
Ch 1 Suck It Up

Hi everyone, welcome to the first chapter of a hopefully good storyline. It's my first time undertaking such an in-depth and involved storyline so please bare with me. There may be some slight OOC-ness? But hopefully it's not too bad.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Seriously, I really don't... so don't sue me because I can't give you anything... The amazing Tite Kubo does. But I don't recommend suing him either. lol.

Please note: I'm a very busy person and write in my free time :) And please, for the love of FAN-FICTION do not leave flames. If you don't like it, then stop reading. Simple as that. Reviews help an author judge the reaction of an audience- whether they are enjoying it or are completely appalled by it. It helps us keep up the writing spirit and lets us crank out faster chapters. Reviews mean a lot to us authors because frankly, we write for you all :)

Chapter outline/warnings: Not too much action yet. Pretty much Ichigo gearing up for his new way of life and being a tad bit cold to the other guys. Bad language and pretty much the degradation of newbies.

Pandemonium definition- chaos: a state of extreme confusion and disorder.

***As a warning for the entirety of this fic, it will be a very emotional ride, specifically later on (it's not going to be just war/battles)- there will be death, bloodshed and pain. I wish FF would allow for more options whilst selecting the category but... alas, I can't. Forgive me if my updates aren't sudden- I'm trying to bring life a whole new side with mere words.***

Stone and dirt pelted the Karakura soldiers due to the grenade blowing up nearly fifteen feet from their cover amongst the destroyed town. They had received word earlier that Hueco Mundo forces were advancing towards their location and were prepared for a small assault- not a fucking army. Accurate return fire took down the first batch of assaulting troops, giving the defending soldiers time to lock and re-load.

If Aizen wanted his forces to get an upper hand on them this day, he would have to try harder.

The reason why they were stationed in the boondocks was due to the higher-ups in command sending them out towards the front lines. It was common knowlege amongst the squadron that their own squadron commander wasn't very liked by the men who pulled all their strings. The Lieutenant General's noble- albeit haughty, outlandish, fiery temper- was something everyone underneath his command admired whilst those above loathed with a passion. The man was a force to be reckoned with on and off the field, and due to one snarky comment towards a politician that claimed to know more about warfront than their commander himself, they were all sent to the Wastelands.

Why was it that men in black and white suits used the lives as soilders as pawns on a chess board, when they themselves weren't the ones risking their skin out in battle?

Suddenly, when their communications officer was busy contacting command, a great tremor shook through their temporary safe haven, frying the call. After trying to contact again, and failing, the team leader shouted, "Someone needs to contact the fucking commander!"

"But sir-"

"Don't tell me that shit 'bout no damn radio's are working! You got two legs don't'cha? Go! We aren't certain that they received our last call!" Checking his ammo and signaling to the others around him, the team leader took aim at a lone target. Firing, watching the man's head explode in a splash of red, his green eyes hardened. "We'll keep your back covered kid, the best we can. You gotta get back to the commander and inform him of what's happening. Aizen is pushing harder than expected."

"Sir!" With a quick salute from the soldier, the boy turned tail and ran back towards the command center. A pop meant a bullet hit something, a whizzing meant it was too close for comfort. Heavy, booted footsteps pounded across the dusty land towards the concrete fortress the Karakura 106 division called their temporary base. Dodging stray gunfire, the cadet's only thought was to get to the command center to relay the information that was ended due to an un-planned EM-burst.

The enemy was slowly getting one step ahead of them ever since the attacker landed the explosion. Karakura frontline forces were pinned down, nearly surrounded by the oncoming soldiers, trying to hold them off before they reached the command center. The group of twenty or so trained fighters acted as a wall for the one lone soldier to make it back to their temporary base.

He saw the safe haven amongst the whirling sands and blinding sunlight. As he neared, his commander shot out into the doorway and screamed at him, but he couldn't hear over the thunder in the distance and his own heart beating erratically. The familiar flash of blue hair and piercing blue eyes gave the young boy hope.

He had to deliver the message. He had to get there. His commander's plan couldn't fail! He wouldn't let it-


Daylight pierced through a heavily draped curtain, shining light into a once darkened room. As the sun slowly peeked out from beyond the horizon, moving upwards into the vast sky, its shining rays kissed the still sleeping boy wrapped tightly around his blue bed sheets. Eyes moving from behind tightly closed lids, eyebrows knitting together as the sunlight pestered the sleeping figure, Ichigo Kurosaki felt himself slowly awaken to the new day- the day that was going to change his life forever.

Heart rate picking up speed as his body became attuned to waking up and starting the day's routine, the youth opened his mouth in a wide yawn. Still sleepy honey colored eyes blinked lazily as he scratched his stomach. Pulling himself into a seated position, ignoring the little conscious in his mind telling him to just roll over and go back to bed, Ichigo stretched his still waking muscles, hearing a pop or two come from his back.

Arising from a still warm bed, he padded across the hallway into the bathroom he shared with his two sisters. Coming to a closed wooden door, Ichigo knocked on it, and Yuzu opened up, toothbrush still hanging from her mouth. "Hey there sleepy head." Ichigo ruffled the still semi-sleeping girls' hair affectionately.

Pulling the pink and purple polka dotted toothbrush from her slackened jaw, Yuzu looked up at her older brother. "Ichigo… do you really have to go?"

He knew she was going to ask that question as she did every morning since he first told them. A small smirk appeared on Ichigo's face as he knelt down to her level. "You know I have to do this Yuzu. For both you and Karin."

Nodding her head, she gazed sadly down to the floor. "I know… but I don't want you to go Ichi."

Standing up again, Ichigo pushed her back into the bathroom. "Hurry up and finish in there and go wake your sister so we can eat breakfast." As if on cue, his stomach let out a loud grumble.

Yuzu giggled as she quickly finished up brushing her teeth, rinsing her mouth out with water. "Oh Ichigo, we're going to have so much leftover food when you're gone."

Mouth dropping open in mock astonishment, Ichigo shook his head. "What the hell are you implying?"

She snickered again and scampered down the hallway before Ichigo had time to grab her and tickle her into submission. Shutting the bathroom door and locking it, Ichgio's smiling face completely dropped as he made his way towards the single bathroom mirror.

Staring at his reflection, Ichigo gazed at himself, searching for… something. Three months ago, after completing two years of university, Ichigo had dropped out in order to join up with the Karakura Nation military in the fight against Hueco Mundo- Mundo for short.

Did he want to drop out of college and go to war? No, not at all. Did he have a choice in the matter? No, no he didn't.

One year prior to this date, both of Ichigo's parents had died in a freak car accident one rainy night, leaving him to care for his two younger sisters. When the funeral hit, Ichigo's fathers' casket was closed- due to his facial disfigurement or some other medical blab they came up with- while his beautiful mothers' peaceful white face, painted up like a doll, laid there silently like a stone vigil. What really got to him is why a general from the Karakura military bothered to show up at this one funeral. Maybe it was one of his fathers' friends? The man had a big mouth, an even bigger heart, and was asked many times to assist in the war efforts due to his medical prowess.

Ichigo tried to balance out work, school and home life but it just became too much for a young man such as himself to handle. His dreams of becoming a doctor seemed so far out of reach that when he saw the recruits standing there, they were like a guiding light for his straggling soul.

And now, here he was; Ichigo Kurosaki, barely the age of twenty and going into the military that very day- forgoing his regular life for that of a warrior. Some may call it stupid, that there was other means of coping with what he had to deal with; but others would declare that it is an honorable notion. What did Ichigo think of it all? Fuck if he knew himself.

The military offered a promise of paid college tuition as well as a pension that he would put towards his sisters wellbeing. That right there had Ichigo singing the papers quicker than a fly came to honey. All he thought about was his sisters and keeping up the family. It was all up to him now; he needed to keep them safe and make sure they were taken care of.

Their neighbors, the kind Mr. and Mrs. Downing whom have known the Kurosaki's since their arrival to Karakura eight years ago, would be caring for both Yuzu and Karin whilst Ichigo was away. Then again, these two wondrous people had been caring for the Kurosaki children ever since their parents passed away. The elderly couple would be more than pleased to care for the two darling girls next door.

Still, he couldn't believe that he actually had the sheer guts to sign himself up. He would be lying if he said that he was not scared. Ichigo was down right terrified but anxious to see what was happening, to learn what a soldier was; it was a peculiar combination of nerves and excitement that he found himself being drawn to.

Moving away from the mirror to turn the shower on- only God knows how many of these he'll get once he's there- Ichigo began stripping himself from his navy blue and white stripped boxers and white cotton shirt. Testing the water to see if it was bearable to bathe in, Ichgio deemed it sufficient and stepped in to the cascading falls.

Orange hair drenched, Ichigo peeked through water droplet covered eyes. He remembered the look on Chad, Orihime and even that asshole Uruyu's, face. His best friends- yes, he even considered that four eyed jerk a friend- tried to talk him out of it but he was determined to go through with his plan.

Chad had tried to convince Ichigo that he could just continue with college; get loans and just pay them back later. Since he was studying to become a doctor, it would only be a matter of time before the debt was repaid. Ichigo didn't have that time however. He needed the money now and there was no way a bank would dish out a loan to a college student such as himself who had no parents. They weren't that stupid.

Uruyu had surprised Ichigo the most however. Walking with him back from one of their shared classes, the prestigious scholar said that if Ichigo needed help, that his family would loan them money. Of course, Ichigo turned that offer down due to his pride. There was no way he would ask for another family to give him money. It just didn't sit well with Ichigo.

No, he would work for it himself.

Orihime had called him up crying and that there almost made Ichigo re-consider… Almost. It was that night that she cried out her love for her fellow orange haired companion but it was not returned. Asking why was futile- Ichigo would never admit to her yet that he liked-

"Hey hurry up in there! You're taking all the hot water stupid!" Karin's pounding hand on the door shook Ichigo from his thoughts.

Grabbing the shampoo bottle, Ichigo quickly scrubbed down his hair. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Did you help your sister with breakfast?"

Hearing her groan from the other side of the doorway made Ichigo chuckle. "No… Does this mean I have to go and help?"

"What do you think?" Ichigo said, now reaching for his conditioner.

"Well… Hurry up!" Her footsteps were heard pounding down the hallway towards the stairs.

Ah… tough little Karin. Always the tomboy, trying to act rough, giving off the vibe that she didn't care, or was simply indifferent, to Ichigo departing. But he knew better; he knew that she was the one who would sit outside of his door late at night after she thought he went to sleep. Her soft tears didn't ease his leaving.

Stepping out of the shower and drying himself off with a soft towel, the young recruit took a deep inhale of steamy air, clearing his mind from his past thoughts and focusing on what he was to accomplish now. He returned to his room and dressed himself in his military uniform before heading downstairs to greet his two younger siblings. "Hey you two."

Both girls smiled back at him, eyes running up and down his attire. Karin scoffed and turned her head away while Yuzu elbowed her in the side before speaking to Ichigo. "You look nice big brother!"

Grabbing his chair and pulling it out before sitting, Ichigo ruffled the girl's hair in thanks. Their morning meal was filled with small-talk; never once was it mentioned that this was Ichigo's last meal with them.


Ichigo hated buses. He downright loathed those things and with the other recruits piled into the large metal tin rolling on wheels made his stomach churn. They were in a perfectly sealed area, no air conditioning, and the jagged rumbling of the wheels hitting bumps and potholes did nothing to ease Ichigo's- small- claustrophobia.

"Hey kid you doin' alright?" The man sitting next to Ichigo smirked at the smaller males' paled face. Ichigo had wondered to himself ever since they became "seat buddies", as the other had put it, how he was allowed to sign up with all his… decorative tattoo's all over his body-even his face!

"Yes Renji I'm fine… I just don't do too well in closed areas with lots of people." He sighed, leaning his head against the window. As soon as they became seat buddies, Renji had quickly introduced himself, trying to start up some kind of conversation with the other. To Ichigo's satisfaction, the guy wasn't a complete idiot. He at least had something up there besides that red hair of his.

"It's not that bad. Just think, as soon as we step off this bus, the real shit begins!" Renji chuckled at Ichigo's sour look. "Loosen up pal I was just messin' with ya- well, not really but you know what I mean."

Ichigo allowed for a small smirk to grace his face, making Renji's questions all the more insistant. "You do have a smile in there! I knew it." Nudging his new compantion, the red head inquired, "So, why are you here?"

"Because that's what we were told." Ichigo deadpanned. He was still sorely missing Yuzu and Karin and didn't really feel like unloading all his history to his new acquaintance. Ichigo wouldn't call him a friend... yet.

Renji rolled his eyes. "No you smartass, I meant why did you join? What's your reason?"

Inquiring dark brown eyes met warm honey brown. "I'd rather not discuss this."

Renji grunted. "Someone's a little touchy… Well, whatever your reason is, as long as you have a reason to fight, I'm sure you'll do great Ichigo."

Maybe it wasn't fair that he was now asking about Renji's reason but the red head seemed to be an understanding guy so… "What about you?"

"Hmm maybe we trade reasons?"

Or maybe Renji wasn't so understanding after all. That sneaky son-of-a...

Renji's grin grew at Ichigo's frown. "Just kidding! Man you're a stiff. I'm here because I really have nothing else for me back home."


Slumping back further in his chair, Renji continued. "As soon as I was out of high school, parents kicked me out, saying that they were tired of putting up with my bullshit."

Ichigo's eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "What? Why would anyone do that?"

Another smirk danced across Renji's face as his eyes took on a distant look. "I wasn't always the perfect child, the ideal son, whatever you want to call those brats who follow exactly what their parents say." He shook his head and glanced down at his hands. "I wanted to do what I wanted. It is my life. Not theirs."

Ichigo was about to press further but the quick jerk of the bus and squeal of rubber on pavement halted all queries.

"Guess we'll continue later eh Ichi?" Renji gave a reassuring grin before schooling his features into a neutral mask.

The rest of the bus quieted down, the once boisterous recruits silenced by the opening of the front door.

"Listen up you sniveling sacks of meat!" All eyes were trained on the bald, tall and muscular man before them. "The name's Lieutenant Ikkaku Madarame. You better hope that yer sorry asses do well to remember that."

Madarame began walking down the clear isle, boots echoing within the metal body as the new cadets sat still in intimidation. Reaching the back of the bus, the angry looking Lieutenant barked out the cadets' first order. "I'll give you sixty seconds to grab your shit, get out of the bus and line up."

When no one moved, his eyes narrowed menacingly. "You now have fifty-five seconds left!"

Bus shaking from side to side with the herd of boys scrambling to gather their belongings, strap on shoes and high tale it out of there, Lieutenant Madarame smirked when the cadets actually made it out of the bus with five seconds to spare. Maybe this crop would be better than the last bunch they received the week prior.

As soon as he stepped out of the bus, that once small hope crumbled into oblivion.

At least the boys were lined up... somewhat. Still, that was no excuse for them leaving their bags wide open, clothes hanging out like a laundry basket. Where the hell did these little punks think think they were at?

"The fuck do you call this?" Making his way down the wayward 'line' Madarame snarled and bickered at the recruits. "If I take a damn measuring tape and align it to the start to finish, the fucking thing will have more curves in it than a woman!"

That earned him a small snicker from one of the recruits. Snapping his head around to the noise, angry eyes bore down on the poor soul that dared utter that small laugh. "And what exactly do you find so funny?"

Ichigo dared not even move his head to glance at the boy next to him who had the Sargent's undivided attention. Stay focused Ichigo! Focus, focus, focus!

While he was concentrating so hard on the building before him, Ichigo barely noticed when the guy next to him dropped down onto the ground and began doing push-ups. It must have been a terrible attempt at appeasing their Lieutenant for the man barked another order and the recruit snapped up to attention, panting loudly in the hot summer heat.

"Twelve? Twelve is all you slagging pile of shit can do? Pathetic!" Madarame's heated glare turned on the rest of the lined up boys. "You all better fucking straighten up bec-"

He was cut off by another voice sounding across the barren area. "I think they've been harassed enough for right now Madarame."

Ichigo's eyes strained from his unmoving position trying to see the one who silenced the bald instructor. Immediately the tension amongst the group intensified tenfold. That has got to be the scariest mother fucker I've ever seen.

The man was built like a fucking tank! He was definitely taller than Ichigo and looked like he could split him in two with a flick of his finger. Battle scars adorned the older mans face along with a black eyepatch covering his right eye.

Said man quickly snapped to attention and gave the approaching tank of a man a salute. "General Kenpachi, Sir!"

"At ease Lieutenant." The one visible eye raked over the small band of recruits, mentally calculating and sizing up the fresh meat the higher ups decided to drop into their laps. Without removing his gaze from the lineup, Kenpachi asked, "What is your impression of our new punching bags?"

Everyone knew that the behemoth was in no way asking any one of them in particular. Instead, a few heads swiveled towards the Lieutenant, making Kenpachi roar out, "Who the fuck told you to look?"

Frowning, Ikkaku replied. "Seemed to be alright at first but then this happened."

"Tch, this is going to be fun." The General smirked, gracing those in-front of him with a demonic smile. "I will enjoy breaking you all of your happy spirits."

No one dared to utter a sound.

Moving next to a grinning Lieutenant Madarame, death himself gave them a smirk that made Ichigo's heart sink. "Welcome to hell ladies."

As Kenpachi started yelling at them to grab their shit and get a move on to their rooms, all Ichigo could think of was the reason why he chose to go through with this in the first place. He had to make it through the countless hours of body blowing and mind shattering training sessions all in order to make it out on top. A few weeks of heart stoping, back beating and mind numbing training will bring him one step closer to his ultimate goal.

Ichigo had his family to take care of.

Their future was riding on his shoulders.

This was his life now.


Thanks for reading! I hope you all enjoyed it.

***As a warning for the entirety of this fic, it will be a very emotional ride, specifically later on- there will be death, bloodshed and pain. I wish FF would allow for more options whilst selecting the category but... alas, I can't. Forgive me if my updates aren't sudden- I'm trying to bring life a whole new side with mere words.***

I know it's not the most thrilling chapter in the world but if you would be so kind as to leave a review, it'd be most appreciated :) I'll even throw in a tasty sweet!
