NOTE TO READERS: I am completely open to criticism; I think it helps me grow as a writer. I prefer constructive criticism, but I'm all for freedom of speech. However, if there is a pairing or plot point that you don't like, please make sure the review that you leave is not a Guest review so that I have a chance to defend/explain myself. You can also send me a message. Other than that, I hope you enjoy the story!

Author's Note: Well, this story came to me after re-watching all of the YYH episodes. The idea refused to leave (it got so bad that I've actually dreamed some parts of this story), so I'm writing it all down! I doubt too many people will read this, but if you do…Thanks! I'll be skipping around a lot, so I'll try to put the dates (mainly years).

This story is about my original character, Raygan. Characters from YYH will appear, but it'll take a while. Some parts may be boring, but Ray's past is a necessary tale since it's her story. Anyway, I hope that one day someone enjoys reading this as much as I've enjoyed writing it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho in any way or form (unfortunately). I only own my original characters and parts of the plot. It's safer to assume that I own absolutely nothing. I am not making any kind of profit off of this story; I'm writing it only because the ideas won't leave me alone.

Official Artist: All artwork for Love, Where Is Your Fire? is created by the amazing wolvesrain17. A link to her DeviantArt can be found on my profile page.

Title Credit: Love, Where Is Your Fire? by Brooke Fraser

Word Count: 1475

Chapter 01: The Experiment

Present: 1985

"You may return." The voice startled me out of my thoughts, and I looked up at the figure standing in front of me. I would usually take this rare opportunity to tease him about his safety, but his words caused me to pause.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Your five years are up. You may return now," he repeated. Five years…Have five years really passed so quickly? Where has all the time gone? It feels like I just sat down yesterday, and now it's been five long years.

"Not yet. I need to…do something," I whispered.

"Do what?"

"I'm not sure, but I need to do something else first."

"If you need anything…" His words trailed off, but he did not need to finish. I already know.

"I know you'll be here to help, even though you really shouldn't," I said and smiled up at him. My face felt numb as the smile stretched my cheeks; how long has it been since I've smiled?

"I will always help you, Raygan." I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I smiled over at his small form. I placed my hand over his and continued to look out over the barren land.

"I know, sir. Should I visit you when I'm ready?"

"No, just return here. I'll come for you then," he said. I nodded my head, and I let my head fall as his hand left my shoulder. He was gone within seconds, and I sucked in a deep breath. I have been in a fog for too long; it was time to get my head back on straight. But to do that, I have to go back…Back to the very beginning of my existence.

Past: October 5, 1970

I heard the footfalls behind me, but I continuously tried to ignore them. My imagination was probably just overreacting again, or I was being stalked. I did owe some money to some very powerful people, but there was nothing that could be done about it now. On second thought, that money wasn't due for a week! Yes, my imagination had just decided to run wild, that was all. I knew it wasn't someone looking for a fight or any other trouble, because to be honest, I didn't look all that threatening. Five feet tall and way too skinny. Boring normal brown hair and stupid hazel eyes. Yes, nothing special and nothing that stood out. So, no worries.

"Excuse me?" I stopped at the sound of the voice and looked at the person now standing in front of me. The footfalls behind me stopped, or maybe the person turned off.

"Yes? Can I help you?" I asked the elderly man.

"Could you tell me how to get to the nearest bus station?" he asked. Well, to be honest, I wasn't from this ratty ol' neighborhood. I absolutely hated cities, but I had driven up to Atlanta for the weekend to take care of some…business. I preferred the solitude of my country home, and that's where I was dying to be.

"As a matter of fact, sir, I can. Just keep going down this block, and take a right at the end. You'll be able to see the sign about halfway down," I said with a wide smile.

"Thank you, young lady," he said and walked off. I love helping the elderly; it just makes me feel like a good person. Which I am, most of the time. Speaking of time, I have somewhere that I need to be. I hurried down a few more blocks and then slipped inside of a concealed doorway, and I took a deep breath once I was completely inside.

"You're early," the voice said. I peered through the darkness, but my horrible eyesight wasn't any help. Then again, I should be used to hearing that creepy voice speak from the shadows.

The old warehouse I was in wasn't much to look at, but that was kinda the whole point. The man who had just spoken had certain hours that he was here, so I knew when I could catch him. It was a trip I always hated, but I came early whenever I could.

"Better early than late, right?" I asked as I stepped forward. The light chuckle I heard made my skin crawl, but I kept walking forward.

"Tonight is your last payment, correct?" the man asked.

"That's right. You gonna miss me, boss?" I stopped just in front of his chair and dropped my bookbag at his feet.

"You are one of my favorites," he said as he reached down to pick up the bag.

"Yeah, well, if I ever get into another bind, I'll know where to go." Not. This was a place I was never gonna come to again. He stopped going through the bag, and his nearly black eyes locked on mine.

"You've helped us out a great deal over the past year, Raygan."

"You're welcome, Mr. Wilson."

"But I'm afraid that you're not done yet."

"Come again?"

"Someone's been following you since you left here last month, and he needs your assistance. Don't you, Zonen?" I turned around, but it was too dark for me to see exactly who Mr. Wilson was talking to.

"Yes, I believe she will be perfect. Her spirit energy is off the charts, even though it stays hidden." The voice was more of a hiss, and I felt the skin at the back of my neck crawl.

"That's never been a part of our deal. I've paid back all of the money, so I'm done," I said and turned to walk away. The other man, Zonen, was standing in front of me. He was tall, impossibly tall, and his skin looked green. Green people didn't exist outside of zombie movies.

"What are you?" I whispered.

"I'm nothing more than a delivery boy," Zonen said. A sharp pain exploded on the left side of my head, and I didn't even have time to think of what was about to happen before my entire world went black.


"Yes, she is perfect. Did you discover how to make her energy flare?" a raspy voice asked.

"All it takes is a little pain, Dr. Lynkyn," another voice hissed. I knew that voice…Zonen! I started to get up, but I was restrained. My legs and arms couldn't move, but I could still lift my head.

"Let me go!" I yelled. The two men standing a few feet away looked over at me, and the tallest one smiled.

"She's all yours, Dr. Lynkyn," he said. He turned and walked out of sight, and I heard a door close somewhere in the distance.

"Let me go! Now! People are going to be looking for me!" I yelled. Well, it was mostly true.

"And they're never going to find you." The man walking towards me wasn't very tall, and he had an average build. His hair was iron gray, and his eyes matched his hair.

"What do you want with me?" I asked. Instead of answering me, the man flipped a switch and a soft glowing light filled the room. A pair of goggles were shoved onto my face, and I had to bite my lip to keep from yelling again.

"Do you see that, human?" he asked.

"See what?"

"Your aura, it's a very light pink," he said.

"Aura? Listen, I think you've lost it. People can't see…Oh, shit," I mumbled. I could see a pink light surrounding my body, a light that definitely hadn't been there before. I looked down at the end of the table I was strapped to at Dr. Lynkyn. His entire body was surrounded by a hovering black cloud. That can't be good, can it?

"Now, let's see what happens when I do this."

"Do what?" A searing pain shot up my calf, and my lips parted in a scream. I watched the light around my body shift into a light blue, and I glared through the goggles at Dr. Lynkyn.

"It's fascinating. I've never met a human who could suppress their spirit energy like that. Yes, you'll do wonderfully," he whispered.

"Wonderfully for what? What are you going to do to me?" The goggles were pulled from my face, but I could still see the light blue aura that hung around me.

"I am a demon, and I have been experimenting on humans for a few years now. I want to implant demon powers into humans, but I have been unsuccessful so far. Ordinary humans can't live through the pain, but I believe that you'll be perfect for the experiment," Dr. Lynkyn said.

"Let me get this straight, you want to turn me into a demon?" I have got to stop watching so much TV before bed because this is obviously one insane dream. Demons don't exist…demons don't exist…demons don't exist.

"Oh, we're very real," that raspy voice whispered as a streak of pain erupted in my shoulder. I watched my aura flare, but the light blue color never changed.

"Please, just let me go," I whispered. More pain came from the opposite shoulder, and my back tried to arch against the strap holding me down. A finger traced the side of my face, and I twisted my head to get away from him.

"Oh, I really hope you don't die…"

Ending Note: And there's the end of the first chapter! Hmm, this one was really short compared to some of the others…Oh well. So, what exactly does Dr. Lynkyn have planned for Raygan? You'll have to read the next chapter to find out!