My mistress is a shadow,

A shadow just like me.

Another failed experiment

That managed to get free.


We share room and board,

Words and swords,

Though we rarely share a bed.

She tells me that she'd rather have

My company instead.


We're same but different,

Together but seperate,

We know each other well.

We put up with those little quirks

That no one else will.


She sucks the colors from my food

I eat what's left instead.

And you know, when she kisses me

It tastes just like red?

Let me explain this. A long time ago, I came up with two characters, a girl and her shadow, for an Ocarina of Time story. The shadow lived off the colors of the world, but besides leaving whatever she fed off of translucent, she didn't effect the it too much. Which is to say, you can see through the apple, but it still tastes like an apple, and have all the nutritional value of an apple. I thought that Ganondorf would kill off the solid girl, but some how transfer her "real-ness" to her shadow, who would later fall in love with Dark Link.

I was about seven when I came up with that, but I was recently going through my old journals and found the story idea. I don't see how it would work any more, but I wanted to do something with it. This is my first attempt at writing from a male point of veiw, so please tell me if it's any good.

As to the title/last line, her favorite flavor/color is red.