Author's Note: These drabbles were inspired by an artbook picture of D in a leather outfit with lots of lacing; it's the opening illustration for the "Deathtrap" chapter in volume 3 of the Tokyo series. The second drabble was written as a sequel rather than a proper chapter 2 but I decided to group them together since they're so short and were both inspired by the same picture.

Leon opened the pet shop door and almost immediately slammed it shut in shock. It couldn't be! He did not just see that! He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, vainly trying to chase the unlikely image from his mind. Count D draped seductively over the antique sofa. Skintight leather and long gloves. Profuse amounts of lacing. Pale flesh peeking out from under the crisscrossing cords. Glittering eyes obscured by slightly downcast lids. A coy smile aimed in his direction.

The stress from the latest case had to be getting to him; he had to be hallucinating. Dealing with the Count on a normal day was bizarre enough. But if D really was getting fashion tips from the dominatrix dentist, he was out of there. Cautiously, Leon inched the door open again.

D emerged from the back of the shop, primly attired in flowery silk brocade and carrying a tea tray. "Ah, Mr. Detective, you're just in time for tea." Nothing in his manner or smile suggested anything out of the ordinary.

Quickly glancing around the shop to make sure everything else was as usual, Leon decided it was safe and stepped inside.

D looked inquiringly at him as he collapsed into a chair. "Rough day at work, my dear detective?"

"Yeah, you could say that." Leon gulped down the cup of tea the Count offered, half relieved that he had just been imagining things and half disturbed that his overtaxed brain had conjured up such a risqué picture of D. He began to relax a little until he noticed that freaky fox with all the tails was sitting on the sofa, watching him.

Why did he have a feeling the creature was smirking at him?