***BEFORE READING: I have totally edited this story. I made it more mature in a way. If you have already read this story, I would advise you to read it over again. Thanks! 3

Title: NCIS Crazies


Pairing: McGee & Abby

Note: Ok, so this is a story my mind came up with after watching The Crazies (2010). It's pretty out there but I wanted to write something different…. And I love writing horror stories….. I have changed a few things from the original because it was a little too sexual and immature for my taste.

Genres: Romance, Horror, Action, Fantasy


Tony started beating his computer. Ziva, startled, looked up from her computer. When he wouldn't stop she yelled, "Tony! Stop it before Gibbs-" Gibbs came around the corner and sat in his chair. Gibbs said, "DiNozzo, stop hitting it. I have found that hitting technology makes the problem worse."

After a few minutes of Tony cursing his computer and Ziva watching him (trying to hold back her laughter), Gibbs got a call. After a few minutes of talking he stood up quickly and said, "If you need me I'll be in the Director's office."

Tony and Ziva nodded and went back to what they were doing, Ziva watching Tony try to fix his computer while Tony's head was on the edge of exploding.

Tony decided to give up and just lay beck in his chair. He grumbled, "Damn viruses. Where's McGeek when you need him?"

Ziva answered, absentmindedly, "He is down in the lab with Abby." She immediately regretted what she said when she remembered that McGee told her not to tell Tony. Tony was immediately interested and had sly smile on his face.

Tony said, "So our little Timmy is down with our favorite forensics scientist, Abby Scuito, is he?"

Ziva quickly said, "Now I know what you are thinking Tony but we need to leave them be. He said that they were going over DNA Analysis for the Jane Doe in autopsy."

Tony said slowly, "Ziva, we have had no cases today. There are no bodies in Ducky's lab."

It took her a while but then Ziva rose her finger up, as if a light bulb went off in her head and she said, in realization, "That is why he did not want you knowing!"

Tony put his finger to the tip of his nose and said, "Yes Ziva! Right on the nose!"

Ziva asked, "What is right on the nose?"

Tony rolled his eyes and said, "It's an expression. It means- Oh never mind. Forget it." Tony got up from his desk and said, "Come on! Let's get him back for being a little McDeciever."

Ziva was about to deny but she knew that even if she didn't go with him Tony would still end up going. So she decided to go to make sure Tony didn't do anything too out of line.

Meanwhile in the lab...

McGee sneakily took a glance at Abby. He wanted to talk to her about what had happened between them the previous night but she was very busy at the moment. Her analyzing computer was not acting like itself today. She was running around form her desk computer to her analyzing evidence computer so much he was starting to get a little dizzy.

Abby sighed and sat down in her computer chair in defeat, "I just don't know why my computer is doing this to me. I know there's not a case but, what if later today there is?!" She started pleading to the computer like it was a very bratty stubborn child, "Please work, my wonderful computer. If you start working I'll never scream at you and I'll clean you every day, and I'll-"

"What's going on between us Abby?"

This definitely got her mind off her stubborn computer. She turned to McGee with a surprised, embarrassed facial expression. She actually had no clue how to respond. For once, she was dumbfounded. "Wh-what do you mean?" She got up and walked to her desk to avoid the conversation.

McGee was getting impatient and angry with Abby. He thought, 'Oh here we go again. She wants to act like what happened never happened. Well she's not getting off that easily.' He followed her and practically shouted, "You know damn well what I mean, Abby! I seem to remember last night in this very lab that you kissed me. I didn't kiss you, you kissed me. And I just want to know: Do we just pretend like it didn't happen or do we discuss it? And only one of those choices I will accept."

Abby let out breath she had been holding in for a while, "We can discuss it."

"Oh there you go! Always wanting to dodge talks of relationships or commitments! I can't believe y-"

"McGee! I said we can discuss it!" Abby looked at him with disbelief.

McGee shut up and got slightly flustered, " ... Good then."

Abby took a deep breath and started, "McGee, what happened between us last night, it was a mistake. Before you start getting angry, you need to think rationally. We already tried, It didn't work out. I do love you but... it's just really complicated to explain how I feel about you."

McGee could not hide his disappointment from her. He was also, despite her "think rationally" request, very angry.

He shook his head and started to laugh but it was far from happy laughter. "Well, Abby congratulations. You've done it again. You've successfully led me on to think we would actually be something but no. You're commitment issues have bested you once again. If your love for me is so complicated to explain why don't we just stop seeing each other all together?"

Her eyes widened, "You don't mean that McGee, listen to yourself!"

"Damn it! No. Listen to yourself! The reason you can't explain the love you have for me is because you won't let yourself love me. That kiss meant something and you know it."

"No it didn't. It was just a kiss."

McGee was seeing red he was so frustrated, "Are you even listening to yourself?"

Abby looked away and headed back to her analyzing computer but he grabbed her wrist and turned her so that she was forced to look at him. They're faces were inches apart. She gazed into his blazing eyes and then the memory of last night came back to her full force.

That night...

"So you solved how the Marine was murdered, how do you feel about this accomplishment ?"

Abby giggled at McGee as she was shutting all the lights off in her lab and shutting down all her machines and such.

"I feel accomplished and tired. I think a well deserved night of sleep is in store for me."

Just as she got everything shut off there was a sudden, repetitive beeping noise.

McGee jumped and asked, "What the hell is that?"

Abby shook her head, "I have no idea."

As if on queue, McGee lunged for Abby and pinned her to the opposite wall of the beeping noise.

They were so close Abby had to struggle to let whisper out, "McGee, what the hell are you doing?"

"I thought it was a bomb."

She turned her head to come face to face with him to laugh at him but she ended up frozen as she came mere centimeters from his face. Suddenly she felt real giddy and hyper. McGee also noticed how close they were and his body started reacting to her closeness.

"Timmy! Is that your gun or are really excited to see me?"

He blushed but then got a wave of confidence and leaned in closer to whispered really close to her ear, "What do you think?" He grazed the side of her neck with his teeth as he went back to looking intently at her face.

She shivered and suddenly grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in for a really deep kiss.

This had never felt so right. She hadn't remembered her heart beating this fast in their past relationship or any of her past relationships for that matter.

As their kiss got more passionate, it was like Abby's high left her and she realized what she was doing immediately. She pushed him off of her, ending the kiss. She touched her lips hesitantly because they felt like a burning inferno. He looked at her, wide eyed and unhappy.


"Um, I'll see you tomorrow." She scurried into the elevator before McGee could catch her.

All that she was aware of was the annoying beeping noise still going on behind her.


She snapped out of it. The memory felt like she had been out of it for 30 minutes when in reality it was only a few seconds. Abby could feel the heat of his anger radiating off his body.

Abby brought her hand up to cup his cheek and stroke it. He started to calm down, then, to her surprise he put his hand that was holding her wrist around her waist. She drew in a sharp intake of air as she felt the heat of his hand radiate around her waist.

"You really don't feel anything special between us?"

"I-I may want to reconsider..."

They both were just about to erase the remining little space between their lips when Tony came walking in with Ziva slowly trailing behind him.

They quickly came apart and both faced them, both trying to calm their raging sexual tension. Tony smiled and said, "Well I see you too were having fun. Should we come back in like 20 minutes or so?"

They both looked at eachother considering it but then Tim said, "No Tony. Thanks but that's fine."

"Are you sure? I can even put a biohazard sign on Abby's door and I could-"

Tim rolled his eyes, "Tony, we got it. Let's just forget about this."

"Oh McGee, don't even try. He will never let us live this down." Abby walked over to her comuter to go back to trying to fix it."

McGee went over to Tony and swiftly elbowed him in the ribs.

"Ouch! I know now not to cock-block you."

Ziva rolled her eyes at Tony and headslapped him, "Shut up, Tony."

McGee couldn't help but snicker at Ziva and Tony.

"Well if you guys wouldn't mind, I need to fix my computer. And I need some peace and quiet." Abby started running through some programs that were supposdly going to help. McGee frowned but understood and they all made their way toward the door.

"McGee! I need your help real quick!" As he turned Abby was right there and she grabbed his tie and pulled him into a kiss. He wrapped his arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

They came apart from the very intense kiss and were breathing rather hard.

"Always here to help, Abbs."

She giggled and loosened form his grip, "Good to know."

Tony yelled, "Hey, Gibbs is callng us down. Apparently huge homicidial at a Navy Officer's home while a party was going on."

McGee sighed and asked, "What would you say if I asked you to Dinner after this case?"

Abby smiled and nodded and said, "I'd love that."

McGee nodded and walked to go with Tony and Ziva to the crime scene.

Would you like me to kill off some of the main characters or just put in random people they meet on the way?

Do you want a Tiva relationship in this story?

Please comment back or message me what you think…..