Hey. This is a Rose and Dimitri story. Not to much about Vampire Academy, but there are a few characters from it. I am only gonna do 1 chapter of it, if no one likes it, so R&R, please!

No undead vampires. Just living ones and humans.

Rose POV

My name is Rose. Rosemarie Hathaway, to tell the full truth. I'm a vampire hunter. My job is important to me. I lived for it. Lived for staking vampires. Nasty things, drinking humans blood, like a tick. They either forced humans to give up their blood or they had humans who had been bitten so many times there got addicted to the bites and became blood whores.

I walk down the city street, looking, always looking for a vampire to kill. As I walked, I walked passed a store whose show window was more like a mirror. I looked at myself. My black long sleeved shirt, my black leather pants, my leather boots and my black leather trench coat looked perfect. None of them were cheap but that didn't matter, I got paid $1,000 a killing. Yep. I got paid for doing what I really loved. It didn't seem like a job at all. I had a boss, but he loved me like a daughter. His name is Jasha. I have known him since I can remember. He was a close family friend. I had been training to kill vampires since I was 6 years old, but when I turned 16 he put me in charge of one of the highest groups of his organization. VH was Jasha's organization. VH stands for Vampire Hunters, Jasha's people are respected

by all vampire hunters. The group he gave me was called Alek. The best of the best. And I was the leader. Until I turned 17 and got tired of it and went solo.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a tangling feeling in my hands. Vampires only brought on that feeling. I looked around casually and found him and froze. Wow. He was so…beautiful. He was tall, like maybe 6'7". He had brown eyes and shoulder length hair only a few shades lighter then mine, and he was tan. Most vamps aren't tan but he was, and it just added on to his hotness. Oh yum! But that didn't take away from the fact he was a vampire. I walked over to where he was. Thankfully there weren't many people on the street and the only few were minding their own business and wouldn't see me force him in an alley and kill him. I was only 2 feet away from him when I tripped and started falling to the ground. But I never hit the ground, instead I felt arms wrap around me so I didn't fall. I looked up and gasped. He had caught me. He hadn't seen me coming but he was here holding me up. Wait! Holding me! He. Was. Holding. Me! I jerked up and looked at him, wide eyed. Would he take a bite out of me, right now? Would he kill me? No, he wouldn't he doesn't know I'm a hunter. Calm down, idiot!

He looked me up and down. Is he checking me out? "Vampire hunter" he breathed.

I swear my heart stopped. He knows. He knows, kill him! But I couldn't move. His eyes locked on mine. And he said "I haven't killed anyone. Never in my life, have I killed." His eyes begged me to listen. "I don't want to fight you, so please. Please don't attack."

How could I attack? My heart was beating so hard from his touch and I knew he could hear it because I could hear his. What was happening? His, lovely brown eyes bored into mine and I just couldn't fight him because I knew he was telling the truth. He has never killed anyone.

"You have pretty eyes" I said stupidly. What is wrong with me. Why cant I keep my mouth shut? He laughed.

"Your eyes are beautiful, they match you perfectly."

I giggled. No. No. No! I am falling for a vampire! I don't even know his name! I said he had petty eyes! He is the enemy! A monster. A blood sucking tick who-

My thoughts stopped when he lowered his face to mine. Oh god. He hesitated for a second then brushed his lips with mine. Run, you idiot! My instinct screamed at me.

No. The rest of me said back.

His lips brushed mine again and I pounced on him, wrapping my arms and legs around him and kissing him with all I had.