Spoilers for Primeval series 4!

A/N - Set in series 2 of Primeval, the exact point is clear in the story. I've always found it hard to write for Abby and Connor because I want to get their characters...right. If I get some good feedback for this story I may continue with some more Primeval stories. This story was inspired by Episode 3 of Series 4. Whilst watching this particlur part of the episode I guessed Connors password before he did, and thought it was rather adorable, and so this story was born. If you've seen episode 3 or Primeval in general you will understand, if not, just enjoy the fluff :)

Connor stared at the screen, his mind working in over drive. A password. How could something as simple as a password stump Connor Temple? He'd just created a revolutionary piece of equipment to detect anomalies, and he couldn't even come up with a password! Of course this password was only to be used in emergencies as a 'trap door', but it was still important. He sighed, frustrated, and put his face in his hands. Okay, a password, something no one else would think of. Mother's maiden name? Too obvious. He supposed that meant that 'childhood pet' and 'primary school' were also out of the question. Think Connor, think.

He lifted his head out of his hands and looked around for some inspiration. Cutter was off in a corner having a conversation with Jenny. Connor smirked. He suspected they were actually having an argument in hushed tones, judging by the flush that was creeping up Jenny's neck. He could see Stephen in the armoury admiring some of their latest weapons, talking animatedly to some of Lester's soldiers. Well, he certainly wasn't going to use Stephen or Jenny as password inspiration. Jenny was lovely and everything, but he hadn't known her that long and she wasn't really a form of inspiration or comfort to him. He supposed that Cutter wouldn't be a bad password idea. He had become a mentor of Connors and never failed to believe in Connor, even when he screwed up. Of course Stephen was a definite no, Connor still saw him as competition for Abby.

Abby. Connor jerked his head around so fast that he felt a familiar twinge of pain in his neck. Reaching up and rubbing the crick in his neck gently, Connor continued to search for Abby. After a few moments of panicked searching he spotted her. She was in the staff lounge, and he could just see her through the glass making herself a hot drink, completely oblivious to his gaze. He watched as she poured the hot water into her mug and added an extra spoonful of chocolate powder. Connor smiled to himself and let out a small sigh. He enjoyed watching Abby. He knew that it sounded creepy and that she was his flatmate and friend, he shouldn't look at her like that. He shouldn't want to wake up with her next to him every morning, shouldn't want her to run her fingers through his hair and tell him that she felt the same way. Connor was pulled out his daydream when he realised that Abby had spotted him staring. He gave her an awkward smile and wave, before quickly turning his head back round and adjusting his hat. His smile dropped as he realised how much of a plonker he must have looked. Looking back up at the computer screen once more, Connor was struck with sudden inspiration.

A password that no one but him would ever guess. Well, he hoped no one would ever guess. He glanced around the room once more, to make sure that no body was watching, before hurriedly typing in the password. Nope, he was sure that only he would ever guess this. How could anyone else know his deepest desire? Rather proud of himself, Connor jumped up out of his chair and off toward Cutter, to tell him that the anomaly detector was finally finished, his password now forever imprinted into his heart and soul.

Abby Temple.