I was trekking through the woods angry and hurt my heart was in my throat as I cried. I felt as if I were dying, everything was going amazing until Bella came along. We would be happy and Jake wouldn't even know she existed, however, I couldn't just pin this all on her. No matter how much of a relationship kill bitch she is, he had a part in it as well. He made up his mind to kiss her even though he knew I was his soul mate, if I was his soul mate, he still kissed her and ruined everything we had going for us.

"Talia! Come back please let me explain." I heard him yelling for me as I ran through the woods, I felt two cold arms wrap around my torso and I screamed.

"Calm down!" Edward said to me in a sympathetic tone.

"He kissed her...he kissed her." I said as the tears fell down my face,

"I know...I know." He said as he pulled me back to the camp, "Stay here."

I crossed my arms over my chest and sent deathly glares towards Bella. I had never hated someone so much in my entire life, "Talia...it..it didn't mean anything." She said to me and I laughed.

"Oh fuck off you relationship ruining bitch! I have had my eyes on Jake for almost four years and then you come along and ruin everything! I am so tired of how you follow him like a lost fucking puppy well guess what! You have Edward and if you ever come near him again I swear to God I will kill you. You may be my sister by blood but you are dead to me!" I screamed at her my face was red and my eyes stinging with tears. I was ready to kill her, however, I knew if I did that I'd have stinky vampire man on my case as well as his family. Pushing the murderous thoughts from my head I buried my face in my hands, I was trying to push past the thought of his lips on her. [I] "This should have been our [b]first[/b] kiss." [/i] The words indicated that they had in fact kissed before, she had gotten to him in less then a year when I couldn't even get him to look at me.

I was beautiful in my own way I thought, but probably not. Maybe I wasn't tall enough, Bella was the perfect height, not too short and not too tall. I'm not sure anyone besides Sam, and Paul could beat Jake's height but of course. Stranger things have happened, like shape shifters and vampires for example. I realized then my life would never be normal, I'd always be Talia the girl who was stuck with a shape shifter who loved her sister more. I looked up to see Jake watching me intently, like he had planned on saying something but wasn't sure what he had in mind to say.

"What?" I said, it didn't come out as much of a snap as I would have liked it too.

"Talia...Bella and I we...we have -"

"History? Jesus, Jake! What do you call the four years here when I was practically screaming I love you every day! You were so different and amazing you loved cars, guess what I did too! No one understood me like you did except you didn't understand or see that I love you! However, when Bella came into town your jaw dropped and your eyes opened that you wanted her, now I'm not sure if you just wanted to fuck her or what but if you ever go near her like you did today EVER AGAIN, I will go back and live with my mother and you'll never see me again."

"You- I imprinted on you though...we'd end up eventually." He murmured quietly and I rolled my eyes.

"Bullshit, that's what I think about imprinting. Because if your love me is as strong as in those legends I hear all the time then you wouldn't have played tonsil hockey with my sister. TWICE!" I said to him running a hand through my hair and letting out a harsh breath, looking up at him again. I stood up and walked over to him hugging him tightly. "Be careful...please." I murmured to him, I couldn't bare it if I had yelled at him and had him die in the same day it would kill me.

"I will, I'm going to come back to you." He said kissing my forehead making me cringe slightly, after his lips had touched hers I really didn't want his lips on mine for a while. It weirded me out. I kissed his cheek and his whole face except for his lips,

"You come back to me and you'll get your kiss." I murmured softly, "But don't expect anything else."

He gave a small nod, kissing my head again and running off. He had work to do and I knew this but I hated that he was going to fight them in the first place, why can't Bella just stay out of trouble. I some how managed to fall for the right species of the supernatural but she had to go towards the ones who want to eat us, she really has a knack for trying to kill herself. Edward glared at me and I flipped him off before going to the tent to get out of the freezing wind. I covered up under the blankets and sighed in content, just waiting for this to blow over. I heard light talking and I just assumed that it was Bella and Edward so it didn't bother me. Not until I heard a wolf growl and then cry.

"Edwaaaard what'd I tell you about – oh shit." I said when I looked out seeing the red headed bitch and her little boy toy. "Aw, look best friends forever huh?" I joked humorlessly, I really shouldn't be fucking around right now, I should be running for my life this was no fuckin' joke.. I stood up out of the tent the red head was more or less not even paying attention to me however her little boyfriend seemed to like me a little too much for my taste.

"You smell...like wet dog."

"Yeah well I'm sure you don't smell like rainbows and sunshine either, y'know since you're dead." I said wistfully. He growled deep in his throat and licked over his lips, "I'm going to enjoy this."

"Ah, no...you're not." I said and booked it past Bella and Edward in my head cursing. 'Fuck, fuck, fuck ,fuck, fuck. Running as fast as I could to get away from this bastard, however he was much faster than me, cause, well he is a vampire. I tried over a rock and fell, "Shit!" I whined and grabbed my ankle, it was throbbing more than I could ever imagine it hurt so bad.

"Well, well I didn't even have to stop you. I must say, your run pretty fast for a human." He said as he knelt down to my level, I shrank back from him. Was this how I was going to die? It was kind of pathetic really, I was going to miss Jake a lot and my dad. Bella, nah I don't think I'll miss her much. He pushed some hair out of my face and I jumped when I heard a low growl emit from behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw a grey wolf with spots on its back. Embry. I gave a small smile and looked back towards the vampire that was now being torn to shreds.

"Gross." I whispered shaking my head.

Standing up with a little hobble I walked back to camp, Bella was bleeding which made me snigger inside wonder if the vamp got her. Edward was standing off to the side burning some vampires. "So are we safe?" I asked softly, Edward gave a short nod and I let out a breath.

"Thank goodness."

A/N: Hullo :) I'm so sorry it took me so long to update I was in medical schooling and Gah, it took up a lot of my time however. NOW I am a certified Nurse. :D So I was thinking of writing a Narnia story, I kind of fancy my self a Prince Caspian story. How about you, Ben Barnes, Damn your good looks. I haven't really thought up a plot much other then it will be a Caspian/OFC. I have noticed you guys seem to comment more when I'm absent, don't make me disappear for like three months just to get feedback.

Alright lovelies, I'll update soon!