Hey guys! I know I marked this complete, but I was trying to decide if I wanted to do an epilogue. I've been kind of MIA for a while, I haven't written in like forever, and for some reason, the plot bunnies struck tonight haha. It's kind of short, but I just thought it needed to happen... I found the file on my computer with notes on what I wanted to put in it from when I finished the story way back when so I just sort of went with it.

Thanks again to everyone who reviewed, favorited, etc. It makes me so happy!

Enjoy! (Sorry it's so short)

Juliet laid there, awake, but not uncomfortable. Sometimes this happened. She would wake up and just remember. Remember what it was like in that basement, what she went through, what they went through. Even though three years had passed, it still brought a slight uneasy feeling to her stomach. She fingered her wedding band, something that never failed to comfort her.

After they were released from the hospital, their relationship had been on a fast track. Shawn was staying at Juliet's apartment for a little over a month while both of them finished healing; the doctors said it was better for them not to be alone. And of course neither one of them wanted to part after everything they had endured together.

They had always had a strong bond but the ordeal they went through bound them to each other on a deeper level. It connected them.

They got married after about a year, and didn't look back.

She laid her hand over her stomach, lovingly caressing her barely noticeable baby bump. She sighed in contentment. Who knew such a terrible thing could lead to so much happiness?

Her sigh seemed to wake Shawn, and he yawned and shifted, the moonlight reflecting off of the scars on his chest. He hated his scars, but to Juliet, it was just one more thing about him that made him hers. She was the only person he didn't try to hide them around. He was even self-conscious about them around Gus. He explained why to her once; that people would gasp, ask what happened, show pity, sympathy, but he hated having to relive it over and over. They may think they understand, but they don't know, not really.

She lightly traced her finger over one of the tight jagged pink lines down his chest, and he sighed and rolled over, half awake.

"Jules?" He questioned, his voice husky from sleep.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Is everything okay? Why are you up?" He turned to look at her.

"I don't know, can't sleep. I'm fine though, you go back to sleep."

"Mkay," He said, and then bent his head down to place a light kiss on her tummy. "Goodnight." He said, pressing another kiss to her lips before curling back around her and snaking his arm around her waist.

She let her thoughts wander around work, Shawn, anticipation for their baby, and anything else that popped into her head. She had never been this completely happy before. Everything was perfect. She fell back into a peaceful sleep after a short while, cuddling up against Shawn.

This is really it this time! I promise! (: And yeah I know it was incredibly cheesey but I can't really bring myself to care. So yeah thanks for reading, I would love to hear what you think, reviews are the best! :D