A/N: I apologize to everyone who had been reading my stories in the past. My computer crashed and since have had just one thing after another going on so I decided to update all of the stories I can if anyone is still reading them. Again I am very sorry for not updating for such a long time.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Kitas POV)

Its been 3 weeks since I was in the hospital. 3 weeks since Kakashi and I confessed our love to one another.
Naruto had been very supportive. He was glad that I was happy, and he didn't seem bothered that Kakashi and I am going out. In fact he liked it.
"He has actually been on time lately. No more waiting for 3 hours for him to show up!" Sakura stated when she and Sasuke decided to walk to pratice with Naruto. I smiled aa I walked with them. Kakashi greeted me with a kiss, and asked to take me on a date after pratice.
I smiled and told him where he could find me when they were done.
(An hour later)
I was just finshing with my meditataion by the lake in the park, when I sensed Kakashi approaching. He held a lovely boquet of red and white tulips. I smiled and we took them home so I could put them in a vase. Then we went out for our romantic afternoon.
He took me to the movies to watch, as you might have guessed, Make Out Paradise. After the movie, he took me back to the park for a romantic picnic set up by Naruto and the rest of his team.
Afterwards he took me to his place to try out some of the things we saw in the movie.
It was a perfect day.