Digimon Tamers: We Are One

Kept promise.

Even though I never though I'll ever be the same. The world still went back to normal, and after a while, so did I. Life was exactly how it was before I met Guilmon. Kazu still made bad jokes and Miss. Nami still gave too much homework. Sometimes I go by our old hang out, just to see if he's there; I don't know why I bother because he never is. Most times I'm ok but- there's this one thing that bugs me. A promise I made to a friend; a promise I don't think I can keep.

Hearing a familiar noise I turned my head. Guilmon? I thought as something white flew past the corner of my eye. Not giving the idea another thought I rushed up the gravel stone steeps that lead up to the little make shift home.

I pushed the solid black metal fence open only to see one of the last memories of my partner. My eyes down-casted as I scanned the surrounding area.

Actually scratch that.

My brown eyes widened at the shining substance as I began to tremble.

I think I'll be able to keep that promise after all.

with a wavering grin I slowly dropped down onto my knees, ' this couldn't be happening' I thought in disbelief, hoping that this wasn't just another one of my wishful dreaming. Slowly both of my hands strain to reach the digital field.

' the one thing standing between Guilmon and me, are doubts, and well, this. And one thing was sure.' narrowing my eyes while smacking my lips, I fixed my face into one of determination.


cold wooden plank met with pink tender flesh in usual fashion. Rubbing the swollen bump on my forehead I moaned. To tell you the truth I was more disappointed in the dream to actually care about the throbbing pain to my cranium.

Large footsteps could be heard ascending the stairs. "TA-KA-TO didn't you hear me!"

'it just felt so real...so real'

My mother looked furious. This was the fifth time she had to wake me up. "Takato! Didn't you...hear-" her angry shouts died slowly, the sides of her lips sank, as little creases were forming above her eyebrows. I turned my head an gave her the biggest smile I could muster, but regretfully that wasn't enough. I began to play with the ends of my crimson pajamas as my mind slightly drifted a bit. 'Guilmon' I thought.

It had been almost a year and some since the Digimon left. Everyone was sad, but Rika, Henry,Ryo, and I had the biggest impact. We were hurt and felt a bit betrayed by our parents. It took a while for us to come around, I remember how the first two weeks everyone ignored all authoritative figures and refused to communicate with anyone other then each other. But time when by and eventually we were forced to opened up again and accepted what has happened. After all, they had threatened to cut off our communication to one another if we didn't.

We already lost our other half.

We didn't need to lose each other too.

Now everything seem normal, except for the foaling look our eyes. We tried our best, well most of us at least, but that plan had failed miserably to say the lest.

Rika had called me an idiot and told me that we should have let them see how hurt and angry we were. And that they deserved it.

But I didn't think so, however Henry did.

The other tamers and I had a distaste for our parents for some time for allowing the Juggernaut project to proceed, but it was Henry's dad that conduced it knowing the consequences.

Hearing my mothers voice I quickly shook my head of all thoughts of the Digimon, well temperarally at least. "oh hay mom" I spoke with mock happiness and plastered on a fake smile. After the dream I had, I couldn't come up with an honest smile.

" I'm sorry" laughing empty while rubbing the practically invisible bump on my head I hopped off of my bed, while taking some of the comforter along with me. "Clumsy me. Bumping into things again"

A ting of pain tugged against my heart as my mother shook her head slowly. "its ok Honey, just get dress. You don't have much time till school starts." and with that said she walked down the hall.

it didn't take long before I was all dressed and ready to go. I was in junior high now and everything seemed back to normal. And yet, to us, it seemed so unusual.

The walk to school was the same. Long and boring. With a dragged on sigh I pass through the schools gate only to be met up with Henry. "finally" he grinned " I thought you'd never show up."

"yeah had enough beauty sleep your highness?" and Rika was still the same, with her sarcastic comments, but that's just a way to show how she really feels, or so that's what Henry told me.

"come on you two, lets not start the year off with a fight" turning my head I spotted Kenta jogging toward us with Kazu right on his tail "who care, I bet Takato could take her"

"what was that!" Henry and I laughed at Kazu's misfortune, even he should know by now not to cross Rika with that mouth of his.

"you guys!" a weft of brown hair ran past me as I felt a force loop around my arm that tug me forth. Tumbling a little I watched as the green dressed girl jog in place. "if you guys haven't noticed we have only 3 min left before class starts!" we all turned around and noticed the large clock built into the school's roof.

2 Minutes were left on the clock, and it took us the Minimum of 5 minuets to get to our class. Fear jumped through our veins and we all ran like mad men toward the nearest door.

Why was it that all incoming freshman had to have the farthest class room out if the whole entire school building! Was this suppose to be a joke or something, or are they here to make us miserable.

All of us slammed the door open as we were all immediate hit by a ruler.

"DETENTION! All of you."

we all groaned as we collapsed onto the ground in a heap of sweaty teens.

What a great year this will be...

RxR to tell me if this story is worth continuing.
