The New Generation: Alex Trey Stella
Chapter Twenty-Nine

"So... What's up?" Alex kept his head low as he walked with the group, not wanting to talk with anyone. The question wasn't meant for anyone in particular. It was for everyone. Trey, Serah, and Jet all looked at Stella. Probably a little surprised that she'd ask that question. Korosu didn't bother to respond. He just walked with the group from his pack. The five black wolves stayed silent as well. Nobody was going to speak. Stella thought it best not to say anything else because she didn't want to seem annoying for being the only one talking.

Trey and Serah walked side-by-side. Close. If they hadn't told everybody about them, just as Jet and Stella told everyone, then it would be pretty obvious that they were in love. You could just sort of get that feel from the air around them. Though it was weird sensing love coming from a couple and then sensing a sad feeling in the air coming from Alex. Stella looked over at him and could see a small tear on his cheek. Just sitting there. Then it rolled down the rest of the way and fell to the ground.

It was clear he was still upset. And it hurt Stella's heart to see that Alex was heartbroken. Her brother. The youngest of the family...

Alex felt as if there was nothing else in the world for him to live for. If he couldn't be with Angie, then what use was there in staying alive? Of course, he wasn't thinking about committing suicide. Duh. He wasn't going to kill himself because he lost a chance at love. He knew that he'd get another chance some day. Even if he had to leave Jasper to find it. When that day came... he'd be going to find Angie. Unless she came for him first.

"Cheer up, bud..."

Alex didn't even bother to look at his brother, Trey. He knew that all he'd see was a smile, trying to comfort him. It wouldn't be enough to mend a heart that was torn in half though... The only thing that could do that... was Angie. And there was probably no chance of him ever seeing her again. 'Next chance I get, I'll come find you. I'll run as fast as I can.'

Alex just ignored his brother, not even bothering to give a response or even a simple nod of the head. He just kept walking with the group, unable to get his mind off of Angie.

"Come on, Al... It'll be okay."

It was his sister that time. He couldn't get past the pain of his heartbreak to answer though. So he just slightly turned his head away from her, letting another tear escape his right eye.

Korosu looked back at them to see if the kid was at least trying to get happier. Nope. Still the saddest face he'd ever seen. Korosu, remembering how he felt during his first heartbreak, let out a sigh before moving back to walk beside Alex. "You okay, Alex?"

Now that got Alex's attention. He never once heard Korosu use his name. Or anybody's name, for that matter, but for the black wolves in his group. It surprised him enough to look at Korosu. The tears still coming from his eyes. He'd let out all the sobs. But the tears seemed endless for him.

Korosu kept walking. "The first heartbreak... One of the worse feelings I've ever had... When I had my first heartbreak, I thought the world was going to end... That nothing could ever make it better. That—"

"If you're trying to cheer me up, it's not working," Alex interrupted.

"The point is..." Korosu continued. "Although it may seem bad right now... It'll get better. Don't worry. It's pretty much a proven fact that everyone's first relationship doesn't end well." Serah and Trey looked at each other, a bit concerned with that statement. Stella and Jet did the same. But they weren't about to say anything about it. Not if Korosu was trying to cheer him up. "Of course... some relationships will work out, but not all of them do. What I'm trying to say is... Don't worry about it, Alex. You'll know when you've found the right girl for you."

Alex stopped in his tracks. Korosu took a few more steps before he realized that Alex stopped. Jet, Trey, Stella, and Serah all stopped as well. Then, hearing that the noise level had gone down, the five black wolves stopped like they were of a united mind. Alex wouldn't look up. His eyes were locked on his paws as his claws dug in to the dirt beneath him.

"I already did find the right girl..." He picked up his paw to find that it was full of dirt. The dirt started flowing between his toes and falling back to the earth. "I found the one for me... and let her slip through my paws..."

He tossed the rest of the dirt off to the side in sadness and collapsed to the ground, his face buried in his paws as he started to sob.

Korosu felt sorry for the kid. He remember what it was like to cry during his first heartbreak. And when someone was around to watch... it made it worse. He turned back to his group of wolves. "You go on ahead. Find a place for all of us to stay for the night. We'll continue on in the morning."

They nodded and continued on. Serah, Stella, Jet, and Trey followed after them, wanting to give Alex some time alone. He probably needed it. Korosu patted Alex on the back. "Come on, kid..."

"You don't understand..." Alex sobbed... "She was the perfect girl... Angie was the one and... and... I don't know if I'll ever see her again..."

"That's just the thing, Alex. I do understand. I've had my share of heartbreaks. I know how it feels. You think you've found the perfect one and—"

Alex sat straight up and interrupted him. "I don't think I've found the perfect one."—Korosu almost jumped back from the shock of Alex doing that so quickly. It was scary. "—I know. Okay? She's the most perfect wolf I've ever met... and... we can't be together."

"You'll understand with time, Alex... Not everyone is perfect. You'll find someone else."

"I don't want anyone else... I want Angie."

"Give it time... You'll feel better."

"Doubt it."

Korosu sighed. "Forget it. You won't listen... Follow our tracks when you're done with your crying."

With that, Korosu walked away in the direction everyone else had gone. Leaving Alex alone. Alex padded over to the nearest tree and lay down against it, his face on his paws as the tears streamed from his eyes. He wanted to forget about Angie, just so his heart would stop aching. But he didn't want to forget her. That was the main problem. He was in a battle of deciding whether to forget Angie or not. He loved her too much to want to forget her. But his heart hurt too much to keep her in his memory.

"I just don't know what to do..." he muttered. 'I love you...' He could still hear those words perfectly in his mind. And it hurt him even more. 'Next chance I get, I'll come find you. I'll run as fast as I can.' He had to remember those words... Angie would come for him.

Alex looked back in the direction everyone had come from. Where Angie was... It'd be so easy to just go back... To stay with her... Forever...

It was tempting... but he couldn't. He looked in the direction the others had gone. My brother... my sister... My dad... Another tear came from his eye. Mom... I need you... A slight wind picked up. A leaf crossed in front of him, heading in the direction the others had disappeared to. Where his siblings and his new friends were. It was like... like a sign. A sign that he should go with them.

But his heart was telling him to run back to Angie. Hug her... He needed her love right now. More than anything. But he couldn't just leave everyone... He couldn't throw his life away for a girl that he'd just met...

Could he?

'I'll come find you. I'll run as fast as I can. When I do, we'll know we were meant for each other.'

That did it. He wasn't even sure if Angie was really the one. But he'd know it as soon as Angie came for him. She knew where he lived. What pack he was in. If destiny really wanted him and Alex together... then all he would have to do is wait. Just wait for Angie to come to him.

After wiping the tears from his eyes, Alex stood up. He turned right and followed the tracks toward his siblings and his friends. He was going home. Go home. And wait. Just wait for her.

"Just forget it, Carol..." Angie sobbed, her tears staining the fur on her tail. "I can't be with Alex. I know that. Just leave me alone." Her sister took a step toward her and started caressing Angie's back as her sister shuddered with sadness, the sobs still continuing. Angie had told her everything about Alex. About what happened. And Carol was just trying to comfort her. "Go away, Carol... I just... I just want to be alone right now... Please."

Carol took her paw away. Angie obviously wasn't going to change her mind about Carol being there with her. So she backed up. "Fine... I'll leave you alone. But just remember this, Angie. You're my sister. I want to help you, Angie. You just have to let me..."

With those final words, Carol padded out of the den to head home. She had to get back home. To her pups. To James.

Angie kept sobbing. I love you, Alex... Why had she told him that? It was making her feel worse now... Sure, she'd be upset because of him leaving anyways. But knowing she'd told him how she felt... It made her feel terrible. It's not that she regretted falling in love with him. He was a great wolf. One of the best males that she'd ever met. This made her think... How could she have fallen so madly in love with a wolf in just one day? And get this upset about it that very same night?

Because he's the one... I just know it.

But if he had been the very wolf the fate had picked for her... wouldn't they still be together and not separated?

"I need you mom... and dad... Now more than ever."

At least they'd be able to help her cope with a broken heart... They'd be able to help.

Every little thing mattered in her life... If she'd never disobeyed her parents... If she'd never gone on that date with Luke... She could have saved her parents from that hunter. And they'd still be alive today... and they would be comforting her.

The memory of Alex licking her cheek flashed back to her. She remembered how it'd made her heart skip a beat. How it sent an electrical jolt throughout her body. She'd been in love with him all day... but that one tiny lick on the cheek... the one that lasted for a second but felt like an eternity to her... that was what made her realize she'd loved him.

Angie was the happiest wolf in the world...

The memory made a weak smile appear on her muzzle, though the tears kept streaming from her eyes. That was it. The memory was the best she could have from him. It wasn't much... but it could make her smile.

The smile on her muzzle immediately disappeared when she remembered what had happened two seconds after that lick... Total heartbreak because Alex was leaving... He was leaving her...

Probably forever...

No. Not forever. She refused to accept that concept. Angie was going to find him. She was going to hug him. And she'd never let him go again. 'I'll come find you.' she had told him... 'I promise.'

A promise that she was going to keep. No matter what.