England's American Boy

Jasper is a 16 year old boy who's a bit of a player. He moves to England where he meets Alice - a girl who shows him the wonders of a new culture. He falls for her, but she knows he can't be trusted. Can he change his ways for the one he loves? All human.

Alice was shaking with excitement as she thought about her new day today. She had had the honour of being elected as the head of the school council and as she was only in year 10, this had never happened in the history of the school before. As she was the first, it would go down in the school's history and Alice could not have been prouder.

As head of the school council, she had lots of new responsibilities but today she was to show round two new students around – two American boys too, apparently. One was in the same year as her and the other was in the year above. She was going to be missing double biology to show them around – not that she was complaining.

As usual, Alice skipped breakfast to pick her outfit. She went to one of the few schools in England that allowed you to wear your own clothes to school. It was times like these when Alice wished that she had a sister to swap clothes with. But she didn't.

This outfit had to be something amazing if she was to make a good first impression. Alice was one of those people who would get up at 6am to be at school for 8.30am and still never have enough time to get ready. It was supposed to be reasonably warm that day, so Alice chose her strapless print summer dress that nipped in at the waist and accentuated her very petite curves. She had a pair of leather, brown wedges to add height to her tiny frame and a white fitted blazer in case it got cold during the day. Finally, she added a necklace, smoothed out her outfit and sighed. She looked perfect. Her mother and father always complained that she dressed too old for her age, but she didn't care. Clothes were her life.

Alice deliberated how she would get to school as she applied her make-up and brushed her flicky brown bob. She hated the fact that in England, she couldn't learn to drive until she was seventeen. So, the choices were a bus, a lift from her parents or to walk there. Unfortunately, nobody was at home and she didn't have enough change to get the bus, so there was only one option left.

Alice grabbed her black shoulder strap back from the back of her bedroom door, stuffed her keys inside it and made her way out of the door to Folkestone Secondary School.

Alice always arrived earlier than her friends for school – she was great at time keeping. Or maybe she was bad, and that's why she was early? She didn't believe in being fashionably late – being fashionable was just a part of who Alice was – she lived for it. It was why she had taken Textiles, Art and Design at school last year when it had been time to choose her options for school the year previous. As part of her usual routine – she pulled out her phone and went straight to Rosalie's name – her best friend.

Hey Rose, I'm at school – where are you? X

Rosalie had been one of Alice's closest friends for years; they had gone to the same schools as each other since they were four years old. They hadn't always liked each other, but the friendships between their parents meant that they had often been forced together as children. For the past two years, they'd been almost inseparable. Thinking back, Alice was glad that their parents had forced them to be friends. She couldn't imagine life without Rosalie now. She felt her phone vibrate in her hands.

I'm just by Kings Ave – be there in 2 minutes. X

Alice sighed and put her phone back in her bag as the students starting to pour in more heavily now. This meant that the teachers would all start to go on duty and watch out for items that should not be out or used within school – this included mobile phones. It really wouldn't look good if the head of the school council was to have her phone confiscated. She didn't want anyone to think that she wasn't suitable for the role and that maybe they had made a mistake.

A few minutes later and Rosalie arrived wearing a short denim skirt and a low cut pink vest top. Rosalie had developed a new style over the last year that was still changing in some ways. You could say it was more grown up – but you were more likely to say 'daring' before you said anything else. The low cut top that Rosalie had worn to Jessica's party had shocked many people and the fact that she got away with it had made her the envy of many of the girls – including Alice. However, Rosalie always made sure that everyone was aware that her dress sense didn't mean she was slut – and by everyone, that meant boys.

Just as the bell was about to go, Rosalie had to leave to hand in an essay to a teacher before class started. Alice wasn't alone for long however because Mrs Monday soon arrived, wearing a grey, frumpy suit that made her look flabby around the waist. Everywhere she went, Alice observed the outfits of people she saw and how she could improve them – Mrs Monday was one of the few that always had the most drastic changes to her wardrobe in Alice's head.

"Hello Ms Brandon, I'd like you to meet the new students that have arrived today – they should be here soon. As you know, you'll be showing them around the school for the next two periods so I'm sure you'll make the most of the time provided. Follow me." Mrs Monday instructed her sternly and Alice did as she was told. She was brought to Mrs Monday's office – she was head of the entire school. The room had entire purple walls, grey flooring and was brightened up by the beautiful flower arrangements that were placed strategically around the room to distract from the state of disrepair that the building was in.

"Right, both students will be here any time soon. So if you'd like to take a seat then I can tell you a little about them before they arrive to save you any embarrassment." She explained as Alice looked around the room before settling herself down onto a plush, grey chair against the wall opposite the head teacher's desk. "They are brothers, one is in year 11 and one is in year 10 – the same year as you?" She asked and Alice nodded. "They come from America, so please don't ask any ignorant questions – treat them as you would any English student." Alice raised an eyebrow – she wasn't a complete fool. She knew how to respect a person and she certainly wasn't ignorant. Mrs Monday chose to ignore the face that Alice pulled.

There were two raps at the door and Mrs Monday beckoned for the person to come in as she flicked through a filing cabinet. Alice turned round and saw a solitary boy.

"Sorry I'm late miss, my brother, James, is ill today and can't make it." He said and Mrs Monday smiled a genuine smile at him.

"That's a shame – not to worry. I'm sure you'll be able to show him around when he's feeling better. I'll sort out some free time for you as soon as he's back. Mr Whitlock, this is Ms Brandon. She's going to be showing you around the school for the next two hours."

"It's nice to meet you. Please, call me Jasper." He said with a smirk as he tipped his trilby hat at her.

Oh no.