Mulan and Shang

I Love You

Disclaimer: I wish I owned Mulan but I don't.

A/N: My first Mulan fanfic. Please review so I know if you like it. There will be a sequel but I won't do it unless I know people are reviewing.

"Fa Ping!" yelled Captain Li Shang

"Yes Captain. What is it?" answered Mulan.

"You are to report to my tent after dinner is served."

"Yes Captain!"

Mulan was nervous. What if he had found out she was really a woman in disguise? Would he kill her like the law said?

Soon enough dinner was served but Mulan wasn't hungry. She was too nervous about meeting Captain Li Shang. Shang for short.

"Captain. You wanted to see me?" Asked Mulan

"Yes Ping. Sit down. A few suspicious things have come to my attention. You always bathe when the other men are eating or sleeping, your voice changes depending on what you are doing from male to female like. You say you are the son of Fa Zhou but his son is away at training camp. You're Fa Mulan. Aren't you?" Shang just stood above her.

"Captain, I'm so sorry. I did it to protect my father. You have to understand, he is too sick to fight. You have to believe me I never intended for any of this to happen." She said.

"I believe you Fa Mulan. I would've done the same thing, but we must keep this a secret. No-one else can know about this. If anybody else finds out I must kill you. Do you understand Fa Mulan?"

"Yes Captain. I understand and Please, Call me Mulan."

"Call me Shang."

Mulan left with a smile but even Shang could see the pain behind it. He worried about her. Shang had met Mulan many years ago when his father, The General was invited to Mulan's house by Mulan's father. The generals best friend. He was about 13 and she was 11. He couldn't believe 7 years later he saw her again. Mulan was 18 and Shang was 20. He was surprised at how much she had grown. She was beautiful.

As light turned to dark, the soldiers went to bed. Shang lied awake. He couldn't stop thinking about Mulan.

Shang's P.O.V

Why can't I get her out of my head? It's been 7 years. I can't believe I forgot about her. How could I forget her? She was my best friend. I need to talk to her. Now.