You're the Best

Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Knight and its characters

A/N: Here's some KaZe fluffiness. hope you like it... and I'm searching for Beta? who can beta me for my Real Blood... So anyone? I'm desperately need one... :) Have a good weekend Everybody...

"You're Beautiful" Kaname whispered softly.

"Huh?" Zero turned around to face his lover and gave him a quizzical expression "Did you say something Kaname?"

Kaname merely smiled and answered "Nothing, Love"

They are on a trip … with the rest of their friends. Damn.

It's been days Kaname secretly wished that he can take Zero to a beautiful hot spring that he read on the magazine, just the two of them.


Kaname was feeling nervous, this is the first time he will asked Zero to come with him on a trip.

He already reserved the whole venue for two weeks so that they can have their privacy. He also bought a rare amethyst necklace for his lover just to say 'thank you for making me happy'. Kaname is no romanticist but he can be if he really wants to be. He really loves Zero more than he loves his life.

This is one of the moments were Kaname can show his love for Zero.

He smiled happily when he saw his lover enter the dining table. The others are still on their rooms or outside so it's the perfect time he asks Zero about the trip.

"How about we'll take a trip for 2 weeks Zero?" he asks casually but in the insides his heart beating like drums. He eyed his lover who gave him a puzzle look. So he rephrase his question "What am I trying to say is that, can you go with me on a trip for 2 weeks? I rented a huge hot spring and villa for us" he gave him a hopeful eyes but when Zero was about to answer, they were interrupted by the Idiot Chairman Cross "Kaname-kun and Zero-chan on a trip? Can we join?" he asked cheerfully.

"Eh? Kaname-nii-san and Zero? Ne? Nii-san can we go too?" Yuuki also heard it and she was followed by the rest of their vampire friends.

"Kaname-sama, it will be an honored if you also include us for the trip since we are all busy for the past weeks, a relaxation days will be good" Ichijou commented while the others nodded in agreement.

Kaname's eyebrows twitched 'so much with the privacy' he thought

'I want my Zero for myself, Go somewhere else I don't mind' he continue to whined like a child in his mind but before he can complained, Zero answered for him "Of course, you won't mind, right Kaname?" he stare at his lover with pleading eyes. Kaname stared back and glance at everyone in room, Yuuki and Cross's puppy eyes expression and the grinning vampires 'Zero was too kind for his own good'. He sighed and nodded while everyone cheered.

End of Flashback

Kaname still pouted. He didn't like anyone messes his time for being alone with Zero but since Zero was the one who pleaded he has no choice but to grant his lover wishes. He sighed again, it must be his 20th sighed when Zero stops and stares at Kaname.

Zero walks over to his lover and gave him a sweet and innocent kiss that can warm Kaname.

He smiled warmly and said "At midnight I gave you, your reward for having them with us" he gave a chaste kiss on Kaname before going back to the villa.

Kaname blinked twice then he smirked at the thought of the 'REWARD' will be given to him later on. In his excitement, he called Zero and yelled "You're The Best" while he was running to catch up with his lover who tripped when he yelled those words. Really, Kaname can be a kid sometimes.
