Firstly, I will say this: Do not continue reading if you are not prepared for swearing, blood, m/m rape, torture, etc etc. This is a fairly violent and depressing story.

For those who haven't gone away to find something more cheery, I'd like to say that I hope you enjoy the fic, and request that you please review if you have the time. Constructive comments, sans flames, are always appreciated.

Last thing, I promise. I wanted to let you all know that I'm not going to guarantee an ending to this story. I'm an angst-addict, so when I get bored, I'll let you know I'm gonna take a break. I will likely come back and finish later, but in case I don't, I didn't want you to be surprised.

Onward to the story.

Chapter One


At the sound of Tseng's enraged yell, Rude glanced up from the report he was writing, and was just in time to see Reno sprint into his office. Reno slammed the door behind him.

"Yo, Rude."

"What did you do now?"

Reno grinned, but before he could reply, the door crashed open. Tseng was standing there. He looked genuinely angry, but that was nothing new. Rude set down his pen.

"This is the last straw, Reno!" Tseng yelled. "The last straw!"

Reno kept his grin, but he looked just a bit unnerved. Rude didn't blame him; it wasn't often that Tseng yelled like this.

"Calm down, boss-man. It was just a little smoke bomb. If you throw open a window you'll be able see inside your office in a day or two."

It wasn't one of Reno's more inventive or destructive pranks, but Rude knew that Tseng had been running himself ragged lately. With Neo-ShinRa on the rise, it was the Turks' job to keep the president safe, and therefore, Tseng's job.

"Save it, Reno." Tseng was still yelling. "Go and finish your mission today, and then consider yourself suspended indefinitely."

Tseng stomped away. Rude looked over at Reno, who was still gaping in shock at the empty doorway.

"Suspended?" Reno repeated weakly. "Indefinitely?"

It was harsh. Too harsh. "He's just upset," Rude assured him. "He'll calm down by the time you get back."

Reno tried to smile. "Yeah, you're right." He walked over to the door. "See ya when I get back, partner."

Rude went back to his paperwork. He didn't know that would be the last time he saw Reno. If he did, he would have said goodbye.