A/N: Hey there! How's it going? I'm making another story, here's my new prince of tennis one. This is a random idea of mine, someone else has probably done this for this genre. But I don't think I've found it if they have. So yeah...:( Sadness. Anyway, sorry if you're writing a story similiar, know I had no intentions of offending anyone and just writing something fun. ;3

Warning: M-rated in the future. :3 And then some vulgar language. :P

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

"Come on brat, lets go!"

"Don't tell me that's what you call tennis! This is childs tennis brat!"

Anyone who passed by the street courts, would be in awe of the skill of the two players on this field, and the people who actually knew them were awestruck that they were playing in this court. Showed how much they knew, why wouldn't a member of Seigaku come here and play? Of course, no one really recongized Echizen Nanjiroh, "Come on, come on!" Nanjiroh taunted further.

Of course, today just wasn't Ryoma's day, he wanted nothing more then for this day to end. Why was Nanjiroh here?

-Begin Flashback-

"Ah! Come on, Ryoma! It's fun to have a picnic. Besides, it's a whole team event to just hang out and have fun! There will be games, Tennis and food!" Eiji glomped Ryoma. It took about half an hour, but Seigaku(mainly a rather viscious threat from a certain Tensai...) finally convinced Ryoma to come with them.


Everyone had cheered(minus one Tezuka Kunimitsu and Dataman.) So, when they went to the street courts with loads of food that Kawamura and some of the others had been preparing earlier that day. "Ne, Ochibi! Momo! Kaidoh! Save some of the Red Eel for mmeeee!" Eiji whined, ready to cry. "It's fine, Eiji, I brought some extra red eel for you." Oishi smiled. Eiji perked up, "Really really! YEY! Oishi's the best!" Eiji glomped Oishi.

"Oi! Seishonen! This is where you ran off too." that voice..

"Ahh! You're the man from the beach that one day!" Momo and Kaidoh both exclaimed, Tezuka and Fuji glanced at each other, Tezuka then looked at Fuji, and then they paused, "Who is Seishonen?" they all asked, well...Mostly.

"Seishonen? Who else-" the man grinned, Ryoma glared, "Oyaji! What are you doing here?" Ryoma asked, not looking happy either. Everyone glanced between the two, "Oi! Don't talk to your dad like that in front of others. Besides, I was bored and what better way to have fun-" "Then to annoy your son." Ryoma finished for him. Nanjiroh pouted. "I was gonna say by hanging out with my son and his friends, but if you want to call it that." Nanjiroh snickered.

"Leave." "No." "..." "Ha!" "Mom threatened to throw out your junk if you didn't, didn't she."

Nanjiroh stopped his happy dance and hung his head, "Don't talk to your father like that!" "What kind of father reads that stuff!" "What kind of son doesn't!"

"Is it just me..Or are we completely forgotten?" Momo asked.
"Fshhh..." Viper hissed.
"Yes, there is a 98% chance that they have forgotten about us." Inui stated the obvious.
"Saa, how very odd. I didn't think anyone could rile our baby like this." Fuji chuckled.
"Why won't they acknowledge us?" Eiji huffed.
"I do not know, Eiji." Oishi tried to calm Eiji.
"Ah..Should we stop them?" Kawamura asked nervously.
"..." Tezuka said nothing.

"Well, I'm here, so lets play a match. If I win, you deal with my presence. If you manage to get a point off me, I'll leave." Nanjiroh smirked. Ryoma glared up at him, "I'll make you cry!" Ryoma stated, storming through his friends, yes THROUGH, he has yet to remember their presence.

"Ochibi! Watch where you're going!" Eiji called out, "Echizen, chill man!" Momo added. Everyone looked at each other, "Well, this will be good data." Inui finally broke the minute of silence. Everyone sighed.

Fuji glanced up and saw a fire burning in Ryoma's eyes, blinking, he then watched as he pulled out his racket and made sure the strings were good before storming back through them and towards the court. Inui looked up, "You serve, Seishonen." Nanjiroh grinned, "You'd better play me seriously." Ryoma stated.

-End Flashback-

"Heheheh! Too. Slow!" Nanjiroh called out and shot from between the legs. Ryoma had been running across the courts, shooting back and then getting crushed. Ryoma glared at his dad, "I'll give you a handicap, how about that?" "Don't need it." "Hehehe." Nanjiroh closed both eyes anyways, and played that way the rest of the game. The final shot, he opened his eyes and put more power then he had been intending to on the ball, the ball leaving a large indent on the ground.

Ryoma looked at that spot, absolutely exhausted. "Heh, you still play childs tennis." Nanjiroh then turned and looked at the regulars, who were standing in awe(most of them.) "I need to thank you though, you've really gotten my boy back into the spirit. Heh, at first, all he wanted to do was make me cry. Now he wants to make me cry AND be an awesome tennis player!" Nanjiroh grinned.

"Ryoma, is that true? That's all you played tennis for until recently?" Fuji asked, his eyes opened, looking to the boy sitting down drinking a can of ponta that appeared out of no where. "...Pretty much. But, it's still my main goal." he muttered huffing looking away.

"Heheh, you were cuter when you were a kid." Nanjiroh said, "Sorry 'bout this brat, strong willed, pretty much does what he wants and doesn't RESPECT his elders!" Nanjiroh said the last pointedly. But, Ryoma was obviously paying little attention to him, making Nanjiroh's eye twitch.

Inui exlaimed loudly, his newly acquired laptop with him.

"What is it Inui!" Oishi asked worriedly.

"I was doing research..I don't know how I never noticed before. Our Echizen, is son of THE Samurai, The same Samurai that quit right before winning the Grand Slam." Inui stated, "You're really slacking, Sempai." Ryoma stated, Fuji's eyes opened widely at that and everyone turned and looked at Nanjiroh, "You mean..This old pervert was one of the legendary players?" Momo asked. "And this is Ochibi's dad?" Eiji continued. "And you never told us!" Momo and Eiji on the same key and were now in Echizens face.

"Oi, it's you guys who didn't put two and two together." Ryoma pointed out.

Nanjiroh started laughing, "Ah, kids these days." he snickered, "We aren't kids!" Momo stated.

"Yeah, ye are." Nanjiroh grinned. "I could beat any one of you." Nanjiroh said confidently. "Actually, I'd like to see the current strength of Seigaku's captain. I used to be apart of the team, why don't you show me." Nanjiroh grinned, tapping his racket on his shoulder. Tezuka nodded, "It would be an honor." "Oi, Buchou, don't make his head any bigger by saying stuff like that. His brain is already the size of a peanut and his ego is ten times worse then all of ours combined. "OI! GAKI! IF PEOPLE WANT TO PRAISE ME THEN LET THEM!" Nanjiroh growled at the son. "I wasn't talking to you!" Ryoma growled. Nanjiroh scoffed, "Oi, if you can't beat me Tezuka-san, I'm gonna train your team myself for one month. Sound good?" Nanjiroh asked, "Yes, sounds good." Tezuka nodded.

Well, finally the match went under way, and if anyone knew any better. They'd say that Tezuka were weak. Nanjiroh crushed him, "You're not bad kid. But you're all still playing kids tennis. We'll start training after this weekend. But come this monday, you'll be undergoing my training. I'll leave you guys for awhile. Have fun Seishonen!" Nanjiroh grinned and left, he had to go talk to that old hag now.

And with that, Nanjiroh came and went, causing hell for Ryoma.

"Ryoma, that was your father?" Oishi was more confirming for himself then anything. Ryoma huffed, "Sadly." he muttered. "Sadly? Your dad is a freaking pro! No wonder your so good!" Momo stated, trying to figure out what was sad about it. "Just wait, I suggest you treasure this weekend, because you won't be getting them this next month." Ryoma grumbled on about some other stuff, and to think, this all started with a picnic?

When it was time to go home, everyone walked together, and soon, Fuji and Ryoma were the last ones left. "Saa, it was interesting today." Fuji stated, "It seems we don't know as much about you as we assumed." Fuji added, "Mm, do you know another way to look at assumed, sempai?" Ryoma asked, Fuji hummed, "No, tell me." Fuji asked, "Ass U Made." Ryoma smirked at his sempai, "Making an ass of yourself is what you do when you assume is it not?" Ryoma asked, tilting his head softly. "See you at the end of the week, sempai." Ryoma stated before heading inside his house and leaving Fuji there.

Chuckling Fuji opened his eyes, "Mm, I want to know more about my little Ryoma." Fuji stated, and you could already tell, this next month, would be the last thing from normal.