a/n: hello, all!(: So I love Peter Pan. I think it is the cutest love story of all time. I love the imagination and creativity behind the story. I love the idea that every kid grows up- except one. I made this little FF up to appease my racing thoughts after the original Peter Pan story had ended. This is just a "what if" scenario. So tell me if you like or not! The reader's word is always appreciated!((:

Peter flew here every night.

Just to check up on her, make sure she was okay. He had come every night, not for long, of course, but he would still come. Just to see her, to be near her in a way that made him wish he was closer, made him wish that he would have stayed.

But he hadn't, so he watched.

He watched as Wendy grew, became a woman, got a job, married, had children, grown old…


His heart broke that day, and Peter had no reason to return ever again.

Yet he did. Curiously he would watch Wendy's children grow, become men and women, get jobs, marry, have children, grow old…

And he stayed the same. Young forever.

It was a week ago that he had found himself at the same window of Wendy's nursery, the same room that he stole her from, that brought on the adventures they shared. That was long, long ago. A memory that he needed to forget.

He had firmly believed he had gotten over it until a week ago, at Wendy's nursery window.

She stepped into the room, took off her jacket and shoes, and turned on a nearby radio. She was wearing pants and a shirt (odd for Peter to see a girl wear, but apparently that was the style now) and her hair was down in simple waves. He had never seen this girl before, he was keeping watch on Wendy's other legacies, but he knew her almost instantly.

"Wendy," he whispered.

But it wasn't Wendy. The harder Peter looked, the more he could see that. She had more freckles on her nose than Wendy had, she was older than when Peter had first met Wendy, too.

And I watched Wendy die, he thought miserably as he looked at this girl.

But- look! There! Hidden in the right hand corner of her mouth… a kiss.

Peter's heart sped up as he recognized the exact same kiss that he had shared with Wendy all those years ago on the Jolly Roger. This girl was not Wendy at all, but he didn't care. She was Wendy for all he cared. This was the same girl that he fell in love with all those years ago.

Peter flew back to Neverland as fast as he possibly could. "Tink!" he cried, "Tinkerbell!"

The fairy appeared before his eyes an instant later. Together they both flew back to the Lost Boy's new home (the first had been infiltrated by Hook and his croons) hidden in the base of one of the mountains of Neverland.

"Tink," Peter said, tone rushed. "Tinkerbell, I found her. I found her. I know this sounds completely crazy, but its her. I swear, Tink! She has it, she has the kiss! My kiss!"

Tink was silent, for once.

The Lost Boys, however, were not.

"What?" "Who?" "Huh?" were among the top few questions thrown out by them.

The Lost Boys were not the same boys that had lived with Peter when he had met Wendy, she had taken those few back with her to live in the real world. But since then, Peter had found more and more Lost Boys wandering around the real world, needing to leave.

"What on earth are you talking about?" Gingsley, the eldest of the lost boys asked. Though Gingsley was the oldest, that did not mean he was the wisest, it simply meant that he was in charge when Peter was not there.

Smittey said quietly, "The Wendy Lady. I thought you said she was-"

"Dead, Smittey, I know. This isn't Wendy. But it's her," Peter said, didn't know how else to explain it.

"The one with the Kiss?" Mundin asked.

Peter nodded. "The one with the Kiss."

Now, a few days later, the smallest and most innocent of the Lost Boys, Tiny, was down looking for food by the river. Something odd had caught his eye: a man, lying on the ground, still in the river, but enough so he could breathe.

Tiny rushed over to the man. He was dirty, and he smelled awful. Tiny had assumed that the only reason the man didn't smell worse was because of the water that he was lying in. Tiny picked up a nearby stick and poked the man with it.

The man did nothing.

Tiny got closer, fearing the man was dead. What was he going to tell Peter!

Suddenly, the man grabbed Tiny by the ankle and yanked him to the ground.

Tiny let out a cry of shock and pain, tried to wriggle free.

The man was on top of Tiny in an instant, poking something sharp into Tiny's neck. Looking down, Tiny realized that the man's right hand was gone, replaced with a menacing looking hook instead.

Tiny gulped.

"Where is Pan?" the man asked.

"I… I don't know, sir," Tiny replied, trying his hardest not to show fear.

The man slowly stood, lifting Tiny with him. "If I were you, I would tell me."

"Well, sir, he- um- usually goes at nights to watch.."

"Watch what?" the man asked, losing patience.

"To watch her. You see sir, he's found her, isn't that lovely?"

"Peachy," the man with the hook replied. His tone suddenly changed, though. "My boy… you mean to tell me that he has found her? His Wendy?"

Tiny tried looking for an escape. "Yes, sir. He said that it isn't Wendy, but it is her. She has the Kiss, sir, you see…"

The man's eyes grew wide with understanding. "I think," he started slowly, "you and I should talk, young man."

Tiny didn't like the sound of where this was going.

It all started when the window to my room slid open by itself for the fourth time.

I sighed, past the point of being afraid- I was more annoyed than anything right now. I stalked over to my window, slammed it shut, and bolted the lock on the top of the pane extra tight this time. I was about to be late for the party, a party that I couldn't afford to miss. I looked myself over in the mirror once more to make sure that I looked alright.

I looked good, I suppose. I was wearing my vintage looking navy blue mini dress with boots, my hair in simple waves- how I usually wear it. I had light hair and light eyes, my grandmother tells me I look almost exactly like her mother, Wendy. I never knew her, but I have heard much about her: story teller, a novelist, an adventure seeker. Still to this day, no one knows where she and her brothers went when they were reported missing one night, and returned a week later.

But I wasn't Wendy Darling. I was Grace Chase, great granddaughter, but other than that completely different people. Yes, I knew all of the stories; I had been told the same stories since I was a little girl. But I was seventeen now, the stories had stopped years ago.

The window slid open for a fifth time.

I spun to look in shock and anger at the window. I was almost positive I had latched it. I had latched it. I gave a defiant stomp of my foot and stormed out of my room.

A few minutes later I returned, bike chain and lock in hand. This window was going to stay shut whether it liked it or not. I made my way to the window, gripped the top pane, and pushed down.

A man stepped through my window, just then. I didn't scream, didn't even jump in surprise. Though I did not know why. Every bone in my body was telling me to runrunrunrun! But I didn't listen. Maybe because the man was so oddly dressed: big hat with a large feather, the works- dressed just like a… pirate. Or maybe it was the wonder of how he had gotten to my window in the first place. He didn't look like he was up for scaling a wall anytime soon.

Or maybe it was because I knew him, and deep down, I knew it.

"Captain Hook," I said, almost absently.

"My, my. Wendy Darling. You sure have grown."

"Wendy? I'm not-"

And with that he grabbed me by the hair and smashed my head into my bedroom wall as hard as he could, pounding everything into blackness.

a/n: Um, so right now Im getting a "Return to Neverland" feel, but its not going to be like the movie at all, promise! I had actually made this story up in my head long before I had even heard of the second story, but the next chapter is going to be a little similar, only slightly though. The rest of the story is going to be entirely from my head. Promise(:

So read and review and let me guys know what you think of it!
