My second fan fic! It's, in a way poetic, not really. A few HP references. I love Klaine!

Please review. It means the world!

Oh yeah disclaimer: Do not own Glee, Kurt or Blaine but I'm working on it... tee hee!

There has got to be something behind that mask, that plaster facade, that blank canvas in which he can paint whatever personality he desires.

He always wears the same soft smile.

Like a clown at a children's birthday party who really wants nothing more but to leave, yet that goofy grin is painted on as if to not frighten the little kids.

He always gels his hair back.

I wonder what the expense is for the likely bottle a week he goes through.

I wonder what his hair is like underneath.

Probably unbelievably adorable, small brown curly locks.

He always wears the same outfit, that same old uniform.

I wonder if he has anything in his closet other than navy blue blazers.

I wonder what he looks like in something different.

Though clothing is just another way to cover up who you really are inside.

Does he ever tell the truth?

Am I supposed to go on with life assuming that the mind he speaks from isn't a fluke like the rest of his dapper appearance.

He always shows you what you want to see.

I see a homosexual teenage boy.

I see a once troubled soul that has turned around and brightened up, finally care free from hateful looks or teasing.

I see a singer with passion.

The straight boys here see him as a fun, hilarious, outgoing classmate they must be friends with.

He always has a friend in the room.

I realize now that I am seeing me.

What I want to become.

So do the other boys here.

He's a reflective surface.

A mirror.

He shows you what you desire.

The Mirror of Erised.

And I am poor Harry Potter looking for something that will give me satisfaction.


Someone to hold and tell me I've done something right.

I could be wrong.

He could be the most well rounded guy anyone has ever met.

An angel sent down from the non-existent God.

But no one could be this perfect.


Not at all.

I want it to be.

But the way he does not open up to me, or anyone for that matter is frightening.


It scares me.

It scares me to think that someone so manipulative to himself is giving me the advice that I so crave.

That I so need.


That's what I am.

I will dig into that mind and find out what is truly beneath it.

And then it shall be mine.