Summary: A year after Cedric death, Bella is still coping. Their son was born. The Ministry has ordered that all children from newborns to seventh years to go into hiding. Bella and Anthony are sent to a town called Forks. How will she react when she sees a certain man with brown hair? Voldemort is alive and causing trouble. Harry and the others are fighting. What will happen when it comes down to protecting the thing you love the most

AN: I have made a mistake on this but I changed it. I accidentally made Cedric die a year before his death. Instead of June 24, 1995 I put June 24, 1994. Also I put Anthony's Birthday a year before. So the updated dates now are correct.

I laughed as my son started to walk. He had my brown hair and his father's gray eyes. He had just turned one year old. So far he thinks that he is the king of the house.

I have became a widow a year and half ago. My husband was killed. I finished my seventh year. When I was going to class, I would drop Anthony with Amos and Annabeth or mom and dad. They all loved him.

I was currently training to become a Auror. The training took three years. After the Goblet of Fire, I have stopped being called for. The Dark Mark soon was disappearing. This was strange. Most of the dark marks stay on forever but the people that had gotten the mark during that year at Hogwarts, it was disappearing. I guess it happened because it was not the Dark Lord that cast it upon us, so it would disappear.

I was training with Tonks. She was very fun to train with. She was very funny at times but very scary when angry. She gets mad every time someone calls her by her first name not by her surname.

I was training again with Tonks when Remus came running in. Remus looked out of breath.

"What is wrong Remus?" Tonks asked him.

"All of the children are starting to go into hiding." He told her.


"The Ministry believes that the children need to be hidden." This caught my attention. He was looking at me.

"How old are the children that they are talking about?" I asked him.

"Newborns to seventh years." I gasped.

"This means that Anthony needs to go into hiding?" I asked. He nodded.


"I will not leave him."

"We know. You will be sent into hiding also."

"Where will we go?"

"I don't know but that is up to the ministry." I nodded. "You might want to go home and tell you parents and in-laws about what is happening." I nodded and ran out of the training room. I ran all the way back home. I ran up to my house (same on the profile). I ran up the second floor, which my parent resided. I knock of the door. It opened.

"Mom, Dad." I called to them. They both turned around. In the crib was Anthony. He looked at me curiously. I smiled at him, then I looked at my parents. "The children are being sent into hiding." I told them straight out.


"Every child that has witch blood flowing through their veins is being put into hiding. Newborns to Seventh years are being told to hide. This includes Anthony." I told them.

"What about you?"

"Since Anthony is only one year old, I will go into hiding with him." I told them.

"Where will you go?" They asked.

"I don't know. That is up to the ministry." I told them.

I looked at Anthony. He looked at us like he understood every word that we were saying. He looked some much like his father. I don't know what I would have done without him. I walked over to him and pushed his hair out of his eyes. I smiled at the last part of Cedric.


It has been a year and a half since I was damned to this life. My son was born January 15, 1996. I was told by Dumbledore. I would never see my son though. I was able now to control my bloodlust to where I am able to go to a muggle school. I am go to school now with my adopted siblings.

Carlisle saved me on that fateful day of June 24, 1995. Technically I did die because my heart no longer beats.

We have moved to a town called Forks.

My siblings were vampire also but much older than me. When they found out that Carlisle had changed me, they were shocked. They were all saddened when they heard of my wife.

Every moment of everyday I thought about Bella and our son. I wondered how he looked. How she was doing? Did she ever get married? What was she doing with her life now that she has graduated?

Bella said that she always wanted to stay in the fight though. So I'm guessing an Auror.

I was playing piano when Alice knocked on the door.

"Yes, Alice?" I asked.

"We are going to be having a new student coming today."

"This has to do what with me?" I asked bored.

"Come on, Edward! You can't just locking yourself away to drown in your loneliness!" She yelled at me.

"How would you feel if you were part from Jasper- forever?" I asked her. That shut her up. "I have been separated from my love of my life!" I never told them about my son. "Hell I haven't even seen my son!" Everyone except Carlisle came running in.

"Son?" Esme asked.

"Yes, my son. My wife was pregnant before I was turned. After the third task, we were planning on telling the new publicly but we never got the chance to. Bella had him on January 15th this year. I will never get to see my son or wife again." I put my face in my hands. I felt someone put their arms around me. Most likely Esme.

"You really loved her?" Rosalie asked.

"More than anything in the entire world. I made a promise with her. I said that I would never leave her a widow and never leave our child to grow up without a father. I have broke that promise." I told them.

"Come, Edward. We have to go to school." Alice nudged me. I nodded and slowly rose up. I felt dead inside. I had no reason to live for the reason was gone and away.


Anthony and I were going to a small town named Forks. There in that town, I had a uncle that was a squib named Charles. He was my father's twin brother. There I would be his niece and Anthony would be my little brother.

Charles was a average-sized man with brown hair and a mustache. He had brown eyes. I had blue. Our family was full of pure-bloods, no one knew quite sure why he was a squib meaning that he had no powers.

I met up with Charles once we arrived in Port Angeles.

"Hello, I'm Charles. I guess I am your uncle." I nodded.

"Nice to meet you, Charles," I shook his hand. "I'm Isabella but I prefer to be called Bella. This is my son Anthony." I smiled at Anthony as he looked at Charles.

"Well, come on." He led us out of the airport. He led us to a police car. He put my bag into the trunk. I just had to take one bag because I used a undetectable extension charm on it, so everything fit inside.

We drove silently to Forks. Anthony was having fun being in a muggle car. The only car that he has been in was the one that my father has. Other than that he never has been in a car. He was looking and seeing that we were still on the ground. He looked at me. I giggled. He looked so funny behind the bars.

"Anthony, the car is not going to fly okay." I told him. He looked disappointed and went to looking at the road. I shook my head. I looked at the sky. Here in Forks, it was under the constant rain and clouds.

Then we came up to a home.

"Well, welcome to your new home." Charles announced. I smiled and got out of the car and went to the back where Anthony was sitting. I grabbed him and Charles grabbed my bag. "Is everything that you need in here?" He asked as he lifted it. I giggled again.

"I used a charm." I told him. He chuckled.

"I should have guessed that." He walked inside of the house. I followed him, holding Anthony on my hip. (Pic of Anthony on profile) I walked to the second floor. There was a room. In the room was a queen sized bed with a crib on another side of the room. The bed was the closest thing to the window while the crib was the farthest away from the window and door. I smiled at Charles. I hugged him. "Thank you."

"No problem. You are my family." He told me. He was prepared to walk out, then he remembered something. "Oh, yeah. You start to go to school tomorrow."

"What about Anthony?" I asked him.

"I have friends who are werewolves. They will watch him." I nodded. Thank god.

"Thank you for everything." I told him. He nodded and walked down stairs. I looked at the room. Then I sat on the bed. Anthony was tired. I put him in the crib. His crib was made out of dark wood (On profile). He put him in his bed. Then I fell onto my bed and fell asleep.

I woke up with something ringing. I looked at the clock. It was time to go to school. I got ready. Then I picked up Anthony and ran down stairs. I carried my wand with me just in case. There on the couch watching TV was Charles.

"Morning Charles."


"So what is happening with Anthony?" I asked.

"I am going to drop him off him with the pack." I nodded. "Oh yeah. I got you a gift."

"You did?" I asked him.

"I bet you didn't want to go to school being dropped off in a police car so Charlie and I bought you this." He led me outside. There was a car. It was a bmw. (I know that this car is 2002 model and the year is 1995 but I don't want her to have a box figured car). I smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you!"

"You better get to school. You don't want to be late on the first day." I nodded. I put Anthony in his chair and kissed his forehead.

"Mommy is going to see you later." Then I ran out of the room and ran to the car. I drove of out of the drive and started working my way to the school. I parked my car in the front. Some students were already there. Their mouths opened when they seen my car. I locked the doors and started toward the office. Today was going to be a entertaining day.

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