Redone Issue: ALRIGHT I KNOW WHAT YOUR THINKING! Yes, I have redone this story and deleted the old one! I AM SOO sorry, i hope I do not loose all my fans. I just got lost in the twist...So sorry. But this story does stay the same up until about chapter 6 maybe? And if this is your first time reading this story then enjoy! But i am sorry my old fans i know this is a horrible move if I EVER want to become a writer but we all make mistakes right?

FULL DESCRIPTION: Hey guys I tried to make this story really interesting! It takes place in Mystic Falls, (of course). Elena broke up with Stefan, so when Stefan left, Elena was mistaken for Katherine and was turned into a vampire by some guy. Anyway now, she is returning to Mystic Falls after 100 years, but she's not the only who's come back. Also returning are the Salvatore Brothers. But one night the 3 (Stefan,Elena and Damon) are encountered by Katerine. Will one of the brothers still have feelings for Katherine? What will happen when Elena is face to face with the b-ach herself? Read and Review Please!

The Vampire Diaries

The Shocking Truth

Chapter 1., The Past And Present


'Have I changed that much? I don't know why I'm returning to Mystic Falls. There's nothing here for me. I haven't been in this town for over a hundred years, Elena Gilbert thought. I can still remember the last time I saw him. Stefan.'

Forget him, I told told myself many times. He left you, unprotected, and human. But I can still remember when he left.

"Elena I'm sorry." Stefan said as he stood on the porch of Elena's house. His eyes full of sorrow. Elena looked up at him questioningly. "For what?" She asked softly. Stefan turned his head and stared at the floor. He said nothing. Elena got up from where she was sitting and now was standing next to Stefan. She placed both hands on his cheeks, and looked him in the eye. "Stefan, what is it?" She asked, more serious.

"Elena-" Stefan started. "I can't stay." He finished. Elena's eyes grew wide, as her hands fell to her side. "W-What?" She mumbled, choking on her forming tears. "What do you mean you cant, stay?" Stefan looked terrible. Like he had just lost someone special to him. The same look when she had figured out her parents were dead. "Elena, Damon and I can't stay. Were not getting any older, people are still dying, other vampires are harming you because of me." He stated. Elena started to argue. "Stefan that isn't true!" She said almost yelling. She couldn't be to loud or she'd wake up Jeremy and Aunt Judith.

"Yes, yes it is Elena. And you know it." Said Stefan. "No, Stefan I don't." Elena looked away. She couldn't bare to hear this. She would fall apart if he left. "Elena this is for your safety. If there were anything else , If there was any other way I could stay I would, but I cant. Please don't make this harder than this is, try to understand." He said. There was a silence. Suddenly, Elena's head shot up. "There is another way!" She said, her eyes filled with hope staring at Stefan. "Take me with you." Stefan's eyes filled with frustration and anger. "No. Elena, I'm not going to ask that of you. You need to stay here, protect Judith and Jeremy." Elena hated this. She hated what he was saying. "How can I Stefan? How can I as long as I'm human?" She told him, without thinking about what she was saying.

Wait, did she just suggest Stefan to turn her into a vampire? She didn't mean to say that, but she was glad she thought of it. As long as there were a way to stay with Stefan, forever, she would do it.

Stefan looked at her as is she were crazy. "What? Elena I'm not going to let you lose your humanity to become something like me." Stefan said. "As long as there is a way I can be with you Stefan, I don't care." More tears were forming in her eyes, she was doing everything to hold them back. "Elena you don't know what your asking! I'm not doing this. I'm not going to." He stated, "I'm sorry Elena." Elena felt the hatred rise in her cheeks. "Fine then! Just go! I don't care, just leave me." Elena shouted and turned around. One of the upstairs lights flashed on. Oh no, Aunt Judith was awake. But Elena didn't care. She was to mad to care about anything.

"Elena." Stefan whispered quietly, grabbing hold of her arm comfortingly. Elena moved away from his hold. "Just go Stefan!" She yelled. Stefan didn't move, he just stood there. Elena finally faced him, and looked him dead in the eye. "Go. Now. I don't love you. There's nothing here for you, so go.

Stefan felt like he had just been stabbed with a wooden stake right in the heart. He obeyed Elena and left. And ever since that night she never saw another Salvatore again.

Elena felt disgusted about the thought of him. After he left, about a month later she was turned. One late night she was walking in a parking lot coming from the store getting something for dinner, and then she was attacked. Some man had thought she was Katherine so he bit and staked her. And here she is now, 'Elena The Vampire'.

It wasn't easy, in the beginning of the process. She only got by from what she learned about Stefan. The basics; Stay from the sunlight, you now have these weird vampire 'powers'. And then you have to make the choice. To drink from a human, or dye.

She had the hang of it now. But why did she have the feeling of going 'home'. "Home." Elena repeated. With Jeremy and Aunt Judith. But, Mystic Falls was not nearly her home now. Everyone she ever loved or cared about had already passed away and left her. She hated that about being a vampire. Everyone you thought you loved, you thought you cared for, you don't anymore. They just dye right in front of you, while you don't age a day. Your always going to be alone.

She remembered all of the familiar faces in her past. Like Matt. Matt, he was so sweet. He never stopped caring for her. And then there was Bonnie and Caroline. Bonnie, her best friend. The physic witch. They were like sisters, but after Bonnie had figured the truth about the Salvatore's, there friendship drifted. And Caroline, she didn't remember much about her. There really wasn't much to say. I mean, they were friends, and then what? She never figured out the secret about the vampires.

Those were her friends while she was human. She still had no reason to remember them. They were the past. She had met some other people over the past years, they apparently weren't that important, knowing she couldn't remember half there names. But she could remember someone else. Damon, Damon Salvatore. The brother of the ex. The charming, deceiving, dangerous, cocky vampire. She knew Damon had always loved her, sometimes she thought more than Stefan. But she knew that wasn't true, Stefan loved her more than anything or anyone imaginable. But she couldn't help but feel hatred towards him. He left her.

But she wished she could see Stefan's face just once more. But she knew that would never happen. The Salvatore's had no idea what she was. They thought she died a century ago, human.

Elena needed to get the Salvatore's out of her mind. She didn't want to remember them. Elena shifted her head to the 'Going Home' idea. Why did she want this so badly. She felt someone was out there, waiting for her. Or was she waiting for them?

Elena was outside of Mystic Falls, in some random forest. All of her senses were tingling. All these animals out here were vulnerable. She could catch a rabbit or a dove in the blink on an eye. She knew she hadn't ate in days, but she wasn't hungry. She just couldn't get her self to eat. She was actually homesick. She had to go, back to her birthplace. Back to Mystic Falls. Back, there.

Elena moved her legs and started to walk slowly. She was now picking up some speed, she couldn't wait any longer. She needed to go to Mystic Falls. She now found her self running with her vampire speed. A also handy vampire 'power'. She stopped dead in her tracks. She was now standing next to a sign. She ran her hand over the wood. She looked at the old paint that was now peeling. She read the words in her head many times over and over. But then she read aloud. "Welcome to MYSTIC FALLS."

She smiled at the words coming from her mouth. She was happy. She also read the tiny words printed in black. "Enjoy Your Stay..." She said aloud again. She was definitely going to enjoy her stay. She just knew it.

She walked down the old concrete road. She didn't want to use her 'vampire speed', now. She wanted to enjoy every minute of her time here. She wanted to see what had changed. She let the slightest touch of mist hit her face. The cool, cool air run through her hair and into her jacket, sending 'goosebumps' on her arms. She looked at the long and tall pine trees, which seemed to reach the clouds. As she walked more down the road, she recognized a few roads and old houses. Most of the houses from her time, had many add ons, new paint colors, but she could still tell it was still the same house from a century ago.

It was getting dark. She had been walking for hours, looking at the old buildings. She even saw where her and her friends use to hang out. 'The Mystic Bar 'N' Grill.' It was the only place that hadn't changed much, maybe just repainted a few times, but still. She also saw her old high school. One of her most memorable places. Where her and her best friends hanged out. It was also where she met, Stefan. Ever since she stepped foot on the towns territory, she couldn't forget him. He was stuck in her head.

Elena continued her on her walk. She walked through the Towns Square where a bunch of guys were. Teens, maybe. The guys seemed to be jocks at the high school, but mainly just a couple of drunk seniors trying to find a girl to have a good time with. Then they stopped her.

"Hey baby." A brunette said in his big jersey. She gave the guys a disgusted look and tried to walk away, but another teen boy stopped her. "Where you going?" Another guy yelled from the back. "Yeah." The drunk blonde said, who had blocked her exit. "Move. Now, Please." She said staring at him, with a deadly glare. "Oh come on, babe. Don't be like that." The blonde said. He smiled, and started to talk more, slurring his words, from his overdose of drinking. Elena looked around. No one else was really watching, she could snap each and every one of these jocks necks, and not think twice.

She was about to, but stopped herself. She couldn't cause a scene. Mystic Falls had already had to many of these from the past. She wasn't going to be the one to start them again. "I said Move." She looked in his eyes, hard. No one did anything for a while. But after a couple on minutes the teens started to back up, letting Elena through. Elena; pleased with her self, smiled and walked away. Another tricky vampire power. Compelling, life is so much easier when you are skilled enough to do it.

By the time she got away from the drunk jerks, it was pitch black dark. She needed somewhere to stay, she really didn't want spend the night in the woods again. She just noticed her back still hurt from doing that.

Now, Mystic Falls was asleep, and so were the people in it. Perfect time to go hunting, she realized how her hunger had grew more and more today. As she walked towards a nearby forest clearing. She stopped moving and froze. She felt something. Somethings here. And it's not good. She felt another presence among her. Someone like her. A vampire. She walked down the road some more, until she heard faint footsteps behind her. 'So that's how it's going to be.' Elena thought. 'It's time for the hunt.'

She used her vampire senses to try to feel the presence again. And she did. She could tell this vampire was weak. She smiled, and thought that this would be over in no time. She wasn't going to go chase after it. She was going to let it come to her.

She moved her feet slowly. Stalking the prey. She moved, walked, against the cool concrete of the road. She felt it again. That feeling. It was here. She began to walk casualy across the road, taunting it's prey. So just before this thing tried to attack her, she would attack it and take a nasty bite out of it. The feeling and thought of blood, made her uneasy now. She was starving. She got back to her head and tried to stay focused.

She continued walking down the road, but then stopped to hear the footsteps behind her again. But now they were as clearer as ever. It was a fact. It was here, and It was right behind her.

Silence fell and Elena stood still, waiting for something. But then suddenly; the voice began to speak.

"Elena?" The voice said, sounding shocked. It was a male. The voice sounded so familiar. She started to turn around, but stopped. Part of her was full or curiosity. But another part of her dreaded to see who the mystery man was. She didn't want to look, but she had to. She turned around; fully. She looked at the end of the road, and gasped. Her eyes grew wide. But she stopped her self as her jaw started to fall. She got back to her cool; narrowing her eyes with attitude.

"Hello, Stefan."

Authors Note: Nice first chapter huh? I know this chapters kinda boring, but its only because I had to make sure you guys knew what was going on with Elena. So yeah, do I get a thank you? Lol! Next chapter will be up soon! It's gonna be awesome! More DAMON!