Hard Target

By Carol M

Summary: E/O Challenge…flank…the brothers flee ghostly attacker…unsuccessfully…hurt!Dean caring!Sam…season 1

Word Count: 100

Spoilers: None

Disclaimer: Don't own em, only love em


Sam halted when he realized that Dean was no longer behind him as they fled the arrow attack of the ghostly Robinhood. He found Dean several yards back, hunched over and panting, a hand clutching his side.

"Dude, you coming?"

Dean winced and then nodded. "Just got a stitch in my side, Sammy. Gimme a minute."

Sam noticed a bloodstain peeking out from under Dean's hand. He quickly pushed his brother's hand away and lifted the shirt, revealing a bloody gouge across Dean's flank. "This is more like a stab, Dean."

Dean shrugged. "Stitch, stab, tomato, tomahto."




That's All Folks!