Chapter One! ...If you've seen the first Broly movie a thousand times, then you know the drill...

The story will follow my OC throughout the DBZ storyline (and movies, if I can fit them in without deviating from the original anime/manga plot too much), told in first person where she is concerned, otherwise third person.

Remember when reading: "Dialogue" - 'thoughts' - flashback sequence - Onomatopoeia - telepathy/flashback in a flashback - ... = time passing -

line/bookmark thing = elsewhere/switch POV

Disclaimer: DBZ and any of its likeliness doesn't belong to me... only Midori, and future OCs if I feel the need for them.


Looming just ahead was the southern galaxy. From the spacial view, its majestic stars glowed like enormous, astral fireflies speckling a swirl of colorful, cosmic bodies. Through the saturation of hues, not a soul took notice of the small, green light that flickered. Why would they? Not until it grew and grew, becoming something far more devastating than a lick of green flame.

Above many inhabited worlds the stars erupted, turning the sky from a tranquil azure to the color of bright blood. With their destruction came projectiles of colossal proportion that struck buildings and crushed life on a meteoric scale. But closer to ground zero, on one decimated planet, fluorescent green bombs showered the terrain while equally dispersing into space, reducing neighboring worlds to rubble and nearby land and water formations into fiery craters.

Everywhere it was the same... The South Galaxy had been shattered...

By who, you may ask? Why, that man standing right over there: The Legendary Super Saiyan…


An incredibly nervous King Kai stood on the driveway of his quaint home-planet, sunglasses partially obscuring his worried features, arms folded stiffly behind his back. What kind of energy had he just felt? It was ridiculously powerful—something he might have conjured up in his wildest dreams!

'Oh no..! It's all gone...' he thought, panic gripping the short Kai tighter than his dark, leather boots. "It's just as I feared…" he finally muttered.

The small, bustling monkey known as Bubbles stopped in the middle of his frolicking to look up at his companion curiously. He could always tell when the Northern King was edgy.

"We've got to do something! Our galaxy's next!"

Empty coal eyes stared off into space, a gaze so indefinite that they could be looking at everything and nothing at once.

Two voices conversed nearby.

"So, Paragus, are you saying that you're going to find Vegeta? To rebuild the saiyan race, that is."

"Yes, Midori. I believe that the saiyans should have another chance to flourish."

"But what if Vegeta doesn't want to leave Earth?"

"I've thought about that occurrence and I have a back-up plan."

A note of suspicion accentuated "What would that be?"

"The Legendary Super Saiyan."

There was a moment of silence between Paragus and Midori, the stationary gaze of the other remaining so.

"…What will that do for us, Paragus?" Cautious onyx eyes cast a sideways glance to the solemn star-gazer.

"Even if Vegeta declines the offer, he will most definitely want to help us defeat the saiyan of legend. That I am sure off." His voice held increasingly menacing undertones as he continued. "But, of course, he will never be able to locate him, until it's too late…"

"Too late?"

"What I mean to say is, Vegeta will have been here on this planet long enough to have changed his mind... about not wanting to leave Earth."

"...This is all… so unbelievable, Paragus. I wish we could have tracked Vegeta down sooner." There was a far off note in her voice that suggested she had other things on her mind. "Now I'll be reunited with my sibling... and the saiyan race will be reborn."

"I am happy that you are happy, my dear…"

She finally turned to the third. "Isn't this wonderful, Broly?" Whether the warmth in her voice was genuine or not, the two males would never know.

"… Yes."

Unannounced to Broly, both saiyans beside him were plotting their own twists to the so-called re-population plan.


Looking down on West City was such a beautiful sight to behold with its cherry blossom trees in full bloom. It was like a fairy-tale scene amidst a bustling metropolis. Pink petals floated down at a teasingly slow rate, only to be cast back up with the wind. The process continued as citizens below were graced with their flowery charm.

This would have been a wonderful opportunity of a day to just get away and have some fun... Well, for most.

"Goku, pay attention! This is the parent's interview section." The voice of a not-so-average, tired-of-nagging house wife rang out through the urban fairy-tale scene. "Remember, we're being tested to make sure that we provide a healthy, educational environment for our son." No matter how many times she repeated herself, it seemed her husband had other things on his mind.

Chi-Chi may as well have been preaching to the deaf.

Goku pouted and tugged lightly at his shirt. The brown business suit he'd been forced into that morning was a far cry from his usual loose, orange gi. "But Gohan, Bulma, and everyone else went out to the country to have a picnic!" His voice was whiny; something a few strangers listening in found odd for someone of his age. "I really wanted to go too... Think we can meet up afterwards?"

They slowly made their way through a line of other waiting parents. Said line was so long that it wrapped around the entire block of the building where the fate of Gohan's education would ultimately be decided.

The Ox-King's daughter scanned the crowd of formally dressed adults. "I doubt it, Goku. At this pace it will take another two hours."

Goku stopped in his tracks, staring at his wife in disbelief. "What? Two hours? But this suit is so stiff and uncomfortable! This is not my look, Chi-Chi!" he exclaimed, fidgeting desperately in an attempt to adjust the attire he'd adorned for the occasion.

Starting to get infuriated with her husband's childishness, Chi-Chi spun around in her heels, glaring dangerously at Goku. Her baby would not grow up to be like his father, just because Goku was feeling uncomfortable.


Goku winced at the ferocity of his wife, the only person who could instill fear in him, as everyone in front and behind the couple stared, silently feeling for the man with the firecracker for a spouse.

Chi-Chi sighed once she had regained her composure, the breezy weather helping to cool her fiery temper. "Okay, let's practice again." She absentmindedly reached up to fix her bun. "What are your hobbies?"

Goku scratched his head in confusion. Inside the saiyan's skull, dozens of little Gokus dug for the meaning of the word. "Um...a hobby is something you like, right? To fight with powerful opponents, of course!" he stated cheerfully. What could have been better than that?

Chi-Chi smacked her forehead in frustration. What could have been worse than that? "No! You can't say that! You say 'My hobbies are reading and sports'!"

Goku looked down at the ground and pouted in disappointment. "But I don't even own a book."

Chi-Chi spared her alien husband a brief glance before sighing in even more frustration.

Gohan, Bulma (with baby Trunks), Mr. and Mrs. Brief, Oolong, Master Roshi, Krillin, and even Vegeta were at the park that day. They all sat grouped together in a circle under the aforesaid lovely cherry-blossom trees. That is, "all", with the exception of Vegeta, who sat behind his own tree that was not too far off from the rest.

Trunks (from the future) had also tagged along. After all, where he came from, he would never have had this kind of opportunity.

The main attraction was Master Roshi, who stood in the center of them all, balancing plates on a chopstick that in turn was balanced on his foot. The old warrior was the kind of man who could do the unthinkable. Even more so when assisted by… social beverages. With great precision, he kicked the whole thing off of his foot, into the air, and caught the stick with his mouth, managing to catch the plates on it with unbelievable accuracy.

Bulma watched in awe as the smaller Trunks giggled and flailed his tiny arms about. "This is what happens when you hide his magazines." She couldn't help but laugh, relieved that the old man had put his pervy ways aside, if only for a bit.

Gohan also laughed in amusement as the old man walked backwards while still balancing the plates. "You gotta teach me how to do that!" the ten-year old exclaimed.

Oolong, the pig, who sat next to Gohan, applauded Master Roshi.

All was well with the world, and it seemed the gang was having a great time. Nothing could damper the mood… Not an impending tournament with universal consequences, nor any unannounced guests...

On planet Yardrat, a saiyan girl stood alone in a meadow-like clearing, her onyx eyes intently scanning the yellow-green sky above her. The wind no longer blew her shortly cropped hair, but seemed to sit heavy like the feeling in her stomach.

Something was off.

She squinted up at a small white object falling rapidly towards the surface.

'A space ship?' she finally realized.

She'd had a decade to get to know the world, and space travel was nothing new. Planet Yardrat received many foreign visitors… But, why was she getting such a bad vibe from the shuttle?

The little saiyan wasn't kept waiting for long as she watched the ship crash land out of the corner of her eye, about a couple hundred yards away from her position.

Smoke and debris clouded all view, but when the dust cleared, a hefty crater was left out in the open to gape at the settling clouds.

Still staring up at the sky where it had entered the atmosphere, she brought a small hand to her chin and rubbed it as if deep in thought. "People seem to use that model quite a lot." She wasn't sure what to make of the situation.

"I guess I could go check it out. That wasn't a nice landing... Someone might need my help." Being as young as she was, merely ten, the uneasy feelings lifted as easily as she would bat an eyelash, and the girl eagerly proceeded towards the wreckage. If the aliens were hostile, they wouldn't be a problem for her. Being foreign to Yardrat herself, she was much stronger than the general population.

"What if they're saiyans? Their energy feels like mine!" She picked up her feet a bit more, too excited to use common sense; that flying would place her there within five seconds. 'They use that kind of ship, too!'

Seeing another one of those space pods in-person sent her emotions tumbling. She was anxious at their sudden arrival, scared of their intentions, and happy that they might be of her race—all at once. From what she heard a few years ago, planet Vegeta had been destroyed only a week or two before she was born.

But that didn't stop her from believing. As long as she could remember, she would have these vivid dreams, of a boy with hair so spiky it stood up vertically, and a tail just like hers. The boy would stand before her seated person, dressed royally and all, and place a gloved hand under her chin, smirking childishly.

"Keep your chin up, kid. You are the princess of all saiyans. You've got to show the universe what you're made of. And don't forget the one most important thing to a saiyan: their pride…"

Her mother, who was one of the many concubines of King Vegeta, had fled the planet because of the cold-hearted space lord named Frieza; a murderous being who controlled anyone he pleased, and killed those that got in his way. Frieza had even brought their mighty King to his death.

Finally reaching the crater-held spaceship, she noticed it was a lot smaller than she thought it would be. It was one of the space pods that fit only one person.

Squatting down in front of it, she used her tail to pick up a stick that was behind her and began to prod the tiny ship. Normally she wouldn't have gone up to anything she knew was dangerous, but the life force coming from the contraption was fairly weak.

Finally making up her mind, she rose to her feet, tossed the stick, and placed one hand on each side of the door. With a small grunt she ripped the door clean off its hinges, turning casually to toss it behind her. Twisting back around, she gasped at the sight she saw: A man looking to be in his late thirties with spiky black hair lay there with a boy in his arms, both of them looking only half alive. The kid appeared to be no older than her, and had long black hair.

Right away she knew they were saiyans. One: the spaceship they used, two: being they both had tails wrapped around their waists.

"Great Kais!" she exclaimed, taking a step back as she clapped her hands to her cheeks in surprise.

The young girl took a deep breath and walked back up to the pod. Getting down on her knees, she reached out and got a hold of the boy's arm, draping it over her shoulder carefully. Placing her index and pointer finger on her forehead, she closed her eyes for a brief moment. In a zip of light they were gone.

They appeared again at the edge of the crater, and she carefully laid him out on his back. Judging by the looks of the boy, she had to assume that he'd gotten into a huge brawl. His clothes were torn and tattered, not to mention the dried blood and bruises.

"Hey boy," she whispered, shaking his shoulder ever so slightly. When that didn't work, she started slapping his cheeks. "…Hey bo-" before she could blink again, his hand shot up and seized her wrist, causing her to yelp in surprise.

His eyes flashed warningly between black and turquoise. Terse words escaped through gritted teeth, "Don't..."

The girl gasped in fear, already pulling back, but with his vice grip on her it was useless. "Let… let GO OF ME!" she yelled angrily, finally finding her voice.

The boy attached to her only growled. His eyes continued to flicker between its natural black and a bluish-green color, finally siding with turquoise. His hair started to float.

In honest shock, she could only sit and be baffled at how quickly his energy was rising. She didn't even notice him let go of her.

The boy threw his head back and screamed, conceiving a strong gust of energy that knocked her back a dozen feet. She had to cover her eyes from all the sand that was flying around.

When she looked back up, her mouth fell open in astonishment. This was no ordinary saiyan boy.


"My name is Meedo-Ree, child of Celaria and the Great King Vegeta," she replied proudly, standing as tall as her child body would allow.

The man smirked, replying, "Well then, your highness, I am Paragus and that is my son, Broly." Paragus pointed over her shoulder, where Broly stood stoically.

He then held his hand out to her. "I suggest you memorize those names, because I'd absolutely love it if you could join us."

Midori narrowed her eyes at Paragus. She didn't trust him at all.

"I also suggest you accept my offer, because if you don't… I'll have Broly destroy this whole planet."

She gasped in surprise, thinking, 'They want me to come with them that bad?'

Without another thought, she slowly reached out and placed her petite hand in Paragus' large palm and shook his hand.


Midori strayed as far as possible from Broly. The boy was violent. But other times he could be so shy and reserved… even downright adorable. And as much as she hated to admit it, there was a slight attraction held for the solemn saiyan.

She couldn't help but stare at Broly's face. He had the deepest onyx eyes and silkiest raven hair she had ever seen. If only he could've been nicer…

"What are you staring at?" he asked, sending her an annoyed glance.

"Um... nothing," she answered, turning away quickly so he wouldn't notice her blush.


Broly was slumped over Midori's bedside, her pale hand clasped tightly in his shaking pair.

"Wake up...please..." he whimpered to her unresponsive form. His voice had matured, along with his body over the last five years.

The soft click of a door, followed by footsteps, invaded Broly's sensitive hearing.

"Midori will need a blood transplant. My son, you are the only one with the matching blood type," Paragus stated, placing a comforting hand on his son's bare shoulder.

One day ago:

My eyes slid open laggardly when I felt an energy surge next to me. Really, it's what kept me from my beauty sleep.

'He's probably having a dream,' I proposed, rolling over on my side to face my sleeping mate.

He had a somewhat distressed look upon his face. I sighed wearily and stood up, walking to the other side of the room. There was no use in lying next to him if he was going to wake up with his "guns blazing"...

'The boy of my dreams,' I thought with a sour laugh, referring to the dream of memories I'd just had.

Although some of the memories had been slightly off... like Paragus threatening to blow up my home planet. Not quite able to recall exactly why, I blamed my joining Paragus and Broly on being young. Not to mention my naivety at the time. Needless to say I was regretting it.

But, if I had not joined them, I wouldn't have gotten the chance to scratch that darned itch I was born with; the one that yearned for battle... that craved pain and being able to return pain... There was only so much the peaceful natives of my home planet could do to relieve my restlessness as a child.

My journey with the two men had started out okay. I'd learned how to work around Broly's mood swings. Then it was more than okay. There was love (and adventure… lots of action and adventure). But alas, that had slipped from my sturdy grasp a long time ago. Romance turned more towards violence and heartache. All the anger Broly had inside of him was always taken out on his father, me (we both had a few permanent reminders), or any unlucky innocent that crossed paths with us...

I had even tried to escape a couple of times, but the result of my being caught usually ended in someone's death... Almost mine, once upon a time. And so I'd tried to stay put like a good girl... All was fine if I stayed put and behaved… until something else angered him.

The only pleasant thing in my life was Paragus, who was like the father to me that King Vegeta never got to be, training me and sharpening all of my skills. Despite the rough beginnings, Paragus was more of a father to me than he was to his own son. Half of the time he kept Broly locked up, solitary. But it was only for his and everyone else's safety.

Broly... he was... complex, to say the least. Some doctors had diagnosed him with Bi-Polar disorder. One moment he would be deep in thought, a very timid man, and other times he would lose all self control. Sometimes it took a whole population's demise to settle him down.

But I knew better. I knew that it was something much more than that: his limitless supply of power. It drove him crazy, I was sure of it...

I wish... I could say I still loved him, but the Broly I once loved had drastically faded away.

And Paragus, I would lie to him whenever he saw me bruised and battered. I just blamed it on all the fights we got into with the planet's locals. We were wanted throughout galaxy districts, after all...

'Why do I let myself live like this? If I can't live a free life, then why don't I just let Broly get rid of me once and for all?' ...I could just imagine it. Actually trying to anger him… it wouldn't be hard.

Shaking my head free of the unpleasant thoughts, I walked over to the bathroom. There was a large, in-ground bathtub filled with hot water; compliments of palace life.

I dipped a single hand into the pool and frowned. 'Too hot.' So I sat cross-legged for a while, allowing it some cooling time.

Barely two minutes had passed before I became restless and decided to begin undressing. In one swift motion I pulled the plain sleeping tunic over my head and tossed it over my shoulder. I then took a moment to gaze into my wavering reflection, studying it closely.

Everything about my face was sharp. Black bangs that naturally swept to the side and short hair reaching just below chin level, which flared out at the tips. My already narrow eyes were almost always squinted; a habit formed from constant stress and brooding. A straight pointed nose and average lips. Nothing special. But, at least I was one of those women who compensated for my boyish charm by being well-endowed.

A little lower there were a few minor scars scattered across my abdomen and arms. Battle scars.

When the water finally cooled down a bit I decided to swim around, just trying to prolong the start of my day… A day that held mystery and wonders in my future.

After a while of bathing myself I got out and dried my pruned body, shaking my head like a furry animal, causing water droplets to sprinkle on my sleeping-wear. I didn't bother brushing my hair, either. Saiyan hair was untamable. It would perk back up into its original style soon, anyway.

Leaving a trail of wet footprints behind me, I paused near the door, noticing something that wasn't there before. I turned around fully to see a pile of clothes with my favorite jewelry sitting on the floor.

My eyes widened at bit. "I must have been pretty distracted to not notice him come in..." I mumbled, picking up the pile of clothing.

It was a soft, cream-colored tunic with white borders, white pants, and slip on shoes to match the tunic. The accessories consisted of my signature gold armbands, a jeweled tiara, and a necklace. The latter two weren't things I usually wore, but Broly had an affinity for shiny things.

Walking down one of the corridors, the emptiness of the palace hit me. It was odd not to see little alien servants scampering around, followed closely by agitated soldiers. Everyone's energy signals were near the main entrance.

"I know I'm being lazy today, but..." I reasoned to myself silently as I placed my index and middle finger to my forehead and closed my eyes. In an instant I was gone from sight.

Broly stood stiffly at the main entrance of his father's palace, arms crossed, chiseled face virtually emotionless.

Today would be the day that his father would go to Earth and bring back Prince Vegeta. It was all a part of his big plot to lure Vegeta into reestablishing the saiyan race, with The Legendary Super Saiyan (if Vegeta refused) as the bait.

Broly watched as the spaceship was preparing for takeoff.

I wondered what would happen if they never found this saiyan of legend who was right in front of them. Would he really stay like Paragus had predicted? Or leave, because he was only interested in finding the legend.

Or, if Vegeta did find out about Broly, would he fight him? Broly would get… angry… Vegeta would be dead, and there goes our king and… my long-lost brother.

'There goes my chance to use Paragus' plan to escape to Earth…'

Broly's fingers twitched. There was a mild disturbance in the air around him. The tall saiyan turned to inspect the ground to his left as a pair of feet came into view. Those feet just happened to be attached to a body—yours truly.

"Midori," he said, turning his gaze back towards the sky. "What took you? You knew my father was leaving today." His questioning was done in a somewhat of an annoyed fashion, but didn't stray far from his standard, dull demeanor.

I replied innocently "I guess... it just slipped my mind." I only lied to his face when he knew I was lying. And he knew that I knew that he knew I was lying... Hmm.

"Yes, of course it did," he murmured sarcastically.

It was funny how he could become annoyed or shocked like any normal person, having normal reactions, but the tiniest—oddest things would set him off!

Oh well...

Paragus had said that I should be up and ready by the time he was there or he would leave without me.

'He's the one that said I would help his cause, being Vegeta's sister and all… Why is he in such a rush?'

For a second I thought about using my instant transmission, but decided against it. I didn't want to get my hopes up too high. There was a big chance this would blow up in our faces. I really didn't feel like being there for the potential rejection.

'He'll probably turn tail when he sees this barren world anyway…' The planet we were situated on was nothing but an inhabited wasteland. The best part of it was the palace we were housed in, the surrounding forest, and a lake. Beyond that was a desert-like hell.

I had faith in Paragus' great, charismatic ways, though.

My eyes remained glued to the egg-shaped shuttle of Paragus' blasting off into space with a mighty burst of flame. When it was out of the atmosphere, my eyebrows furrowed, I turned around, then slowly walked away. It would be a long two day's wait.

Back to present time-

"OOOOOH I JUST WANNA BEEE YOUR PUPPYYY! AHHHH~!" Krillin wailed mercilessly into a microphone.

He stood on a small makeshift stage in front of his friends, giving his all.

"He's fantastic!" chirped Mrs. Brief as she leaned into her husband.

"I guess that's one way of putting it," Mr. Brief responded, laughing.

Trunks stared at his bald companion, unable to restrain himself from shaking his head. "Could anyone possibly think this is good...?" the teen asked himself, partly wishing he had a set of earplugs.

Gohan watched with his mouth slightly agape, while Master Roshi raised his shot of Sake and laughed. "Yeah! Sing it! ...Puppy songs!" the elder man exclaimed in his drunken state.

Little Trunks flailed his arms and legs around in delight as Bulma looked on at the whole scenario with raised brows.

Meanwhile Krillin continued to "sing", "—AND THEN, SOMEDAY I…"

Vegeta, who was also unfortunate enough to be seated next to all of this, was becoming quite the irritable prince. "Erg, I just can't stand it any longer!" he growled, fists tightening.

The microphone was going to be shoved somewhere unpleasant if the singing didn't end soon...

Krillin took a deep intake of breath, preparing for another wail when something caught his attention, his eyes abruptly shifting to the sky, mouth still open.

A humongous, egg-shaped spacecraft landed in a clearing not too far from where the whole crew was located.

Krillin gaped at the sight for a couple of seconds, but then returned to his karaoke song as if the new phenomenon was a regular occurrence. In their case… it was.

A giant door opened from the ship and a hundred alien soldiers in dark green armor marched out, surrounding the area.

Trunks and Gohan reacted quickly, the young saiyans flying straight towards the action.

Vegeta opened his now narrowed eyes as the soldiers came to a halt in front of him, bowing before his seated form.

"Sir!" said one of the closest.

The scowling prince rose to his feet with a demeanor that stressed no foolery. "What's the meaning of this?" he roughly demanded.

To answer his question, a man emerged from the sea of bowed soldiers before Vegeta. He had hair much like the prince's, except wilder, with bushy sideburns and an impressive mustache. "At long last, we've found you, Prince Vegeta," he announced, respectfully kneeling down in front of him as the rest did.

A smirk found its way across Vegeta's face. "You're a saiyan, aren't you?"

"Yes. I am Paragus," he replied, looking Vegeta square in the eyes.

In the background, Krillin's singing could still be painfully heard. But everybody in the park was seemingly gone, minus his friends—the only ones still hanging around the syfy scene.

Krillin finally noticed this and looked around in confusion as to why nobody was present.

It was finally Chi-Chi and Goku's turn for the interview. A teacher was skimming over some of Gohan's records, flipping through its pages every few seconds. A few other adults sat by his side; more than likely they were on the school board.

"We have always hoped our Gohan would be a great scholar, and we have done our best to provide a stable home environment filled with positive re-enforcement and healthy learning." Chi-Chi's practiced speech rolled off of her tongue easily.

Meanwhile Goku sat next to her, trying desperately to adjust the uncomfortable tie he was wearing. Dang that tie of his...

"Goku. Goku! Can you hear me?" A rather stressed, but familiar voice called out to the saiyan telepathically.

"Huh? Oh, it's King Kai," he murmured, looking up and smiling. "Hey! King Kai, how's it goin'?" Goku greeted cheerfully through the telepathic link.

"Goku, I need to see you immediately. Do not delay, it's an emergency."

Goku's eyes widened as he grimaced at King Kai's words. "No way! I can't leave right now! I'm stuck in a very important interview with Chi-Chi." His tone then turned childish. "Plus, if I don't answer all the questions the way she wants me to, Chi-Chi said she won't let me eat dinner or dessert tonight..."

King Kai's eyebrow twitched as he proceeded to yell, "I'LL COOK YOU SOME HAMBURGERS! JUST GET HERE!"

Goku winced at the volume of King Kai's voice in his head.

"Look—the Earth is in trouble. Something terrible has happened, and the whole galaxy could be destroyed."

Goku's eyes widened again in alarm, his hands reflexively clutching his knees. "THAT'S TERRIBLE!" he exclaimed out loud, fading back into reality.

"Uh—terribly excited to send Gohan to your school, that is," Chi-Chi intervened nervously, mentally slapping her airhead husband for his random outbursts.

The man in the green suit that was checking over Gohan's files nodded casually. "Yes, now Mr. Goku, what are your hobbies?" he questioned, smiling at the man in a friendly manner.

Chi-Chi shifted in her seat anxiously as she stared at Goku, waiting for an answer. "Goku..." she hissed, nudging him lightly in the rib cage.

"Right. Let me see...Um, my hobbies are reading and uh—"

"And sports," his wife finished for him.

Goku abruptly stood from the chair he was sitting in, causing it to fall over. "Ah, sorry..." he apologized, looking down at Chi-Chi.

Her heart skipped a beat. He was not about to ruin this. "Goku...What?" she asked, staring up at him from her seat.

"Chi-Chi, I know this is really important to you, but I have to go. Something urgent has come up," he replied, placing his index and middle finger on his forehead.

Like a flash, Goku was soon out of sight.

Dress suite wrinkled and hair frayed, Chi-Chi shot up and gave a cry of frustration, hands clutching her head.

All three teachers stared and gaped in utter shock. "Ma' am, is your husband a magician or something..?" one asked shakily.

Chi-Chi huffed and balled her fists in anger. "READING AND SPORTS ARE HIS FAVORITE HOBBIES!" she shrieked, finishing with a growl.

A/N: Yay, chapter one! I had fun writing the Goku/Chi-Chi parts, despite how much I dislike her...

So yeah, I like reviews as much as the next person :) Let me know what I'm doing wrong/right!