Disclaimer: I own nothing relating to Twilight, It belongs to Stephenie Meyer.

Thanks for the reviews and to everyone who added me to their story alerts.

Songs in this chapter are Mamma's song by Carrie Underwood and The Day Before You by Rascal Flatts.

This is the last chapter of this story. Thanks to everyone who reviewed and ready my story. I'm still working on You Save me and Back to La Push for anyone reading those,
I also have two more stories in the works and I'll get a chapter up for those as soon as I can.

Please review.


Paul and Lilli decided to get married in a few months, after Lilli's summer classes were over but before the fall semester started. So the date was set for the end of July. Lilli had found the perfect wedding dress with the help of her mom and Emily but none of them were talking about it because they didn't want any of the guys to slip up and tell Paul about it. Paul and Lilli had tried wedding cakes and picked one out, flowers had been picked out, the only thing Paul asked for was no pink, which Lilli agreed to. Lilli had also ordered the traditional grooms cake that most weddings had, Paul's was in the shape of a wolf and the icing was tinted a silvery, grey color. The day before the wedding was almost here and everyone was on the spot at the beach they were getting married putting the finishing touches on the decorations. Both cakes were delivered and put in the refrigerator for storing. Paul's wolf cake had turned out perfect and Lilli's wedding cake was nice as well, it was a four tiered wedding cake with white icing and rose buds were painted around each layer. Lilli looked around, everything had turned out perfect so far and there was no pink just like Paul had asked. Paul and Lilli were saying good night to each other before they spent their last night away from each other.

"So I'll see you tomorrow," Paul told her and leaned down and pressed his lips against hers.

"See you tomorrow," she said softly. "Don't get into to much trouble with the guys," she added and he smiled.

"I won't," he promised.

"Have fun but not so much fun you don't show up tomorrow," she told him and he smiled.

"Princess there isn't anything that can keep me away from marrying you tomorrow," he told her and kissed her lips again as Jacob walked over.

"Ok you two we need to get going," Jacob said and Lilli looked over at him. Paul was staying with all the guys at Sam's house and all the girls were going to stay with Lilli at Paul's house.

"Ok Jake," Lilli whispered and Paul kissed her again. "See you tomorrow." she said quietly.

"Lilli, I'll make sure Paul makes it there ok," Jacob told her.

"Ok Jake." she said quietly.

"Lilli," Jake said and walked over and stood in front of her. "Have I ever let you down Lilli?"

"No Jake," she said quietly.

"Ok so I'll make sure Paul shows up tomorrow because if he doesn't I'll kill him for breaking your heart," he told her and Lilli shook her head and wrapped her arms around him in a hug and everyone left until time to come back for the wedding tomorrow.

The guys had gathered together at Sam's. They were all drinking beer as they sat around the living room.

"You're all ready for tomorrow?" Jacob asked him.

"Yes." Paul said.

"You and Lilli are writing your own vows right?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, it was Lilli's idea," Paul told him.

"And you wrote yours down," Sam said. "You're not thinking about just getting up there and hoping the right words come to you."

"No Sam," Paul sighed. "I'm not that stupid," he added and took a drink of his beer.

"So you've wrote something down or know what you're going to say?" Sam asked.

"Yes," Paul assured him. "I'm not going to do anything to intentionally mess things up Sam."

"I know you won't," Sam sighed.

Over at Paul's house all the girls had gathered together.

"So are you even a little nervous about tomorrow?" Emily asked.

"Of course I am," Lilli told her. "I'm nervous I'm going to mess up my vows, that Paul won't show up, that I'll trip and fall as I walk down the aisle," she sighed. "I also wrote these two songs for tomorrow to, one for my mom, one for Paul. So I'm nervous about singing tomorrow as well."

"Maybe you can play the songs for us," Kim suggested.

"You sure you want to hear them?" Lilli asked.

"Of course," Emily assured her and Lilli stood up and went to get her guitar and then returned and played her songs for the girls. When she finished she looked at them and they were smiling.

"They're beautiful," Emily told her. "everyone will love them."

"I hope so."

Morning finally came and it was Lilli's wedding day. The girls got up and started getting ready for the wedding. Lilli had decided to wear her hair down in her natural curls because Paul loved her hair down. Her mom came over and helped her get ready, they fixed her hair and did her make-up. Her mom pulled some of her back with a clear band and threaded tiny blue flowers in it so they went around her head like a crown. Then she slipped on her dress and her mom looked at her and tears filled her eyes.

"You look so beautiful," her mom whispered. "I wish your dad could be here to see you," she added and tears filled Lilli's eyes.

"Me to mom," she whispered and wiped a tear.

"I should have given this to you last night but when your dad knew he didn't have long left, he wrote this for me to give to you on your wedding day," her mom said pulling an envelope from her purse and handing to her. "I'll leave you alone to let you read it, I'll be right back," her mom said and Lilli nodded and opened the letter and began to read it.


If you're reading this it means its your wedding day and I'm somewhere where I can watch over you as you walk down the aisle to what I hope is the man of your dreams. I only wish I could be there to walk you down the aisle as you start your life with the man you love and who loves you. You're an amazing young woman and I hope you've planned the wedding of your dreams and haven't settled for less than you deserve because you deserve the best. I'm also going to give you some advice, be honest with your husband because lies only hurt your relationship and they always have that funny way of coming out in the end. I've learned that most of the time what you were trying to hide wasn't even worth hiding anyway. The two of you are going to argue and disagree, it's a part of every relationship but working it out is always the best part and if the two of you have a strong relationship and love an argument no matter how big or small won't be the end of things. The two of you always take care of each other and I can only hope you two fall more in love with each other every day you wake up next to each other. Today is just the start of your life together and I hope the two of you have a long and wonderful life together. I love you so much and only hope you can be as happy with your future husband as I was with your mom.

Love always,


When Lilli finished reading the letter she had tears running down her cheeks. She wiped them away. She couldn't believe her dad had taken the time out to write her this letter while he was going through everything he went through. Her mom walked in a few seconds later and saw Lilli was crying.

"Lilli," she said softly and wrapped her arms around her and Lilli laid her head on her mom's shoulder.

"I can't believe he took time out to write this," she told her. "Its amazing,"

"That was your dad, he was an amazing man," she told her. "And you know I loved him so much, he gave me you." Lilli smiled. "And now here you are, graduated from high school, going to college and you're getting married to the man of your dreams," she said. "Paul is everything I wished you would find. He treats you well, he loves you, he takes care of you, he's an amazing man."

"I know mom, I know how wonderful Paul is, sometimes I think he's to good to be true but he's not he really is that wonderful," she said and her mom smiled and wiped Lilli's eyes.

"Now how about we fix your make-up so you can go marry the man of your dreams."

"Ok," Lilli smiled.

Paul was pacing the floor at Sam's house, the guys were getting dressed, most of them just had their pants on refusing to put the shirts on until it was almost time because they would get to hot.

"Paul, sit down before you walk a hole in my floor," Sam told him and he looked over at him but continued pacing.

"What if Lilli changes her mind about marrying me?" Paul asked nervously. "What if she runs out on me?"

"Lilli is not going to run out on you Paul," Jacob assured him as he put on the light blue tie for his tux. "She's been waiting for this day, she'll be there." he told him and Paul stopped and looked over at him and smiled.

"Thanks guys," he said smiling and suddenly he topped smiling and sat down.

"Paul what is it?" Sam asked.

"Something's wrong," he said. "Lilli, she's upset or sad, I feel it, something's not right, I have to go see her," he said and stood up.

"NO!" Jacob told him. "You can't see Lilli before the wedding," he said. "I'm sure she's fine but I'll go check on her ok."

"Ok," Paul said softly and Jacob let out a sigh and ran out of the house and to Paul's house.

When he got to Paul's house he walked inside. Emily was in the living room.

"Jake what are you doing here?" Emily asked alarmed.

"I'm here to check on Lilli," he told Emily. "Paul got a feeling through the imprint bond and if I don't go check on her he's going to come barging in here." Jacob told her. "Where is she?"

"Bedroom," Emily told him and he made his way to the bedroom.

"There," Kara said. "Perfect," she added as she finished redoing her make-up.

"Thanks mom," Lilli said as there was a knock on the door. Kara walked over and opened it and saw Jacob.

"Jacob what's wrong?" Kara said.

"Is Lilli ok?" Jacob asked.

"I'm fine Jake," Lilli said. "What's going on? Why are you here?" she asked. "Let him come in mom." she said.

"I'll let you two be alone for a few minutes, but we have to get going soon," Kara told them.

"No problem." Lilli said and Kara walked out of the room.

"Lilli," he began but stopped when he saw her. "Oh my god," he whispered. "You're so beautiful." he told her and she smiled. "I can't wait to see Paul's face when he sees you."

"Thanks Jake," she smiled. "You look handsome all dressed up."

"Thanks," he said. "Lilli what happened a few minutes ago, Paul thought you were upset and he was ready to rush over here, I stopped him by coming myself."

"My dad wrote me a letter Jake," she told him. "Before he died to be given to me on my wedding day," she added and handed it to Jacob and he took from her and read it.

"Lilli," he whispered and wrapped her arms around her and pulled her into a hug.

"Your dad loved you," he said.

"I know Jake," she smiled and pulled away from him and smoothed out her dress.

"I can't wait to see the expression on Paul's face when he sees you." Jacob smiled.

"Jake you just get back to Paul and tell him I'm fine and I'll see him soon," she told him

"I will," he said and Lilli wrapped her arms around him in a hug.

"I love you Jake, you know that right."

"Yeah I know, I love you to," he told her and pulled away and leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Lets get this wedding started." he told her and ran out of the house.

When Jacob got back to Sam's Paul stood up and looked over at him.

"So is she ok? What happened?" he asked anxiously.

"Lilli's fine. Her dad wrote a letter and asked her mom to give it to her today," Jacob told him.

"Oh," Paul said nodding his head. "I get it now,"

"Wait until you see her though," Jacob smiled. "Hope you wrote your vows down because you might forget them."

A few minutes later everyone was at the beach and in their places as the wedding started. Everyone turned to look as Lilli walked towards Paul. Paul looked up as Lilli walked towards them. She looked beautiful. Her hair was down in her natural curls that he loved but she had some of it pulled back and blue flowers were threaded through her hair like a crown. She had a white dress on, the dress had a sweetheart neckline and was accented with crystal beading and rhinestones, it had a criss-crossed bodice, it was designed like a classic ballgown the skirt flared out and seemed to sparkle as she walked. Paul thought she looked like a princess as she walked towards him. Lilli carried a bouquet of yellow roses that had babys breath and small red rose buds in it. She stopped at the front and handed her bouquet off to be held as she said vows to Paul. Paul took her hands in his and they started the ceremony and got ready to say their vows to each other.

"You look so beautiful," Paul told her and she smiled.

"You look incredibly sexy in that tux," she said. "I can't wait to get you out of it."

"Princess," he growled softly and she smiled innocently.

It was time for their vows, Paul went first.

"Lilli, I know I may not have been what anyone would have picked for you. But I love you so much and I'll always take care of you." he told her. "You totally changed my life in so many ways. I'm a better person, you make me want to be a better person. I love you and I'm going to spend the rest of my life loving you and making you happy, treating you like a princess." Lilli smiled and a tear ran down her cheek.

"Paul, everyone knows that I wasn't in a good place when I moved here and the last thing I wanted was a relationship." she said. "But you somehow fixed me and put me back together again. You wanted me even with all my scars and I never thought I'd want another guy again. But you showed me how great things can be when you're with someone who truly loves you and cares about you. I love you so much and I only fall more in love with everyday that passes and I know I'll always love you not because I have to but because I want to." she said and more tears ran down her cheeks as the two of them exchanged rings and were pronounced man and wife.

Everyone was now at the reception. Lilli met Emily's eyes and nodded that it was time for her surprise.

"Wait here, I have a surprise for you and my mom ok."

"Ok," Paul smiled and Lilli kissed his lips and walked over to a microphone that had been set up for Lilli's songs.

"Hello everyone," Emily said. "If you could please take a seat, Lilli has prepared something for her mom and Paul." she added and Lilli walked up to the microphone.

"Hey everyone," she said nervously. "I've written two songs I'm going to sing now, the first one is for my mom and its called Mamma's song." she told them and she picked up her guitar and started to play and then she began to sing.

Mama, you taught me to do the right things.
So, now you have to let your baby fly.
You've given me everything that I will need.
To make it through this crazy thing called life.

And I know you watched me grow up,
and only want what's best for me.
And I think I found the answer to your prayers.

And he Is good, so good.
He treats your little girl,
like a real man should.
He is good, so good.
He makes promises he keeps.
No, he's never gonna leave.
So, don't you worry about me.

Don't you worry about me.

Mama, there's no way you'll ever lose me.
Giving me away is not goodbye.
As you watch me walk down to my future,
I hope tears of joy are in your eyes.

Cause, he is good, so good.
And, he treats your little girl,
like a real man should.
He is good, so good.
He makes promises he keeps.
No, he's never gonna leave.
So, don't you worry about me.

Don't you worry about me.

And when I watch my baby grow up,
I'll only want what's best for her.
And I hope she'll find,
the answer to my prayers.
And that she'll say...

He is good, so good.
And he treats your little girl,
like a real man should.
He is good, so good.
He makes promises he keeps.
No, he's never gonna leave.
So, don't you worry about me.
Don't you worry about me.

Mama, don't you worry about me.
Don't you worry about me.

When she finished everyone clapped and Lilli saw her mom wiping tears from her eyes.

"Thanks," Lilli said. "This song is a song I wrote for Paul, my husband." she smiled. "Its called The Day Before You." she told them and she took a deep breath and started to play her guitar.

I had all but given up on finding
The one that I could fall into
On the day before you
I was ready to settle for
Less than love and not much more
There was no such thing as a dream come true
Oh, but that was all the day before you

Everyone that knew what Lilli had been through with her ex boyfriend and knew how hard it was for her to even be close to Paul, totally understood where she was coming from on the song.

Now you're here and everything's changing
Suddenly life means so much
I can't wait to wake up tomorrow
And find out this promise is true
I will never have to go back to
The day before you

In your eyes I see forever
Makes me wish that my life never knew
The day before you
Oh, but Heaven knows those years without you
Were shaping my heart for the that day I found you
If you're the reason for all that I've been through
Then I'm thankful for the day before you

Now you're here and everything's changing
Suddenly life means so much
I can't wait to wake up tomorrow
And find out this promise is true
I will never have to go back to
The day before you

Was the last day that I ever needed alone
And I'm never going back
No I'm never going back

Now you're here and everything's changing
Suddenly life means so much
I can't wait to wake up tomorrow
And find out this promise is true

No I'm never going back
I will never have to go back to
The day before you

When she finished everyone clapped and Lilli saw a few people wipe their eyes as she sat her guitar down and walked over to where Paul was sitting.

"Hey," she said and Paul smiled up at her.

"You wrote that for me," he said quietly.

"Yes," she said and Paul took her hand in his and gave her arm a gentle tug and she sat on his lap.

"I loved it princess," he told her and she leaned down and kissed his lips. "And I love you."

"I love you to," she whispered and leaned down and kissed his lips again.

A couple of hours later after Kim had caught the bouquet Paul and Lilli headed off to start their married lives together, neither one of them knew what was in store for them, what life had waiting for them but they would be there to face it together, forever, for the rest of their lives.