~What Lies Hidden~

There is now excuse for this. This has to be the most perverted thing that I have ever written. But I just got a new Dounjin in the mail (I now have a total of 10...) and it inspired me…. And I was playing with a translator that I found on line…

This is about as close to rape (not really) or dark stuff that I can get…

It's not really rape because Tyki does like Ellen, but thinks its all one-sided. Ellen does like Tyki… She just hasn't realize it yet… (almost sounds like 'Secrets'...)


Warning: Smut, a little bit of non-con… if you can call it that…

And I so totally used a translator for the Portuguese, because I have a hard enough time with my native language English… hopefully its correct…

Declaimer: I do not own.

Updating the Portuguese parts... I hope they are right now...? Thank you so those that have pointed my ops out! Thank you to Lis-d, I used your trans... hope that's ok?

Her whole body was burning with lust, the fire threading through her veins and down, the fire raging through her blood and through out her body. Her petite frame shook and Ellen could feel the knot in her lower belly tighten, that ach between her legs increasing and demanding her to find an end, to find fulfillment…

She needed to find some kind of relief or she was going to go mad!

Her breathing was labored, her chest heaving to get air into her starved lungs. The air, and everything else for that matter, was burning hot. It made Ellen dimly wander if she was running a fever…

The young woman took a breath and her body shivered as she inhaled his sent. The fire within her burning hotter and her clouded silver eyes turned to look into the eyes of the one that she had pinned to the ground underneath her.

Crown Clown was activated, her Innocence restraining the one that she had pressed to the old wooden floor of her hotel room. Tyki Mikk lay under her, the Noah's lips twisted into an amused and irritatingly smug smile. The man was enjoying his position a little to much…

The white haired Exorcist could vaguely hear the Noah say something crude, something about the position that they were in, but Ellen was finding it hard to concentrate around the ach and the need that was growing in her lower belly. The young woman to caught up in the fire consuming her to blush like she normally would when the Noah would make a jeering comment at her…

Damn Komui and his stupid experiments! This was all his fault, if he hadn't spiked the European Branch's water supply with his newest potion this wouldn't be happening. The whole Branch was in chaos that's to him!

Ellen had left HQ as soon as she could, fearing that this would happen. But the young Exorcist was regretting her choice, she just had to run into the Noah of Pleasure of all people!

Tyki Mikk and his irritating advances…

Said Noah was pinned under her at the moment. The young woman straddling his strong hips, her right hand braced on his white clothed chest. Crown Clown's white ribbons wrapped tight around the Noah's broad chest and strong arms, one white ribbon around his neck and yet more around his legs for good measure. The ribbons of her Innocence were then anchored into the wooden floor of the inn that she had locked herself in only hours before.

The man under her had once told her that his irritating ability of going threw things didn't work on Innocence, a nice bit of information that he shouldn't have told her.

Ellen had barely made it to her room in this small little town withoutany 'incident'. The young white haired Exorcist had then locked and barricaded the door and quickly stripped off her cloths.

The second thing she had done had involved a nice cold shower…

She had been to ashamed and to embarrassed to try and relieve some of her frustration… though the cold shower seemed to have helped cool that burning fire for the moment, so when Ellen had felt that the worst was over she had left the bathroom…

The young woman shifted a little on the Noah's lap, Ellen having to bite her lower lip to keep back a needing moan. She wouldn't give the Noah the satisfaction of knowing that he had gotten to her…

And if it had been any other day…

The fire flashed hotter and the ach between her legs increased and Ellen just knew that her will power wasn't going to last much longer. She was burning hot and Ellen was sure she would suffocate from the heat alone.

Her left hand, that was currently at the restrained Noah's throat, twitched and her fingers flexed. Ellen swallowed and her head tilted back as she lost the battle to keep her hips still.

And Ellen was so sure that she would have been fine, that the cold shower would have worked, if this Noah bastard hadn't been waiting in her room, leaning back in a chair and smoking a cigarette like he owned the place, like he belonged in her room.

It pissed her off to no end!

The great prophesized "Destroyer of Time" shamelessly ground her clothed hips against the man that she had pinned and helpless underneath her. Her pink lips parted and a soft groan ghosted past them. Ellen's eyes fluttered down and looked at the Noah with burning silver…

The Exorcist watched as the Noah's stunned gold narrowed in slight confusion.

But the young Exorcist could see that spark of lust within that gold flare up also, she could feel him harden even more within his pant as her hips rotated again before coming to a forced stop. Her bare chest heaving and her petite frame shivering as the man under her fought down a groan.

Ellen had been mortified when she had opened the door of her bathroom and stepped out, completely naked into her hotel room, only to come face to face with a suppressed Noah of Pleasure. The man had done a double tack and then had chuckled slyly. That infuriating grin that she hated so much had nearly split his face in two.

He had then breathed out in a deep baritone that had made her shiver hard. "Ah, if I had known that I'd get a show I would have come more prepared."

Ellen had quickly summoned her Innocence, having Crown Clown wrap a few ribbons around her exposed chest and around her… lower half… so that she wasn't nearly so exposed. Tyki Mikk had chuckled louder and then pushed himself up from his seat, Ellen's left hand rose to point at him threateningly.

Warning the man to not get any ideas…

Her cheeks heating with embarrassment as the young woman could see that he already had a few…ideas

That was when that ach and fire had started up again, though much worse then it had been before her cold shower…

"I saw you enter this here inn about an hour ago, menina {girl}, and had thought that I should be a gentleman and stop by." Tyki said in his irritatingly smooth voice, his burning gold eyes sliding over her pale smooth skin with a hungry leer. "Mm, I am very glad I did. The view is absolutamente de tirar o fôlego. {absolutely breathtaking.}"

Ellen had not been able to understand the last part of what Mikk had said, but she could assume that it had been something vulgar. She had growled out a warning for the Noah to leave, but that fire was making it all that much more harder to keep her tone harsh.

Mikk had simply smirked, his dark gray lips stretching wide across his annoyingly handsome face. The man had the nerve to speak again and not heed her words to leave. "Why would I leave? Here I thought we could get to know each other a little better..." Tyki Mikk had said in a low tone, shrugging his broad shoulders in disappointment as he continued to look her over.

That had brought them to their little scuffle, the pervert had being his normally handsy self, just like in any of their previous fights. Though this scuffle had ended with Ellen being the victor and pinning the bastard to the floor of her hotel room.

"Careful menina, if you keep that up I might start doubting your innocence." Mikk purred in a deep sultry voice, his gold eyes burning into her narrowed silver, snapping the young Exorcist out of her thoughts. Ellen could feel that ach between her legs increase as his smooth voice reached her ears.

"Shut up." Ellen growled out from between clenched teeth. Her eyes narrowing even more. Her hips once again grinding and seeking any kind of friction that might give her what her body was yearning and burning for. "Stop talking."

But Mikk only chuckled, the Noah sounding a little breathless as her grinding was proving to only encourage the man, in more ways then one. "Ah, but I'm finding your behavior so amusing, menina." The man swallowed back a groan as Ellen's hips twisted against his clothed and very hard shaft with a little more force.

"I am finding it very hard to believe that you're a Christian at the moment, querida. {darling.}" Tyki Mikk groaned out, his hips fighting to not jerk up as Ellen twisted her hips again. That pleasure in her lower belly flashing higher, the Exorcist now so close to finally reaching relief.

Mikk's lips twisted into a devilish smirk, his gold eyes practically glowing in desire as he watch her tilt her head back and moan softly, her pale hips not once stopping in their motion against his confined and straining erection.

Dear god the man was going to make her… She needed to stop…

"You're acting more like a little harlot then an Exorcist menina," The Noah of Pleasure purred out, lust heavy in his voice. Another groan from the Noah had Ellen chancing a glance down, her silver eyes meeting his heated leer. Ellen gasped as his hips bucked up once their eyes met and Tyki Mikk's smirk pulled just a little wider as her cheeks colored a darker pink.

"Don't move!" She hissed, her left hand almost cutting the gray skin of his neck when Mikk starting to move his hips in time with hers. The perverted bastard laughed breathlessly as the white haired Exorcist bit her lower lip, her back straight and her head thrown back in bliss as that aching pressure between her legs finally snapped, her petite frame shaking as her orgasm broke over her.

There was only one blissful second of heaven, then Ellen choked back a startled cry as she was slammed onto the cold wooden floor of the hotel. Ellen's Innocence un-invoked the second her orgasm hit her and The Noah of Pleasure was quick to take advantage of the opening.

His left hand shooting up and taking a bruising hold of her throat, then rolling them and pushing her petite body flat onto the floor underneath him. His right hand taking a tight hold of her left wrist and forcing it to the ground in a hard bone breaking grip.

One silver eye cracked open, the Noah of Pleasure smirking darkly down at her, his gold eyes burning hotter then that fire that had been consuming her only a few moments ago, that fire that was slowly growing within her again...

Tyki Mikk leaned down and Ellen turned her head away and to the left, her eyes squeezing shut. The Noah chuckled in amusement and the young woman could feel his hot breath against her ear as his spoke. "Did you enjoy that menina?" He purred as the hand around her throat let go and slowly traveled south. "I for one enjoyed that immensely."

Ellen whimpered when his skilled hand ghosted across her right breast, a pleasure filled shiver racking her body at the unfamiliar touch. Her face flushing as that horrid ach renewed between her thighs. "I think you might have ruined my pants menina," Mikk's voice sensual and smoother then silk.

Tyki Mikk's fingers slid around the soft mount of her breast in a slow circle, before they moved to brush across her nipple teasingly. Ellen gasped and bit her lower lip, her cheeks heating in shame when the man holding her to the floor chuckled wickedly. "Ah, you're so sensitive, maybe I was wrong my dear menina. Tell me, are you a proper Christian woman?"

The perverted bastard pulled back to look at her, his gold eyes flashing oddly as they burned into her skin and eyes, the young woman found it hard to meet that heated look. Ellen was barely able to glance at him from the corner of her narrowed silver eyes.

Her heart was pounding in her chest and a startled cry was torn from her throat when the bastard pinched her nipple gently, prompting her to speak. "Tha-that's none of you're business!" Ellen growled out, hoping her voice would sound more venomous then it did. Hoping that her face wasn't blushing as dark as she feared.

Her unrestrained right hand rose and tried to stop that sinfully skilled hand from touching her. But her slim pale fingers simply passed right threw his wrist and hand. The young Exorcist growled. Her pink lips parting to invoke her Innocence-

But then Ellen cried out in pain when the Noah of Pleasure lifted her left hand up, only to slam it back down, his lips twisting into an angry smirk. "Try again and I will destroy it for good this time." The man growled out, his eyes flashing dangerously.

Ellen swallowed and glared at him, her silver eyes flashing, then widening when the hand that had been cupping her breast moved down. The young woman stiffened her back and turned her head to look at the Noah, panic filling her eyes. "Don't-!" Ellen choked back a cry of pleasure as his index finger slid across her clit, only pausing for a second, before traveling down further. Tyki Mikk's gold eyes narrowing and watching her intently as his finger slid oh so slowly into her.

The man's thumb moved to rub gently against her clit, the bastards smirk pulling even wider as Ellen panted and tried to twist away from him. "I'll stop if you answer me menina. It's not a very difficult question to answer." The Noah leaned down again kissing at her collar bone. "Are you a virgin?" Mikk purred against her neck as his lips continued their path up, stopping just below her ear.

Ellen shivered and moaned. That ach and feverish heat demanding her to once again fine relief, but the young Exorcist had her pride. It was already bad enough that she had shamelessly ground herself against her enemy…

"Yes." She whimpered out, hoping that the man would keep his word and stop touching her. Tyki Mikk chuckled darkly and Ellen could feel his grin widen against her burning skin. His fingers withdrew from her and Ellen fought to even out her breathing.

"Porque eu odeio compartilhar o que é meu. {Good because I hate sharing what's mine.}" the man breathed against her skin, Ellen blinking in confusion, her silver eyes widened in alarm a second later when she felt his erection press against her wet entrance.

The round head became seated against her, the tip of his hard cock sliding into her and Ellen froze. Her silver eyes turning to look into the Noah of Pleasures face when he pulled back, a dark and lustful gaze burning into her. His smile truly wide and fiendish.

"Mikk! Don't you dar-Ah!" Ellen cried out as a horrid pain flared up, overriding the pleasure, as Tyki Mikk thrust into her. His arousal a tight fit and the young Exorcist whimpered, her right hand fisting against his clothed chest, her vision blurred with tears. He leaned down to kiss her heated left cheek gently.

"Don't be so formal menina," The Noah purred as his left hand rose to pet at her chin length white hair, his gold eyes not once looking away from her watery silver. The man leaned down and his lips ghosted across her trembling pink. "My name is Tyki."

Translations… That I really hope are right…

Menina = Girl

Querida = Darling

absolutamente de tirar o fôlego = absolutely breathtaking.

porque eu odeio compartilhar o que é meu. = Good, because I hate sharing what's mine.