Angel: Yay! I got 4 reviews! Thank you so much. * bows and offers plushies *

Tsuna: Please enjoy and dont review or she will write more

Angel: Review and I will post more

Mukuro: Kufufu

Angel: Squalo! The disclaimer!

Squalo: VOOOIIIII! Why am I here?

Angel: Just do the disclaimer.

Squalo: VOOIIII! Angel owns nothing!


I didnt mean to make them cry. Really! I didnt! * Earlier that day * I was eating my lunch, listening to Kyoko and Harus conversations. Haru of course started talking about Tsuna, but to my surprise, Kyoko was enthusiastically contributing to the conversation.

Isnt Tsuna cute?

He is adorable!

They continued this exchange for a while, ignoring me. I was ok with that and chose to just watch and listen.

Suddenly Haru sighed, We cant both have him.

Kyoko nodded in agreement.

They sat in silence, thinking or whatever, when Haru jumped up.

Haru knows what to do!

She turned to Kyoko, grinning.

We can make a pact. Who ever he asks out first gets him.

Kyoko brightened at the thought of having Tsuna, Thats a great idea!

I sighed before glaring at the preppy, enthusiastic girls.

Sorry, that wont work.

They looked down at me questioningly.

He is taken. I explained slowly, not wanting to hurt their simple brains.

I smiled at their shocked faces.

Unfortunately Haru recovered fast, ruining my moment.

Haru doesnt believe that! You have no proof!

Kyoko nodded in agreement.

Fine! I have proof! I started rummaging in my bag and pulled out a blue and red scrapbook with the numbers 6927 on the front.

Hahi? Proof? I spun the book on the table so that it faces the stunned girls.

I flipped the book open to the first page.

They took one look at the picture on the front and started to cry.

While I was staring at the crying girls with shock, Tsuna walked.

Haru? Kyoko-chan? Whats wrong? He asked rushing to their sides.

The girls sniffled and Kyoko pointed at the photo on the page.

It was a photo of a French kiss shared between him and Mukuro.

When did you take that photo?


Tsuna: Great! You made her so happy that she is going to continue this.

Mukuro: Whats wrong with that? We get to share more kisses.

Tsuna: Ok Angel, you may continue.

Angel: * Grins * Tsuna gets kissed by two different guys next time.

Mukuro: * Pulls out trident * Who?

Angel: You and someone else. Review to find out!