This is probably my first real fic here. My other two dont count. Im planning on making this LONG! Well at least the longest I've every done before. I'm not going to give away the pairing even though you all probably could figure it out eaisily. I dont know if I will put any more in though.

Here is chapter 1 of my Bleach/HP crossover :D ENJOY!

Disclaimer: Psh If I owned this I would be rolling in money right now, not sitting here writing this. XD

The icy snow crunched underneath his feet as he walked down the slippery sidewalk. He didn't know much about life but he knew one thing. It was damn freezing.

I should have stayed home. I bet it's like 5 degrees out!

Ichigo Kurosaki drudged his way to school, his shoes squishing the snow beneath.

Ichigo was like any other normal 16 year old. He went to school, thought his family was annoying, and had the oddest friends. Except for the fact that he was basically half dead and killed hollows for a living. Ah hell, who was he kidding? He was far beyond normal.

The wave of warm air hit him as he entered the building. The smell of chalk filled his nose. He walked down the large hall hearing bits of chatter from each room he passed.

As he neared room 3A he heard footsteps approaching fast behind him. He sighed.



Instinctively he stretched his arm out and clothes lined the teen.

"Morning Keigo."

He stared down at the ground where his odd friend was lying clutching his face in his hands.

Keigo stood up. "Why do you have to be so mean to your best friend!" he whined.

"You want me to let you tackle me? No thanks."

"Aw! You're such a stick in the mud Ichigo!" He grabbed onto his leg. "You never want to have any fun!" he pouted.

Ichigo rolled his eyes and walked into the classroom dragging Keigo with him.

"Kurosaki! Asano! In your seats. Class is starting." The teacher yelled. Once the boys were in their seats she began, "Today we have a new student joining us!"

She yelled out into the hallway, "Kaneko-san, you may come in now!"

A girl of average height, short dark brown hair, and slick black glasses walked silently into the center of the room. She was also very developed. The morning light coming through the windows shined off her smooth face. She gave a small bow. "Thank you Misato-sama. My name is Kaneko Izumi. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance." Her voice was dull. She gave no expression weather she really was pleased or not.

Well she is going to have no problem finding a guy with THAT body. Her personality isn't going to help though.

He leaned over to whisper to Rukia who was in the desk to his right. "Hey did you know anything about this new girl?"

Rukia gave a puzzled look. "Why would I?"

"I don't know, you're just supposed to know things like that. She seems odd to me."

"Well that's rude Ichigo! You've haven't even gotten to know her! Don't say things like that!" she hissed, "And why would you think I knew that!" Her voice had raised a notch.

"Well I don't kn-!"

"KUROSAKI! Do you have something to say for the whole class? You are interrupting!"

"No, sorry sensei…" He glared at Rukia who was smirking.

"Now that I assume that there will be no more interruptions," she said glaring at Ichigo. She turned to the new girl and grinned, "You may sit wherever you like!"

The girl walked purposefully to the back of the room and sat down at the farthest empty desk. She then took out a large notebook and began scribbling furiously.

"Now class today we will be discussing the…" She began writing on the bored. The rest of the lecture was then tuned out by Ichigo.

He sensed it. A hollow. One that was approaching quickly. He could tell the others felt it to. Rukia, Orihime, Chad, and Uryu. They all tensed up at the intruding feeling. He nodded slightly to the others letting them know that he could take care of it. The shinigami then took a small candy dispenser out of his pocket. He popped a piece into his mouth. He stretched his arm and turned back to Kon who now inhabited his body and growled, "DON'T do anything stupid!"

The soul gave a nod in response.

Off he ran, out the widow, landing without a sound on the hard ground below.

Izumi looked up suspiciously but continued writing quickly.

Ichigo ran to the gate of the school, and the presence that was felt earlier suddenly disappeared.

Damn! Where did it go?

He drew his butcher knife looking Zanpakuto and used shunpo to get a better look from the air. He tried to feel its reaitsu again but got nothing in return.

He then felt something coming. Fast. He turned around but it was too late.

"SHIT-!" Ichigo was batted aside by a monstrous white hand.

He flew towards the ground at an almost blinding speed. The force of the wind was crushing. He could barely see anything. Next thing he knew he had hit the ground with the force that would have destroyed a normal human. But seeing as he wasn't one, he only had a few broken ribs and had made a small crater in the ground, sending asphalt flying.

C-crap, I can't breathe.

He was struggling to get air to his lungs. He had the wind knocked out of him and could barely see. There we so many black spots blurring his vision. He struggled to stand, trying not to pass out as he felt blood run down the front of his face.

He looked up from his crater in the ground. He saw, or at least what it looked like, a giant menos standing in the middle of Karakura. The remains of the large tear in the sky were hanging off to the side. The deep darkness that lies beyond it was disturbing to look at. Ichigo turned away. The large menos had finally stepped all the way through.

On the ground, Ichigo regained his footing and began shunpoing quickly towards the menos.

"BANKAI!" He was going to finish this quickly. He was quite mad that the monster got a blow on him in the first place. Why hadn't he seen it coming?

Ichigo in his signature red and black outfit raced towards the menos. It howled as he rushed closer. It started to charge up a cero.

"GETSUGA TENSHO!" a large wave of red and black reaitsu surged forward slicing the menos cleanly in half.

He landed back on the ground breathing heavily as the beast finally dissolved.

The whole side of his body hurt as shunpoed back to the school gate. He got on the roof of the school when he heard the bell ringing. Students we working their way to the front gate to leave when he ran into his classroom.

"Kurosaki-kun!" Orhime had a worried look, her hands clasped together. "What happened!"

"That idiot couldn't handle a simple hollow! I could have taken care of it easily." The quincy said pushing up his glasses and walking over from the wall he was leaning on.

"It wasn't just a 'simple hollow'!" Ichigo scowled angrily, "It was a menos!"

"What would a menos be doing here!" Rukia said baffled, "We need to alert Seretei." She pulled out her phone and started typing away.

"I don't know! I felt it then-"He glanced towards the door. He could have sworn a wisp of dark brown hair disappear from the doorway.

"What is it Ichigo?" Rukia asked following his gaze.

He gave a puzzled look then shook his head, "It's nothing, just thought I saw something."

He then proceeded to tell the all about what happened with the menos. At the same time he was covered in a yellow light and Orihime went to healing him.

"Soul Society already knows somehow!" a confused Rukia looked at her phone. "But how? No one reported in!"

"Well it's taken care of now so there's no need to worry about it. I just wasn't prepared. It's fine." Ichigo could feel his ribs slowly mending.

"Hmph!" Rukia pouted, "I still think it's odd though!" She said, making her way to the doorway.

She turned back. "I have to go to Soul Society. I'll be back later."

"Why, I thought this was solved?" Uryu asked.

"I thought so to, but I was called there for some reason and I want to investigate more on what happened." She turned to walk away. "I'll see what I can find out."

"Bye! Kuchiki-san!" Orihime yelled out the door as Rukia made her way down the hallway.

Ichigo stretched his back, the yellow light no longer covering him. "Thanks Inoue-san." He yawned, "Well I'm heading home. I'm friggin tired."

Izumi sat on the ledge right above the classroom window, still writing away in her thick book. She had heard everything. She pushed her glasses up on her nose and watched as Ichigo walked out of the school and headed towards home.


Ichigo dodged the incoming kick with ease as he walked through the door. He looked back at his weird father now crumpled against the wall. He rolled his eyes and turned to walk up to his room.

"Ichigo! You're improving! That's my boy!" He ran over to the large painting size picture of Misaki, "Our dear son has improved so much!"

"Shut it dad." Ichigo said yawning.

Isshin still clutching the poster said, "But he talks to me so rudely! I promise, Misaki! We will work on that attitude!"

Ichigo gave a loud sigh and began up the stairs, ignoring the loud cries of his father.

He stopped in front of his door. Something's missing. He turned back to yell down the stairs, "Oi! Dad, where are Karin and Yuzu?"

"They're at the store! Oh by the way, a letter came for you today!" Isshin yelled from around the corner at the bottom of the stairs.

Ichigo walked down the stairs to retrieve the letter.

Why would I get a letter?

He took the letter from his father's hand. It was thick and had a red seal on the front that almost looked like blood. It had already been opened for some reason.

"I took the liberty of reading it for you!" Isshin said with a smile, "I'm so proud of you!"

Proud of me? What?

He glanced down at the letter and read:

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First class, Grand sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Kurosaki,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of ~~~~~~~~~~~ Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall,

Deputy Headmistress.

Ichigo looked wide-eyed at the piece of parchment.

What is this? And why is some of it smeared? School of what?

"I've also took the liberty of packing for you! You leave for England in the morning!" Issshin ran over to the Misaki poster, "I can't believe that our son is so smart that he would get accepted at a fancy boarding school in England!"

Ichigo's eyes got even wider, "ENGLAND!"


Hope you guys liked it! Oh and dont worry! He will get to Hogwarts in the next chapter. I wanted to add a little somethin before he went! Still trying to ddecide who should come to Hogwarts with him. Reviews are greatly appreciated but I thank you even more for just reading it in the first place! :D I hope to be updating regularly. Yell at me if I dont XD
