A/N: OMG! YAY! I'm back! Finally getting this story going thanks to all of you wonderful readers and reviewers from the first part to this story titled Wrong Direction. I am SO excited to start this sequel in high hopes that you all enjoy it. Like writing the first one, I have no idea where this is going, but I have some options in my head, so please deal with me. LOL! If you didn't read the first part please do! Though I don't really think you HAVE to in order to understand this one...as of yet that is. Anyways! I'm going to shut up now and let you read the story. Thanks for all of you for sticking by me!
P.S: THANK YOU SO MUCH TO MY WONDERFUL BETA UDYJAY! I should have had you correct my crap writing in the first one and all..lol! I love you! (And I'm waiting for updates to your story as well!)


Ever wondered if all those hours in your geometry class would pay off one day? Or perhaps dissecting that frog during a science class will one day land you the ultimate paying job. Let's face it, we didn't use it then, we don't use it now, and we won't use it in the future. Hao found himself asking these questions over and over again in his head as he pondered over his physics holiday homework. He threw his pencil down for what must have been the hundredth time, ruffling his hair and tying it into a ponytail, then picking the pencil back up to try again. A knock on the door cooled him from his quickly rising frustration and he relaxed back in his seat. "Come in!" he yelled as he placed the pencil behind his ear. He watched as the door opened and his brother stepped in. "What do you want, Yoh?" Hao asked, rather on the harsh side, though he hoped his brother didn't notice.

Yoh wondered on over to where his brother sat looking at the mess on the table. "Still doing your homework?" Yoh asked coolly, propping himself up on the table and began to swing his legs.

With a sigh, Hao removed the pencil from its resting place and sat upright in his chair. "Still? This is my first attempt at it. Just remembered it was in my backpack. Get off the table." Opening one of the drawers, he pulled out a textbook that had the word 'Physics' written in large letters and a picture of people on a roller coaster as its cover. He placed the textbook on his desk and then, taking a deep breath, he blew the dust off. Both boys started coughing as dust flew all around and into their lungs. Then he opened the book to the index. Each page creaked as it was finally opened.

As Yoh caught his breath, he looked to his brother. "When the hell was the last time you used that book?" He asked.

"Never." Hao answered, a little embarrassed that he's had it there for so long collecting dust. As he found his page, he began reading some things out loud.

"You're not supposed to use anything for help." Yoh told his twin, pulling out his cell phone and beginning to text. Hao rolled his eyes as he grabbed the homework packet and began trying to solve the first problem. Yoh watched him attempt the problem, realizing that it wasn't his first, second, or even third try at it. The paper seemed wasted with all the erase marks on it. He looked back to his phone, but kept an eye every now and again at the paper below. "That's not how you do it." He said coolly.

Hao's anger was already sky rocket high when he heard his brother tell him he was doing it wrong…once more. With a glare, he gripped the pencil in a tight fist. "How would you know? You're not even looking! And would you get off of the table!" He protested. Yoh was, without a doubt, the smarter of the two. Though it was really only due to Hao skipping a lot in his first three years and dates back to middle school. Yoh always helped him with his work, or rather did all of his work. But right now Hao was trying, for the first time in what seemed like forever, to do the work on his own. Yet, how could he really when he didn't know how to do it in the first place?

Setting his phone down, Yoh took the pencil from the other with a little force needed and began to explain. "I keep telling you that in order to get the answer to these types of questions, you have to measure the volume, not mass." He began scribbling on the paper, setting up the function. "There, now try and solve it." He handed Hao the pencil and picked his phone back up.

Hao took a few deep breaths before he set himself on getting this problem right. There were a few pauses and many erases, but he finally finished it. "There! Yoh, I finished it!" He handed the paper to his twin and waited impatiently, flipping the pencil in his hand.

Not even a full five seconds passed when Yoh sighed and looked up from the paper. "It's wrong." Before Hao could start on one of his angry rampages, Yoh set his phone down and took the pencil. "Dude, you got five plus eight wrong! You're trying to measure the volume I said, not the mass!"

"I don't even know the difference!" Hao yelled.

"Alright." Yoh said calmly, setting the paper down once more. "Take a deep breath and calm down." He waited until his brother did as he was told. "Now, we have to get going soon, so when we get home tomorrow and rest, I'll help you, okay?"

With a nod, Hao started packing up his books when there was a light knock on the door. His mother entered the room before he acknowledged her, and she walked over to her sons. "Yoh, get off the table! What's wrong with you?" She said, smacking her son over the head. Then, she handed him his winter coat and gear. She then turned to Hao and watched as he put his school work away. "Hao, you're still not done with that?" She asked. When he shook his head, she smacked him over the head. "You've had a week and a half and you still haven't finished? I bet you started today!" Grabbing his bag, she began unpacking his work and flipping through the pages of unfinished, untouched work.

Hao gulped and took a step back. "Don't worry mom, it's easy stuff. I'll finish it tomorrow." He said, offering her a smile.

But Keiko was not having that. "Oh no." She said, placing her hands on her hips. "You are taking this with you to the party and you will work on it then."

He watched as his mother held out his bag to him. "But mom, it's new years eve. Can't I just do it tomorrow?"

"Absolutely not young man. You better finish it, and you better get a good grade on it." Then, she handed him his winter coat and gear, heading out of the room.

Hao looked to Yoh as his twin offered him a smile. "Don't worry Hao, I'll help you." With that, they left the room together, meeting up with Anna and the rest of the family at the entrance.


All around everyone was blowing horns and cheering. The streets were loud and crowded with people drunk and sober, but mostly drunk. It was New Years Eve! The gang headed on over to the Tao residence to celebrate not only the new year, but Ren's birthday as well. Horohoro boasted about how his boyfriend aged along with the year and so far they've been hearing him go on about it all night. Ryu was way past the drunk-o-meter and was trying not to knock out on the couch. Faust and Eliza already placed bets if he was going to make it to see the new years roll in. Many doubted it. Chocolove and Horo began pigging out in the kitchen while others watched on. Hao sat at the food table, bits and pieces of food falling onto his homework. He wiped some away while his boyfriend, Lyserg, tried to explain how to do the problem after Yoh failed so many times before. But the noise all around seemed to be making this a lot harder for Hao to focus. But he did not complain. The more he didn't understand, the longer his loved one would hover over him explaining. From time to time Lyserg would guide Hao's hand across the paper drawing different shapes and patterns. Hao simply relished in the feel of the others soft warm hand on his own. However, he needed to get this work done and all the noise coming from the two hogs at the table was not helping. "Hey! Can you two please eat like normal human beings? Get a plate and sit down!" He yelled, catching the attention of everyone in the kitchen.

Horohoro and Chocolove paused as they looked to Hao. Both debated whether they were going to listen or not, but when he gave a glare, they piled their plates high and left the kitchen. Ren walked in to get a cup of soda when he saw the two working on the holiday homework packet. After getting his cup he walked over to see what exactly they were working on. "Physics huh?" He said, taking a sip from his cup. "You know, I have a calculator and text book in my room. You two can go and work on it there. It'll be less noisy so it's easier to concentrate." He took another sip from his cup as the two stared at him. Ren looked back and rolled his eyes. "It's okay! It's only like, ten o'clock. I'll come get you before the new years thingy on TV, now go."

With that he led them to his room and closed them in, yelling at everyone to leave the two alone, except Yoh. The room was much quieter than being out there with everyone who was in the partying mood. Though Hao would have loved to be out there with them having a blast and sneaking drinks, he had to finish this homework. He had to admit to himself, it was a tad bit awkward being alone in Ren's room with Lyserg. Even though Lyserg has slept in his bed, usually they were too tired to even make out. Right now, they are wide awake, and the closeness from before wasn't really helping the situation. Hao took a seat on the window sill, opening it a bit to let the cool air fill the warm room. Crossing his legs, he placed the work packet on his leg and smiled. "Alright, lets get this done!" He looked up to see Lyserg smiling back at him.


Soon enough everyone was gathered in front of the television to begin the countdown. Everyone cheered in unison and horns blew loudly when the countdown got to ten. Together they all began. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1! There was loud cheering and a roar of 'Happy New Years'. A few seconds passed before everyone turned to Ren to yell 'Happy Birthday'. He face palmed, but smiled when his mother drew him into a hug. Of course Horo was next to give Ren his birthday hug and kiss. Then Jun and so on. The day was one full of many celebrations. Though once the adults took over the living room, the group made their way outside the estate to catch some fresh air. Snow covered the ground, but the coldness was welcoming. Horo threw himself in the snow and began to make a snow angel, followed quickly by Yoh. They laughed as everyone stood and watched the two. Horo sat up and looked to everyone. "So, what's your new years resolution guys and gals?" He asked before laying back in the snow and continuing his snow angel. "Mines is to conquer my fear of spiders! They will scare me no more!" He yelled into the dark morning.

Ren giggled and threw a bit of snow at his boyfriend. "Yours should be to stop eating so much." He said, receiving laughs from everyone. Horo pouted for a moment, so Ren got up to give him a quick kiss. But Horo will be, well, Horo and he pulled the small boy down into the snow with him. Ren cursed at him in Chinese for a moment while Horo sat up and laughed, but he settled on sitting in Horo's lap.

"So, what's your resolution Ren?" Horo asked as he wrapped his arms around the smaller male.

"Nothing. I am perfect as it is." He said with a grin.

Everyone laughed and groaned at his blunt conceited reply , but soon everyone began to share. Chocolove boasted about becoming the best comedian out there, which is his resolution every year. Manta's is to grow a few inches taller, which is his resolution every year. Ryu's was to become the best sushi chef in the world. Yoh's was too finally stay awake in class long enough for it to at least start. Anna's was to slap every single one of them at least once before school finishes, though no one doubted her succession. She always did. Lyserg's was to try foods he's never tried before. Hao's was to graduate. Everyone cheered him on for it. Yoh bolted upright, snow falling off his shoulder's as he felt the need to say something. "I almost forgot to tell everyone! Our principle is leaving! Well, he left already cause when school starts again, there's gonna be a new principle." He finished, receiving stares from everyone. He frowned a bit. "What? I'm not making this up. I was waiting for Hao to get out of detention that time with the whole Lyserg beating up thingy and I heard Principle Herman talking on the phone saying that he's quitting and once the New Year's is over he won't be at the school anymore."

Hao began to cheer loudly, laying back in the snow in complete joy. "Yes! With him out of the way, I'll definitely graduate on time! There is a god!" He chanted.

"Not so fast Hao." Yoh said, looking to his brother. "I also heard that it was our old middle school principle taking his place. Basically they are switching jobs. So Principle Marco is the new principle of the high school." Yoh finished, looking down.

Hao bolted upright, glaring at his brother. "What? That freak is gonna be the principle?"

"Wait." Lyserg said, feeling confused like no tomorrow. "Whose Principle Marco?"

Yoh smiled at the other. "That's right, you never met him. Well, he's a man that we don't know the last name to. He introduced himself with only his first name, so whatever. But he knows all of us and hates us. He was the principle at the middle school we attended and he knows all about the red stars and stuff like that."

"He's the asshole who gave me that detention where I met my gang. He's such a pedophile." Hao said under his breath, though it was heard by all.

"A pedophile?" Lyserg asked.

Horo laughed. "Not really, though he does seem like one. I told you he's always had a thing for you Hao. He loves your long hair." Horo teased, laughing harder.

Hao shot him a glare before sinking back into the snow. "That man hates me, and I hate him. So much for an easy graduation."

Rolling over in the snow, Yoh laid next to his twin brother and smiled. "Don't worry bro! I'll be there to help you. Since when have I not done your homework."

"Since when have I not done both of your homework?" Manta grunted. Everyone shared a laugh as the time flew by. Soon everyone was shoved into their guest rooms to sleep for the rest of the night.


It was early morning when Hao woke from his sleep to the smell of coffee. He reluctantly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom, then off to the kitchen. He was greeted by Ren, who seemed to be the only other person up and was the one making the coffee. He sat at the table a tad bit lazily and sunk in his chair. He waited until Ren sat down before he sat upright in his chair. "What time is it?"

"About nine-forty." Ren said, taking a sip of his coffee. "Why are you up?"

Hao pointed to the others cup. "I smelled the coffee." He grinned when he received a laugh from his friend. Now that he thought about it, he had never spent one on one time like this with Ren. Horo, sure, when he begged Hao to escort him to the bathroom late at night when he slept over his house. Sadly he couldn't say that was when they were younger since it was just last week. As for his other friends, none of them were as level headed as Ren was, so they didn't really matter. "So, why are you up?" He finally asked.

There was no reply for a moment as Ren took another sip from his cup and then set it back onto the table. "I'm eighteen now. And soon you all will be joining me." Picking up his cup once more he took a long drink.

"Yeah, and I can't wait to turn eighteen. Think about it Ren," he leaned over in his seat closer to his friend, "You can make your own choices, and no one can make you go against it."

Ren smiled a bit before he set his cup down and looked his friend in the eyes. "It's not that simple you know. Not only that, but us turning eighteen also means that the school year is coming to an end."

No one spoke as Hao comprehended what was going through the others head. True, the school year will end and they will all graduate. But that means college, and that means separation. He never really thought of that day much because back then he didn't really care. Yet, once he went over to the Diethel's that faithful day, they mentioned that Lyserg was to go to college at every expense. This was going to come up sooner or later, but its new years and his friends birthday, with many more to come, so it was a time to celebrate. "Don't worry about that right now, Ren. Come on, what would my brother tell you?" Hao smiled and rested back in his chair. "Come on, what would he say?"

Ren sighed and then smiled. "Yoh would say 'Everything will work out'. I know."

"Exactly! So don't worry about it." They stood there for a few more silent minutes before others began to wake and enter the kitchen. "Come on Ren, we have a birthday to celebrate." Hao said, rising from his seat. "I'm gonna go get dressed. Don't let Yoh hear about this conversation. He'll go on with one of his chants."

"Yes, he thinks chanting makes it important. Thanks Hao." Ren said, also rising from his seat. With that they left the kitchen to dress and spend a day in full celebration mode.