Disclaimer: I do not own anything that does not have my name written next to it in pretty pink pen. I only own my own fictional characters, this include my OFC Nicola Andrews and her family. I also do not own any of the songs used to write this story…except on CD.

Note: The name of the story comes from the song "Home" By Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes. It's a pretty awesome song so if you don't have it- itunes it now. The start is loosely based on the song. Also the first chapter- this one…is set during the movie. Then it will flash back. I will put the dates at the top and a note to remind you and not confuse you

Reviews etc. are always appreciated and adored.

Summary: "Do you remember that time I fell out your window and you came jumping out after me?" There was a twinge of humour to her husky voice and Leon smiled for her benefit. For three years he let himself believe that he would always save her from everything, until he was the reason she was in that ambulance, a broken back and their baby was gone.

2001 – Prologue

There was the sound of sirens, but they sounded so far away. There were flashes in front of her eyes and she tried to open heavy lids but it was too hard. Then there was a voice and she pushed her way through the haze. His voice had always done that to her, pulled her out of whatever daze she was in.

"La! Baby can you hear me?" She opened her eyes slowly, trying to blink away the liquid that was seeping into them. There was a red tinge to her sight, like she was wearing rose-coloured glasses.

"La! Dammit Nicola!" The voice was shouting her name and she tried to turn her head but a sudden ache through her whole body stopped her. She tried to speak, her voice husky.

"Leon?" She squinted through her foggy vision and she could see green eyes looking at her, arms extended to her. Moving only her eyes she could see his hands on her hips, but she couldn't feel it. Suddenly there was panic bubbling up in her stomach.

"Leon? Leon why can't I feel anything?" She tried to reach for him but her arms refused to move. Her entire body began to hum with numbness. "Leon! I can't move." She tried to breathe but the panic was choking her.

"Breathe baby. Please just calm down." Leons soothing voice made her concentrate on something other than the lack of feeling in her entire body. "Did someone call a fucking ambulance?" She heard someone shouting and she realised it was Vince.

"Vince? What's Vince doing here?" She whispered softly.

"He was with me, sweetie." Leon replied just as quietly.

"Is he okay? He sounds upset." She asked, the pink tinge leaving her vision and she could finally make out the emotions on Leons face. His face was pale, his lips taut as his green eyes, filled with moisture glanced back and forth between her and the area around him. A fear she'd only seen once or twice her entire life.

"He's just worried, La, don't worry about him." His husky voice soothed her and she closed her eyes, wondering what was going on to make them all start acting crazy.

"Why are you crying? Whys Vince worried? What's going on? Is everyone okay?" She saw Leons eyes widen and she tried to move her hand to touch him but it wouldn't move. "Why can't I move? My hand won't move." She hissed, trying to move it.

"Vince!" Leon screamed and everything started to fade as she saw someone else appear in front of her and Leons hands were jerking wildly. Then there was nothing except a low humming.

"La? Please baby wake up." Leons voice was insistent and she refused to open her eyes no matter how much pleading there was.

"Le, I am not getting out of bed, make your own damn breakfast." She muttered, her eyes still closed.

"You've been in a car accident, La. You're in an ambulance going to the hospital." Her eyes snapped open and suddenly she could feel the momentum of a vehicle and Leon was leaning over her, his hand grasping hers- which she could see, but she couldn't feel.

"Leon, I can't feel my hands." Her voice was startled and Leons gaze shifted to their joined hands.

"You're in a lot of pain, baby, they've numbed everything." He rubbed his chin, a sure sign he was lying, but she seemed not to notice it.

"Oh." Was all she said before a small smile appeared on her face. "Do you remember that time I fell out your window and you came jumping out after me?" There was a twinge of humour to her husky voice and Leon smiled for her benefit.

"Yeah and on the way to the hospital you snagged the packet of smokes from my pocket." His voice was low as he glanced to the paramedic beside him who nodded to him to keep going.

She smiled brightly and Leon could feel his heart pounding so hard in his chest he thought it was going to come out his throat.

"You kept puffing away and do you remember what you said?" He asked her gently.

"I told you that you were my hero." She was still smiling and Leon felt the familiar bump as the Ambulance turned into the emergency carpark.

He kissed her cheek before having to step away and let them take her from the vehicle and wheel her into the hospital, leaving him to trail behind.

She watched him the entire time before the swinging doors blocked her from the entrance and she could no longer see him standing there in his jeans, an old sweater and his hair sticking up in all directions and she couldn't help wondering why he looked so damn sad.

When she woke again, there was a throbbing in her lower back and her arms were wrapped in white bandages. Managing to turn her head she could see Leon slumped back in a chair beside her, his mouth hanging open as he slept. She smiled at the sight and tried to lift her hand but it wasn't going to move. Then she remembered what they'd said about the painkillers. They were some good painkillers she mused before a nurse appeared in the doorway.

The blonde haired nurse smiled, nodding at the sleeping man in the chair.

"He refused to move when we told him visiting hours were over."

"Thank-you for letting him stay." She replied and watched the nurse nod.

"I'll let a doctor know your awake sweetie."

Minutes later an older looking man appeared in the doorway holding a clipboard.

"It's good to see you awake Miss Andrews. I'm Doctor Newberry. I performed your initial examination when you were admitted." He smiled, but she could see the sadness in his face and she wanted to ask but he continued to speak.

"I'm afraid you sustained quite serious injuries in the accident." The nurse that had been there when she'd woken up, moved quickly into the room and stood beside her, holding her hand. "Many of your lacerations required stitches and you were x-rayed while you were unconscious." He pulled out a black sheet of plastic and held it up to the light.

"This shows a break in the lower vertebrae of your spine. Most likely sustained from the jarring from seat on your back on impact." Her mouth felt dry as she stared at the grey haired man.

"I've broken my back?" She whispered and the doctor nodded and the nurse squeezed her hand, not that she felt it.

"You will slowly begin to get feeling back to your limbs in time, we have tried to fix everything as best we can, now you just have to heal." The doctor continued.

"But I've broken my back. I won't be able to dance again."

"You will get movement back, Miss Andrews, in time." He skirted around the subject and she knew what that meant.

"How long?" She whispered and glanced over at Leon who's green eyes were watching her now.

"A few months with a lot of physiotherapy." She swallowed the large lump in her throat. She could feel the tears brimming at her eyes and fell silent.

"There was another thing…" The doctor started but Leon, who had woken up at his entrance cleared his throat and shot him a glare and the doctor took the hint and left the room, the nurse following hesitantly.

"Baby?" he said softly, reaching over to stroke her head as she lay there, her body and her mind numb. "La?" He tried again and he saw her eyes flicker his way before she spoke.

"We lost it didn't we? The baby?" He gritted his teeth to hold back the tears at the pain in her voice.

"I uh…La, it…" What was he going to say? Just because she couldn't move didn't mean she was stupid. He knew how perceptive she was- she could read him like a book. "The doctor said that if he operated the chances of the baby surviving were low. I let him operate, La, it's my fault." And she let the tears fall down her face as he fell to her side, defeated, his chest heaving with tears.

"You should go home, Leon." She whispered and he knew better than to fight her.

"I love you, La." He mumbled into her skin before leaving, tears pouring down both of their cheeks as he left.

She stared at her hand lying on the mattress and willed it to move and she winced when it refused to. This was so much worse than falling out of that window, she laughed at the thought before realising that that's when it had all started.

A/N: Right well review…actually not yet, I'm sticking the first chapter up right away so you can get the gist of where this is headed. Like it, don't like it- Leave a review!
