Disclaimer: I do not own One piece, never have, never will.

A/N Hey sorry I really couldn't resist writing this it's been nagging me for weeks! I even dreamt about it! I know I've been seriously slow on updating my other stories, It's Christmas time forgive me! So this is what I came up with, Read on and enjoy ^-^

Devil Fruit, a very rare fruit that many described as a curse within a blessing. Those who have consumed the said item are bestowed with impossible powers that could only otherwise be dreamt of. In return the ability to venture safely over waters is eternally lost and can never be regained by any worldly force. Some find this a fatal side affect, to others it makes no difference.

Luffy, a raven haired, energetic teen with a dream of becoming King of the Pirates, when young he had eaten the Gomu Gomu no Mi. The Devil Fruit that transforms a living beings flesh and all underneath into rubber. Not many believe this to be a very useful ability, but in truth can protect Luffy from the impact from blunt objects and makes his body more durable against blows. Sharp objects though can penetrate the skin seeing as it they can also penetrate rubber.

Luffy is the only of all the devil fruit users that has one week per year where the powers he had accidentally brought upon himself are released and all side affects disappear. This was caused at his own naive mistake and was something he'd forever regret.


Soon after eating the fruit, Luffy being so young was in distress even after Shanks and Ace had told him that he was going to be fine. His attempt at sleep was to no avail and the questions that swarmed his mind were too overpowering. The decision to solve his problem was to clear his thoughts with a late night walk, only a stroll really. Even with Shanks warnings the raven haired boy had the greatest of urges to see the ocean.

"If no ones around and you fall in the water you will without a doubt, drown."

The way Shanks had spoke to him had sent shivers up his spine, he sounded so, serious. Being serious wasn't one of the emotions Shanks could easily act out, it having the opposite attributes of immaturity and playfulness. The only way Little Luffy could describe him as was scary and cruel, Shanks was his idol but he had yelled at him and called him and idiot.

The first of the young boys senses to alert him that he was close to the sea had been his hearing. He could always distinguish the sound of waves crashing against worn down rocks then retreating back to where it came.

Spying a good sitting rock he strode over and flopped down, immediately regretting that he had done so considering how his body ached. This was do to getting wrapped several times around a pole and stuck there for two hours. Luffy was not yet in control of his new found powers.

"You, Young boy with the raven hair come here I wish to share with you a secret." A stranger in heavy dark clothing spoke in a rough, mysterious voice. Luffy being Luffy, e had a sparkle in his eyes as he flew over to the stranger with high hopes.

"Tell me! Tell me!" You could feeling the excitement oozing from every action he made, from yelling to bouncing and waving his arms.

"Okay, but have to promise not to tell anyone, alright?" There was an eerie smile stretched across the tall strangers face.

"Yes, I promise. I won't even tell Ace or Shanks!" He was yelling very impatiently while hopping from foot to foot.

"I know a way to for two week a year relinquish the abilities and side affects of devil fruit." Luffy was very heavily contemplating his options not knowing a way to reach his decision. Just then the words of Shanks earlier that night invaded his thought and made up his mind for him.

"Luffy! Your ability to swim is gone forever, A man on a ship that is incapable of something as simple as swimming is a useless deadweight. And because of that you will never be able to become King of the Pirates!"

"Can you use your ability on me?" It may be rash decision but anything for his dream.

"Why, yes I can if you'd like, only one thing though." His eyes had a dangerous glint to them and if possible his smile gained a few inches.

"And what would that be?" Luffy may have been young but he knew when he was going to far.

"For the first day of your freedom you will have a slight case of the flu, that is all." His words seemed to good to be true.

"Really, only the flu? Then I except your terms, please use your powers!" This seemed like a dreamed, know he could easily pursue his dream and make Shanks proud.

"As you wish, First close your eyes, then breath in and out at a steady pace." Luffy did as he was told and waited for any further instructions from the man.

Rituals, and chants in another language were streaming from the mans mouth in rhythmic murmurs as he pressed his hands against Luffys chest. A light similar to a flame was drawn from within the young boys chest, cradled in the strangers hands as he took a step backwards. He cracked a devious smirk as he bottled the small flame and peered a the boy he had taken it from.

"I have finished, why not test out your swimming skills." He pressed his hands against the young boy chest once more, but with very different intentions. With one hard thrust the young boy was sent plummeting towards the icy blue water. Before diving head first into his salty grave Luffy stole a glance at he mysterious stranger once more.

"Is he the last I will see of this world what a terrible way to go." was the last he thought until darkness covered the sensation of flesh meeting water far below zero.


A/N hey hoped you liked it! See ya next time! ^-^