This little mean bunny watched a clip of Auggie and how he treats Annie sometimes. As much as the rest of the bunnies think they belong together, this bunny was arguing the friends thing. Had to give him equal time. He was holding my Christmas Chocolate hostage!

DISCLAIMER: My resolution was to try to own a few TV Characters this year. No one else is willing to co-operate though!

BUDDIES – Chapter 1

She didn't try to eavesdrop. The heating vents in the bathrooms had just been replaced. Typically, the government went with the lowest bidder. The job was done, but the Men's Room vents connected to the Ladies room. Annie was the first to discover what that meant.

At first, the two men's voices startled her. Auggie used the 'I've wandered into the wrong restroom' routine only when it was really needed. He was smart enough not to go to that well too often. And it didn't really sound like he was in the room, just his voice, hollowed and echoing a tiny bit. When she realized what was going on, she couldn't resist just a little.

She should have resisted.

"So, Auggie! Finally getting somewhere with Walker? About time! So, give a few details?"

The voice was one of the tech guys. She wasn't sure which one. From the answering laughter, there were one more of them in the bathroom. And men talked about women and the rest room! So, she was the object of some office gossip about her and Auggie. She wasn't surprised. They were really close. She tried to ignore the part of her that wished they were closer. She wondered what he would say. It might give her a clue.

"Annie? The other night? No and no. Yeah she was a little wasted. Yeah, she was a little clingy. But she just had a bad night. No, boys, I had my car service deliver her to her door. I went home alone."

"Seriously? You had major green lights there, Anderson. Don't give me that 'I can't see those' crap either. I've seen you with women. You know all the signals. I think you're holding out on us, man."

"No and no, guys. I am not going there."

"Oh calling crap on that one! She is seriously into you. She is hot, too Auggie. Why the hell not? It's not like you've never swam in the company pool before."

"Yeah, but I am not going there. I know, we are together a lot. But we're just friends. I plan to keep it that way. I think of her more like a sister than anything. She was kind of unprepared when she got here. I felt a little sorry for her. So, count me out of that race."

"Really? There is a whole line of guys waiting to take a shot there. Between you and Wilcox, we all figured it was down to you two. I guess he's the front runner now."

"No, didn't you know? He was ordered to get and stay close. That whole Mercer mess."

"So, it's an open field? Good to know"

The slamming doors indicated the conversation was over. Thankfully, someone years ago had stuck a really ugly orange plastic chair in the ladies room. Annie sank unknowingly onto it.

She figured out the news about Jai pretty early after Ben was killed. He came over and they talked for a long time a week after. He apologized and said he would still want to be her friend. Considering what he had done to get her out of Sri Lanka, she agreed. She knew he would like more, but she honestly told him she didn't see him that way. He accepted that with surprising grace, and they became friends.

But Auggie was a whole other story. They had bonded immediately. Over time, they had become even closer. He was alternately flirty and friendly. He was for sure protective. That sixth sense of his whenever a jerk was coming on too hard at a bar attached him to her side. It had happened the other night.

They had gone to Allen's for a drink. She was just off the plane from a short mission in Poland. Annie had gone to the bar to grab some beers and a few shots. Just as she was about to pick them up a hand came over her and grabbed one of the shots. A slightly slurred voice announced that no woman this beautiful should have to buy shots and drink them alone. The voice belonged to blond aging frat boy type. Annie smiled tightly and pulled the shot out of his hand, explaining she didn't buy shots for people she didn't know and didn't plan to know. The cold stare that accompanied this was usually enough to discourage. This time, the jerk decided she was lonely for him. She never knew how Auggie had heard and made it unerringly to her side. But his sudden appearance was welcome all the same. His voice took on a deadly sinister quality that pierced the alcoholic haze of the guy. Auggie's arm slid around Annie's waist possessively. The message was clear. He backed off and sputtered an apology. She looped her arms around him and gave him a big kiss in thank you. They drank the shots like that, with their arms around each other companionably.

Annie cringed as she remembered how much she enjoyed being tucked against his muscled length. She had even teased him about working out more and being buff. A few shots later, she vaguely remembered giving him another kiss as a reward for 'being her hero'. The rest of the group faded away for her. They spent the rest of the night at the bar, in the corner together, laughing, drinking and talking. That wasn't unusual. They often wound up in their own world. That they were wrapped around each other was a new component. She knew he took her home in his car service, but it was a little hazy.

Apparently, everyone got the wrong idea about them from her little performance. Everyone except Auggie. Had he made a move, she was honest enough with herself to admit she would have more than welcomed it. The idea had been giving her some really great fantasy material for a while. She was falling for him more and more each day. Who wouldn't? He was sweet, funny, smart, brave and good. He was also cute, self confident and built. Mostly, he was only seeing her as an annoying kid sister. God, she was trying to remember if she said anything really incriminating. It was bad enough she had draped herself all over him. Checking the fuzzy memories from that night, she assured herself she didn't say anything too bad.

A little knowledge was a terrible thing. But maybe she was better knowing how he really felt before she made a bigger fool of herself. She stood and mentally squared her shoulders. He wanted a buddy only? That's what she would be. She would keep it light. She would back away from hanging out so much. She would even finally say yes to some of those guys who were throwing hints for date. A new leaf was turning. She would bury the Annie who was waiting for Auggie. She had buried the Annie who loved Ben. She could do this. She checked her lip-gloss and headed out the door.

Throwing objects at evil bunnies doesn't work. Throwing reviews might soften him up. Are you all here?