From me to you, a New Year's Drabble! It's Oldrivalshipping, and takes place in the manga... Anyways, enjoy, and happy new year's!

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon *tear*

The Color Green

Her question was simple; why did people blush red?

Why not a more interesting color like green?

Which also happened to be the name of a boy in which she adored very much- from the sidelines.

She really liked him.

His spiky hair, his green eyes.

She found him incredibly cute, but she knew he'd never return any feelings she harbored for him.

New Year's Eve came, and Gold was throwing a party for the dex-holders.

This was her chance.

She could do it.

When she got there, the music was blaring and Gold was at a pool table.

She spotted Green in a corner, talking to some girl with black hair and a too short black and pink dress. She seemed very high up, and she giggled at something Green had said.


She waltzed over to the two.

She plopped herself down next to Green.

"Hello," she said politely, "I'm Blue. And you are…?"

"Platina Berlitz, senior!" The girl said proudly.

So… a girl from the Berlitz family, eh?

"Uhm… I'm going to get some punch," Green said awkwardly.


"Well, Platina," Blue started in a happy tone, "he's mine."

With that, she skipped off, leaving Platina extremely confused.


"Green," Blue stated bluntly.

"Pesky girl," Green replied in the same tone.

"Would you stop that?" Blue snapped.

"Stop what?"

He smirked.

"Calling me 'pesky girl' and 'obnoxious woman'!"

"I thought you liked it," he teased.


"Well I don't."


6, 5, 4…

"Well…" He started

3, 2…


"Happy New Year's…"

He leaned in and kissed her, while everyone else screamed "HAPPY NEW YEAR'S!"

But the question remained, why couldn't she blush green?

Hehe... Randomness. Anywho, I hope you enjoyed it's corny-ness. Also, I don't dislike Platina, but I didn't wanna make an OC at an all dex-holder party...

Review, please!