Reposted. From my other Pen Name 'Pixiekiz'

Summary: "Hermione is left broken by the war and the ever present threat of rogue Death Eaters. Can one texan vampire repair the shards of her existance, or will he push her that one step too far?" AU, Post-DH, Ignores Epilogue

Shipping: Hermione/Jasper (Jasmione) - slight Alice/Jasper in the beginning

Rating: M - Warnings for Language, Explicit content, Adult Themes

Timeline: Set in January 1998 - Pre Bella -

Disclaimer: I own none of the recognisable content from either works of J.'s Harry Potter series or Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series. All original content and situations belongs to me. I make no money from this Fanfiction and write simply for pleasure.

Remember to Rate and Review

The war had been difficult on everyone. Bloody and unforgiving. Loved ones were lost alongside those who fought to destroy them. Their friends and family mourned for those who gave their lives for 'The Greater Good' both willingly and not. Many people now hated that phrase. 'The Greater Good' had done nothing in the way of good since the famous Albus Dumbledore introduced it to the wizarding world almost forty years in the past. Those who worked for 'The Greater Good' were tired, they were sick and many broken farther than they wished to admit. The ones whose lives were taken from them and those who lay them down for the sake of defeating one who was said to be the darkest wizard of all time were for the most part decorated hero's. However, those who knew the inner workings of the defeat, who on the outside were busy celebrating the ultimate victory that was the downfall of the darkest wizard known to the world, remained ever vigilant of the remaining Death Eaters that became rogue and scattered around the world. For the first few months, the Minister for Magic of the time, Rufus Scrimgeour attempted to claim the victory as one made by the attempts of the Aurors and those working on the front lines and in the papers. The better publicity he could gain from the war, the easier his office would be. Only the remaining Order of the Phoenix members who survived the final battle at Hogwarts knew the truth about the level of deceit the ministry of magic had fed to the general public over the years. And of them only three knew how deep the terrors of the war had run. Yet they had held strong. Became a single sighting unit once more and told the wizarding world that there was indeed no need for them anymore and returned to their studies.

At least, that was the guise that left many people believing their world was once again returning to normal.

To their knowledge, even the saviors of the wizarding were going about their normal lives like nothing happened.

Of course; when did the Golden Trio ever do things the way they were supposed to be done.

Harry Potter, wealthy beyond all imagination due not only to the Potter fortune; but that of the Black family fortune and status left to him in the will of one Sirius Orion Black and indeed his own reward for his Order of Merlin: First Class for the defeat of the dark lord Voldemort, now held a steady income of investments and was making life with his girlfriend Ginny wonderfully enriched now that the war had ended. They had moved out of the now rebuilt Burrow and taken over his Godfathers old home in Number 12 Grimmauld Place. It made for a place where they could get away from the media while Ginny was able to floo back and forth to the house at the weekends.

Harry remained a valid member of the order, although his missions never began without a clever glamour charm to alter his appearance. For now, Harry Potter had disappeared. Replaced by a stockier, golden haired menace whose smug smirk could rival that of the Malfoys. He and his best friend Ron would tag team, however when the red haired member returned from missions it was always into the warm arms of his beloved girlfriend. Lavender Brown. Despite everything that had transpired from the final battle, that kiss they had shared had become a pivotal moment in their relationship. It was awkward, without emotion and in all reality, Ronald had compared it to kissing Ginny.

Ronald and Hermione had agreed that their impromptu kiss on the battlefield was simply one of relief for being alive. Not a continuing relationship between them that had in all honest been rocky from day one.

The boys enjoyed the freedom that came with the compensation money from the ministry, Ron choosing to use most of in rebuilding the burrow, a more sizable home where the family no longer lived in extreme poverty despite the numbers. His brothers and Ginny had never been more proud of him.

However within all the excitement few noticed the growing bags under the eyes of one Hermione Granger. Reminded nightly during hours of intense nightmares of the demons witnessed during the war, she had resolved herself in taking dreamless sleep potions nightly. The resulting mood swings were something akin to her studying for an exam and many believed her simply throwing herself into her studies again. It had hurt her that no-one spared a thought for her inner turmoil; however it gave her great pleasure knowing that at the same time they would never pester her with thoughts of remaining optimistic.

The facts had remained, she was liability within the order considering the actual rise in muggle attacks. They could not be doing with having a muggle-born when the Death Eaters were still at large. despite their lack of co-ordination and the much higher survival rates, they were attacks all the same. It was for that reason, and that reason alone that Hermione fled from the comforts of England. From the security of Europe and resolved herself in going to a place where she knew no-one could know her name. After all, she was still being stopped in the streets for autograph signings. She was the only one who kept her appearance. Using the complex and draining glamours to hide the many painful scars that littered her body and reminded her of the days where she was on the run, forced into hiding from the very world that had plucked her from her own reality..

Of course, as luck would have it the one remaining sign of her past could not be glamoured away. Cutting from her right shoulders all the way down to under her left breast shone an ugly purple welt. It occasionally reacted to apparation magic and it burned whenever she cast the complex runic glamours over herself. But it was an unfortunate side effect of fighting in a war from the age of eleven for the rights of people far older than her. Being thrust into a responsibility when she was from a completely different world. One where she believed, once the war was over she would once more belong. Keeping her wand with her at all times as a precaution made her feel safer. Yet at all times looking over her shoulders and documenting her surroundings. Listening to the gentle hum of the magic in her brain. It told her whenever things were not quite right. It warned her when things were not distinctly muggle and unfortunately, it was the same thing that made her nightmares all the more real each time they visited her in her sleep. It seemed dreamless sleep potions were not as potent without their resident potions master around to increase their strength.

It had been four months from when she had set off from England. Keeping to hotels, doing the best she could at being a tourist that she came across the correct town. The small sign welcoming her to Forks, Washington was charming. Covered in the same green moss that surrounded the area. It made her think rather fondly of Hogwarts. Of her first moments catching a glimpse of it. It was such an easy time back then, when the only thing hounding her and her two best friends just happened to be a fifteen foot tall mountain troll with a mucus problem. Simpler days indeed.

As she took herself around the new and alien area that was completely muggle as confirmed by the American Ministry of Magic she noted the school that the locals all attended. Before arriving and with weeks of time in advance she had been enrolled with the correct assumed cover story that she was a transfer student who had finished school early. Thus meaning she would not be taking any exams, simply absorbing the information given to her. She could not claim that she had the qualifications. But she could tell the authorities that she finished high school to the level that they set for those in their country. The American wizarding president being somewhat more lenient in her going to muggle school considering all that she had done for the wizarding world, not simply for Britain. After all, who was going to begrudge Hermione Granger - one third of the famous Golden Trio the chance to go to a school? Definitely not he.

"Better get this over with ..." She mumbled softly, swinging her left over the enchanted motorbike that had once belonged to Sirius Black. A 'going away' gift as Harry had put it. It was the same machine that had carried him to the Dursleys all those years ago and he simply wanted nothing to do with it. Even after Mr Weasleys fixing it and removing the side car the 1959 Triumph 650 T 120 Bonneville was given with less than a mumbled thanks from either party and was the sole transportation used by the war veteran of eighteen. It was a terrible thought that so many years ago this same bike found the dead Potters house in Godrics Hollow the night that changed everything. That it was the bearer of so many negative thoughts. Yet at the same time it was far bigger a thrill to simply sit astride the great motor and hear it roar into life. Magically enchanted once to fit someone the size of Hagrid it was now returned for the use of a single person. She had no intention of sharing or letting anyone ride the beautiful machine, so there was certainly no need for there being extra seating.

Giving the motor a good roaring start Hermione set off from her new home, a two bedroom house not five miles from the school. A short enough ride that she could get there in a solid ten minutes. It gave her time to take a route around town, give her a look into the people around her and thankfully, take in whatever possible escape routes she may need in the future should the position arise. Her own fortune from her Order of Merlin first class was enough so that the humble house made not a dent in her bank account. How Harry could cope with such a large sum of money was unthinkable.

With a large black helmet covering her face and enough leather to make a cow worry, Hermione reached the school easily enough. She had found the idea of waiting to go back to school simply horrific and managed to get her first day settled right in the middle of term, meaning she could slot right in without need of a fanfare or any sort of extra attention. Easing the motor down to a low hum she looked around and was startled by the sheer amount of people around her who watched with fascination. Brilliant. She thought with a tinge of suppressed anxiety. I'm the freak all over again. Bloody brilliant.

Bringing the bike into one of the free parking spots she looked around her through the visor and gave a weak sigh. People were staring intently at her and obviously wondering who the new kid was. Some of the girls mistaking her for a guy. Forgivable, as Hermione had never really dressed like a female; yet insulting at the same time. She had felt America would not boast such stereotypical images of people on motorbikes being all male. Shame.

Swinging her leg over the bike and picking up shoulder bag from the compartment at the back of the bike - another handy addition - Hermione gave the crowd a second to chance them looking away before she reached up and removed the helmet, hearing a resounding gasp and the very female looking brunette let her hair fall down over her shoulders. Now sitting relatively more tame around the middle of her back the brown tresses that she had wrestled with during school had seemed to even out given the attention it needed. A short cry of "Oh my god! It's a girl!" Made her smirk, thanking Merlin that her wand was tucked safely away within her sleeve and at hand she didn't even bother locking away the bike. Knowing anyone who sat on it would face the wrath of her wards. Namely was very nasty bout of the runs for anyone who sat down and a case of warts to anyone who handled it too roughly. A simple modification of the 'SNEAK' charm she had created during her time in Fifth Year.

Today would be a good day.

Today would not be about the war.

Today would be a new beginning.

Today, Hermione Granger was a free witch.

Author Note: I hope that this story retains its popularity from when it was first posted. However, as I am editing the story I should be able to catch any Gramatical or Spelling errors that I noticed have cropped up in the chapters to follow. If you do or do not like what you read, remember to leave a Review as it is the only way I can improve on my writing.

Next Time: "Tucking her hair up into a messy bun before slipping her helmet over the top and pushing her wand back up into her tight leather jacket she revved the machine into life and set off. Roaring down the roads once more. All the while feeling a strange buzzing at the back of her mind as a pair of golden eyes watched her from the nearby trees."