So I'm Becca! I wrote this story because i was in a Degrassi mood. I think I want to continue it into a story. Tell me what you think? Please?

It's the first I've written that i have actually put a fair amount of time into because I like it, and i think it will go places. I really hope you like it!

Oh yeah so disclaimer time, ** I don't own degrassi though i wish that i did. But c'mon, who wouldn't?**


Wow, why was my mom so shocked?

"You have a boyfriend? Why didn't you tell me?"

"You didn't ask?" I say as if I was waiting for her approval of this statement.

"Well… I guess he can come for dinner, if it is alright with your father but it isn't like anything ever is."

"Since when do you care about dad's opinion?" I mutter quietly to myself. I guess I am still bitter about their constant fighting. God! Oh I mean goodness… this is SO unfair.

"Excuse me young lady?" My mother said while shifting her head to the side. She knew what I said but I know she wasn't going to dwell on it. I didn't regret saying it, but as of now all I could say is

"Oh it's nothing" in my sweetest voice possible, just like any daughter would.

"Well, alright. He can come. Tell him to be over at six, I guess I will make chicken and vegetables. Maybe some rice."

"Dad hates chicken."

"Oh well I better get to the store before it closes if we want that chicken." I groan internally. Really? Childish games like that? K.C. and I didn't even play games like that when we broke up. And he cheated on me!

I can't really think of a response to her. What can I say? Stop being a bitch? Well I could if I was Darcy.

My mom just looks at me and gives an uncomfortable sigh "Okay well I'll see you soon." She starts to walk out the door and she grabs her coat off the rack. Just as I assume she is putting it on she calls to me saying "I just hope for your sake this boy isn't like that Peter. Remember all that he did to Darcy!"

"Mom, what are you talking about? That was Darcy's fault!"

"Don't ever talk about your sister like that again Clare. She was perfect until he came along. I don't want that to be you." With that she rushes out leaving nothing but an eerie spirit of doubt.


As my mom leaves I get scared then I excited. Oh my parents are going to be so pissed when they meet Eli. They won't know what hit them. Oh crap I forgot to tell Eli they said yes. That would have been just great if I forgot right? When I try him on his cell all I get is his voicemail. How is it possible that even just a recording of him is sexy? I guess Eli is still in his detention. I impulsively grab my coat and head out towards Degrassi.

When I get inside I run to Ms. Dawes's room and in a shocked tone she says "Clare what are you doing here? You aren't on the list."

The second that she says my name I see Eli turn around. his spellbinding emerald eyes staring into mine. I don't think I will ever get my eyes to that intensity.

"Oh I'm just waiting for Eli to be finished so he can come over."

"Ah well miss Edwards I guess you can wait. OUTSIDE." She says. I would not have expected anything else, though I wish I could have.

I wander out into the Zen garden to wait for my boyfriend. I pass by a small tree on top of marble. There are pictures of older students whom I know I've seen before. The J.T. memorial. I remember when my sister had told me about what happened to him. It wasn't fair, he was only 17.

You know I cannot believe how sheltered I was. I thought that nothing like that could ever happen but it could, and it did. Not just to him to me. Well Eli. Almost

Oh Vegas Night. This could be Eli…..

I suddenly feel something grab around my waist and I scream terrified because I was so lost in my own thoughts.

I hear a familiar voice behind me saying "Clare calm down! It's just me!"

I let out a sigh of relief and give him a small to let him know its okay.

"Jeez, I know I drive a hearse, but I didn't think I was that scary" Eli says with his sarcastic tone and ends it by giving me on of his signature smirks that would turn any girl into a puddle.

"Oh ha ha Eli, I better run for cover now from you, you scary animal." I say returning the gift of sarcasm.

"Whatever little Edwards." He stifles a laugh

"Alright mr. sarcasm just c'mon, we are going to my house."

"So the parental said yes then I'm assuming. Or are you just trying to keep up your rebellious streak?"

"Maybe a little bit of both" I mutter. I realize that I didn't mean for my boyfriend to hear that.

" What?

"C'mon let's just go to my house okay? Or at least to what's left of it." I think that last comment will keep him quiet. I mean really? How would anyone respond to that?


My plan proved right. We drove the whole way to my house in the infamous Morty without a word. I needed to think of a plan. Or at least an idea. And when I do, I take Eli's hand and I pull him onto the couch after we take our coats off.

"So Clare, aren't you gonna introduce me? Where are your parents?"

"My mom's out getting food. She claims she is going to cook but I suspect she is just getting takeout. And for my dad well….. he is god knows where."

With that I pull him into a deep kiss. I press hard against him, trying to imitate what he does to me. I kiss his neck and then his jaw and I climb on top of him until we are lying down. Eli starts to pull us up and let's face it; he is stronger than me. I don't want to stop; my mom will be home any minute.

"Your mom. She will be home any minute." Eli says between kisses as if he was reading my mind.

"Clare really, I think I heard a car door."

All the better, I think to myself. I use all my strength then and I pull him on top of me, and just as Eli is giving in, my mom walks right through the front door, with a horrified look on her face. Eli quickly pulls himself off me and stands up straightening his blazer out. I on the other hand stay on the couch.

"Mom this is my boyfriend, Eli"

Just so you know i just kind of threw in the J.T. thing, it doesn't have to do with the story except for when Clare thinks about Eli. I just miss J.T. is all!

So Whadya think? C'mon, tell me? All you gotta do is review! If you do your awesome in my book!