i don't even know where this came from. i just wanted to write a cute fic about them doing something domestic, so. yeah. enjoy!

"Oh, my god! Sorry!" James hit someone with the shopping cart. For the third time.

Mrs. Knight had asked Kendall and James to pick up some groceries for her while she cleaned up the apartment, while Katie was at the pool, and Carlos and Logan were out on a date. So, while Kendall walked in the aisles, getting the necessary food items, his boyfriend would push the carriage around. See, if the jobs were switched, then James would just end up putting everything sugary & sweet into the cart. If that was the case, they would be spending hours in there. James had a serious sweet tooth. But, that wasn't the issue.

James kept hitting people with the shopping cart. On accident, of course. James even managed to almost run over a little girl. He just couldn't maintain good direction.

As the first three accidents were, well, accidental, he even hit someone on purpose.

"It wasn't my fault! Did you see the way that guy was looking at you? He had roaming eyes, Kendall! Roaming. Eyes."

Kendall stopped at a shelf and looked to the side at this boyfriend, and smirked. "Yeah? Well, can you blame him? I mean, look at me."

James huffed, "Then maybe he should be your boyfriend!" He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

The blonde laughed lightly and gently removed James' arms from their position. He intertwined their fingers together, swinging their hands from side to side. "Jamesyyyyy, you're the only one for meeeee!" Kendall sing-songed. James laughed at his boyfriend's silliness, and resumed pushing the cart.

On from there, he was doing pretty good. Didn't hit anyone, didn't knock over anything. But then... "Um, ow!" ... oops.

It wasn't his fault he kept getting distracted by his boyfriend's lean back, or his shoulder blades he gripped when Kendall would bite and lick at his – ahem.

"Why did you hit me?" James looked down, "Kendall? Why are you on the floor...?" Kendall looked up from his spot on the tile with a box of Cocoa Pebbles in his hand. "Because someone hit me with a shopping cart!" Kendall stood up and brushed himself off.

He threw the box at his boyfriend, "Hey!", who put his hands up in defense, and the box dropped into the cart. Kendall gave James a playful, accusing look.

James gave a small smile. "Look, I'm sorry, okay! I got a little bit, um..." he smirked, "distracted."

The blonde scoffed, "Yeah, like I haven't heard that before. Try to control the cart... and your sexual urges."

James sighed dramatically, "It'll be hard, but I'll try my best."