Editor's Note: This is just one part of a deranged fangirl's mind, and there will be some discrepencies. We apologize. ~Dark

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia, or anything I quote here and after.

Chapter 1: The Fateful Click

I clambered through the door, yawning and tiredly yelling to my brother Mark that I was home from work. He yelled back, welcoming me home, asking me how work was, I just grunted in response. It was the usual routine that happened every day around this time.

Slowly relaxing in the nice, warm bath after the quick de-greasing shower, I felt like I was in heaven. Who knew long hours working in the garage could give someone such a crick in the back? I looked at my fingertips and realized that those remnants of grease and dirt will never leave my fingers.

Being led into the kitchen by the wonderful smell of dinner, I sat down at the table waiting for food. As I stared at the plate my brother put in front of me, I wished I could've gone to Culinary School like Mark did instead of my Mechanics major at the local university. "So, Mark," I asked between bites. "What show we watching tonight?"

He smiled. "A couple episodes of everyone's favorite alchemist." Even though he couldn't see me smile back, he knew I was excited. It's always hard to tell my expressions. I can't help it; I've got one of those faces.

We both sat down on the couch after dinner, and laughed for nearly an hour straight at the small blond alchemist trying to fight someone who could shoot flames from his fingers before my older brother dubbed himself too sleepy to watch more and said I should go to bed too. I agreed and walked to my bedroom to lie on the nice, warm, comfortable bed. I could fall right asleep on that bed.


Except I didn't. I kept tossing for at least 15 minutes until my mind decided it didn't want to go to sleep. Damn it. Why does this happen to the person in this house that works herself to the point were she might break and not to the one who lounges about and takes 2 mid-day naps on the couch? So I got up and walked over to my laptop to go and randomly browse the Internet until I felt the tug of sleep.

Unfortunately, I landed on one of those sites where you get plagued by 25 hundred pop-ups. Okay, I lied. There were only 15 pop-ups.

So I sat there, clicking away at the x's and clicking those stupid 'Are you sure you want to leave' questions. I just finished clicking the third to last close button and was starting to work on the second one when I heard a crash, a cat's mewl of terror, and a dog's growling. A thump on the door startled me into clicking on my mouse, and I did not know about the trouble that one click was going to cost me.

"Congratulations!" I swerved my head back to the screen and was almost blinded by the moving graphics of the congratz on the screen. "You have just successfully ordered the Hetalia Units! The first unit will be delivered to your home in one business week!"




Author's Note: Sorry for not posting any of the RusPru fiction lately, and this is merely a side project to help inform me with what I have missed with the series and to help further the RusPru fiction. I hope you all enjoy this side project! 8D ~Dark