Healing and Loving

Barriss Offie watched her Master and Master Kenobi talking to Commander Cody. Barris could tell Cody was in pain, even without the Force. The grimace on his face showed enough. But she couldn't tell where. The aura of Master Unduli and Master Kenobi combined was too much.

Obi-Wan turned toward Barriss. "Barriss, would you mind going with Cody to the med-bay?"

"Not at all, Master Kenobi." Barrsis answered him softly.

"Cody go with her."

Cody sighed. "The Commander probably has better things to do than go with me to the med-bay."

"Actually, she doesn't." Luminara stepped forward.

Cody sighed again and turned to walk out of the room with Barriss.

Barriss bit her lip as she and Cody walked toward the med-bay. He was limping badly on his left leg, obviously barely able to stand on it.

Barris stopped in front of the door to her quarters.

"You're not going in there are you?" It was more of a statement than a question. She knew how much Gree hated the med-bay.

"You'll have to make me, sir." Cody responded quietly.

Barriss thought for a moment. "Alright, I'll give you a choice. Either to go to the med-bay or let me take care of you."

Cody closed his eyes, then reopened them. "I'll let you do it, Commander. Being in the med-bay reminds me to much of training."

Barriss smiled and opened the door to her quarters. She pointed at the bed. "Sit."

Cody did so and pulled his legs onto the bed.

"Armour off?"

Barriss nodded and carefully helped to peel off Cody's armour.

She covered her mouth with and hand when Barris saw Cody's leg. The bone was pushing against the skin and had made it red and swollen.

Gently she touched the leg and watched Cody try to hold back a wince.

"This is going to hurt."

Cody nodded and braced himself.

Quick but gentle, Barriss pushed the bone into place and began to heal it with the Force.

Cody gasped and groaned as she did, trying to suppress a yelp. Slowly Barriss pulled her hands away.

"It's not fully healed but it should do. Your body will be able to do the rest."

Cody nodded and leaned against the wall, as soon as he did he pulled back up into sitting position.

"Something wrong?" Barriss asked, concerned.

"Nothing, it's nothing." Cody lied.

Softly Barriss reached over and put her hand on Cody's back. Now that she looked, he was sitting kind of funny. Tenderly Barriss prodded her hand into the small of his back. Cody clenched his fists and she stopped.

Neither said anything but Barriss could tell that Cody's back was hurting him. The muscle was pulled and tense. Barriss massaged the area gently, applying a little bit of Force technique as she did. Cody let out a low moan of satisfaction and Barriss continued up to his shoulders. Only then did she realize what she was doing.

"Sorry." She muttered and pulled away.

"That's alright Commander." Cody looked at Barriss in a way that made her feel uncomfortable under his gaze yet pleased with the attention.

His gaze started at Barriss' feet and travelled up the length of her body-spending an extra-long moment on her breasts-then continued up to her face. The hood, green skin and diamond-shaped tattoos. And then to Barriss' eyes.

To Barriss it seemed as if Cody was looking for something, it was almost like the moment he met her eye, he found what he was looking for.

Something about Cody's hazel eyes made Barris feel dizzy. In the few moments their eyes were locked, she almost thought she would swoon.

The heavy clamping of troopers boots clattered outside the door and the spell broke. Both people fell out of their trance. Cody and Barriss looked away from each other, muttering their apologies. Cody began to flip his legs off the bed.

"I don't think so." Barriss pushed down so Cody was lying on the bed. "You need time to rest and heal."

"Commander, I'm fine." Cody argued, trying to get up again. He stood, but as soon as he put weight on his leg, Cody had to brace himself back against the bed.

Barriss stood with a smug, cocky smile on her face, one she had adopted from Ahsoka.

Cody sighed. "Alright, fine. You win."

"Good." Barris pushed Cody down onto the bed so that his head was resting on the pillow. She carefully slid the blanket over him. "Sleep well."

Cody closed his eyes and let the exhaustion overcome him. Slowly he drifted off into sleep.

Authors note: Just as warning the next chapter may get a little sexier, not anything over the top, just a little. Of course, if no one likes the story I'll just scratch it. So for that you'll have to review. C'ya later.