(v.i.: Hey guys! So sorry it's been so long since I've updated! Well, at least not you won't have to wait any longer for the next chapter! Hey ya go!)

"Boss, boss, BOSS!"


The little mouse creature fell to the floor in fear of his master's voice.

"Uhhh, well, ehem, we f-found…."

The evil master stomped to the scared mouse and grabbed him by his tail.

"Spit it out! Or I'll turn you into dinner!"

" *gulp* We found the girl, boss."

The evil creature released the mouse, dropping it onto it's head. He gave an evil grin which made the his little mouse minion more frightened than he was 5 seconds ago. He looked back down at the mouse.

"Thank you Sykes. You may go…."

And with that, Sykes scurried off without another word.

The master returned to his throne and grabbed his mirror. It could show him anything or anyone wherever they were…as long as it was somewhere in the Underground.

"Show me the girl. Show me the child!"

As soon as he gave the mirror his command a girl showed up in the mirror, asleep.

"You have grown so beautiful. It won't be long until you are a full democat! Then we can be one!"

He continued to stare at the sleeping girl. She got away last time, and this time, he would do anything in his power to make sure she didn't get away again.

"Hmmmm, how about a little visit in dreamland?"

He closed his eyes and, in a second, he was in her dreams!


He was forced out of her dream when she woke up with a scream.

"I'm going to make you do MORE than scream….."

He put the mirror back on his throne and left for his bedchamber.


vampireinside: Hey guys! Sorry it's so short but I couldn't think of anything else! I'm gonna try to update faster!

Jareth: OMG! V.I. ! I had a super weird dream about you!

vampireinside: Really? I had a super weird dream about YOU!

Jareth: What was yours about?

vampireinside: That we *dry heaves* kissed. *dry heaves again*.

Jareth: I had the same dream!

vampireinside: WOW! Freaky!

Jareth: Yaw XP

vampireinside: Well, tell me what you guys think! And if you have any ideas, please, don't hesitate to share!