." She commented. And it did. Even with her little grin, Holly seemed to light up.

"Oh for heavens sake!" Jack joked, and batted her hands away from her mouth. "Don't cover it up!" He leaned back and rested his hands on his hips, observing Holly's now actively smiling face. "I'm not going to have you being all 'gloom and doom obsessive workaholic in here.' Kapesh?"

'Workaholic…' the term struck a nerve with Holly. Class. Ballet. She had to get home. Her light grin faded and she slid down off of the pillow to sit at the edge of the bed. She sighed, holding in her frustrations. It wasn't Jack's fault. It was a dream. This was her fault. Her body's own weak fault for not waking up. She was the only one that could make it better. She could use his help though… she supposed. After all it was a dream, maybe he knew the way out… like the Cheshire Cat helped Alice in her wild dreams. Jack Frost as the Cheshire Cat. She shook her head, she could almost see the resemblance in their maniac smiles. "Jack, I need to wake up."

Jack, had momentarily disappeared to go rummaging in the closet, looking for something with Carol's help he replied from behind the slightly ajar door. "Don't be silly! You're quite awake!"

"No. Jack. Listen to me. I'm not awake…" There was a thud in the closet. "Are you listening to me?"

"I'm hanging on every loony word Starshine!"

Carol emerged from behind the door, a silky garment folded neatly over one arm. "I'm going to be very upset with whoever is in charge of housekeeping on this floor" she breathed. "Apparently someone thinks it's perfectly fine to shove every loose sleigh in there and just sweep all of the snow back. Not to mention this closet hasn't been weeded in ages. There are perfectly good Christmas trees growing and they're just overrun with ivy."

"I'm not being 'loony' I'm being serious." She yelled back to Jack before Carol's words registered with her. Weeded…? The closet? "…There are Christmas Trees in there?" Holly inquired as her jaw fell slightly and she peered towards the closet Jack was still rummaging through. Fever. She would bet a million that her fever was spiking.

"Oh. Well." Carol blushed. Holly didn't need to know about magical closets… "Just the fake ones dear. Fake fake fake. Haha. Anyhow they're all strewn about." Throwing her arms in the air to demonstrate she grinned at her quick cover and held what she had been carrying out to Holly. It was a silky green nightgown.

Holly bit her lip a little. She was running out of time. The night had to be coming to an end. She grinned nervously at Carol and accepted the gift. "Thank you. Again." She offered sheepishly.

"It has to be more comfortable than what you're wearing. Hospital gowns are so scratchy."

Holly's eyes narrowed. This was getting a little too real…

Carol giggled a little, "when I was about your age, maybe 20 or so, I got so stressed out with my freshman classes that I passes out in my shower and my roommate had to take me to the emergency room!" She shook her head. "I was furious. I had a test the next day."

Holly felt her fingers flexing against the sheets nervously. She unconsciously reached up and tucked them into her hair, twisting dark strands tightly around her fidgeting fingers. "You. You went to college. Where did you go?" Everything was getting too real. This psychotic fabrication was normalizing itself. That couldn't be good. Or. Maybe it was. Maybe she was waking up.

"Me? Oh I went to Bates. But I got my masters from Columbia." She seemed elated with their conversation. "You know, its not often that I get to discuss stuff like that. My college days and all you know. Living here in the North Pole, no one really gets that stuff."

The North Pole. The North Pole? Holly studied Carol intently. Before slipping off her robe. It was actually quite scratchy now that Carol mentioned it. She shivered a bit at its removal. "The North Pole. We're in the North Pole?"

Carol froze for a moment. Oops. She was at a loss. That one. That one just sort of slipped.

A loud SNAP was heard from the closet. "OW! I'm done. That's it. I draw the line at attacking mistletoe." Jack scoffed as he tripped out of the closet, not bothering to shake the snow from his icy jacket. He stopped cold and in midstride as his eyes fell on Carol and Holly. He couldn't suppress a wolfish grin. "Oh, you're changing I see." He cocked his head to the side disregarding any awareness of modesty.

"JACK!" Holly yelped and snatched the nightgown from Carol, covering herself.

Carol turned quickly, blushing herself at the situation and, seeing as she had done enough damage already she quickly removed herself from the situation. Sensing a coming argument she didn't really feel she had a place in. "I'm going to go get some coco. I'll just be right back. I think we could all use a drink." She hurried out. Leaving Holly to blush furiously as she pulled the covers over her legs.

"… Aren't you going to put it on?" Jack asked innocently, leaning against the large vanity.

"Aren't you going to turn around?" Holly snapped, her patience growing thinner by the second.

"You sure you don't need any help with that?"

"I'm quite capable" she sneered as she proceeded to don the garment while under the cover of the blankets. Girl tricks come in handy more often than ever expected.

"Oh." Jack snickered as he watched her contort herself under the sheets. "It seems you are." From across the room his eyes were deep blue and trained on hers.

Holly blushed deeply. "Enough."

"Lighten up mi niña bonita" he growled playfully. Sauntering towards her as she finally succeeded in dressing herself.

She pulled the sheets back and sat calmly with her legs crossed elegantly. "I don't find Spanish seductive in the least." She commented. "Doesn't do it for me. Try again."

Jack scoffed a little to himself. Spanish was fun. But of course she wouldn't like it… it was fun. "Vous êtes une femme difficile." He offered, knowing his French wasn't too terrible.

"Oh? I'm difficult hmm? Well 'bravo' monsieur." She grinned at him happily again, knowing she was about to ruin the mood irreversibly. "Jack. You have to take me home."


Damn. She's not going to be swept away be his flirtations so easily. First things first though- translations.

mi niña bonita is, 'my beautiful girl' and Vous êtes une femme difficile is 'you are a difficult woman.' Haha.

Other than that I am sorry that this chapter took forever for me to finish! But hey, it's long. Let me know what you think of characters, situations, dialogues, and anything else you notice. As usual, I'm open to suggestions and criticisms. Can't wait to hear from you all and to get writing on this next chapter!