Chapter 1: Escape

Today was the day I was going to make my great escape.

I was going to leave my father and go out on my own. My father, Geoffrey McAllister, leader of Team Oregon, a group of ruthless thugs who were slowly gaining control of my region, Hoenn.

I had never really had a strong reason to leave before, apart from the fact that I really didn't like my father. But now, my reason was much more. I had found a Pokémon, a rare Pokémon, and I wasn't going to let her fall into my father's hands.

So, here I was, sitting on my bed with my bag in my hands, making sure I had everything that I needed. Pokeballs, potions, antidotes, berries, Pokémon food, human food, clothes and, most important, a one-way ticket to a new region, the Valour region aboard the ship the White Pearl.

Finally, knowing I could no longer waste any time, I shouldered my bag and walked over to my window, lifting it all the way up. I stuck my head out and looked both ways before pulling out my pokeball and pressing the middle button.

"Ral?" My Ralts said sleepily as I let her out.

"Opal, can you teleport us over there, by that tree?" I asked her, pointing to a tree in my garden, close to the forests edge.

My Ralts, being just a baby Pokémon, couldn't teleport far distances yet. Especially not with me too.

She nodded enthusiastically, and reached one little white hand up to me. I reached down and held on to her. Then, within an instant, I was next to the tree. I returned Opal to her pokeball, then hurried into the bushes, glancing behind me to make sure I hadn't been seen. I sighed with relief before continuing on my way to Coral Bay, a town on the edge of the ocean that often had ships going to different regions. There I would take the White Pearl to Valour, train up and army of tough Pokémon and return to take care of Team Oregon and my father.

I know what you're thinking. I said that I had a rare Pokémon, and then I told you I had a Ralts, which isn't that rare. But my Ralts is different though, she is blue, white and orange, instead of green, white and pink. She is shiny.

I had been waiting for two days for the ship. Right now we were camped in the forest. I couldn't stay at the Pokémon centre in case Team Oregon came in and saw me. Luckily, today was the day I would be leaving.

Ralts stretched out next to me happily and looked up at me. "When do we leave?" She asked me with telepathy.

"Soon" I said out loud "we have a few hours to kill first"

"Okay" She said "well, what shall we do until then?"

I was about to reply, saying I wasn't sure, when I heard a rustling in the bushes.

I turned quickly, standing protectively in front of Opal, when a wild Budew crept through the bushes.

"Bu-budew" It cried, immediately getting into fighting stance.

"Opal, are you up for this?" I asked, glancing at her.

"Ral" She said, nodding eagerly.

"Okay then, Opal use confusion" I told her.

"Ral" She cried.

Suddenly the budew was covered in a purple glow, lifting up into the air.

"Buuuu" It cried in pain. Ralts released her confusion and the budew slammed into the floor, fainted. Psychic type moves were super-effective on budew.

I pulled a pokeball from my belt and threw it at the budew, holding my breath as it twitched, the red light flashing. With a loud beep the pokeball became still.

A smile lit up my face as I reached for the ball and pushed the button, releasing my newly caught budew.

Pulling out my pokedex, I scanned budew.

Budew, the Bud Pokémon. In winter, it keeps its bud closed to survive the cold, but then opens it again in the spring.

My pokedex told me that budew was a poison and grass type and its attacks were extra sensory, absorb, razor leaf and sunny day. The budew was also female.

Since her evolutions were roselia and roserade, I decided to name her Roza.

"Welcome to the team, Roza" I said to her.

"Bud, budew" She said happily.

For the next few hours I trained with Opal and Roza, perfecting their moves. Roza was making great progress. I returned her and Opal to their pokeballs then made my way into town and towards the ship.

When I got to the entrance a burly man held out his hand and said "Pass?"

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my ticket, placing it into his palm.

He ripped off half the ticket, giving me the rest then stepped to the side and allowed me entrance. I didn't stop to check out the ship, I quickly made my way to my room.

Pushing my key into the lock, I opened the door and stepped inside with a sigh. It had been a long day and all I wanted to do was rest. And have a shower. A long shower.

I glanced around the room, taking in my surroundings, when I noticed something that was out of place. A boy of probably fifteen, sixteen. He was the most handsome boy I had ever seen, with golden hair and hazel/green eyes. He was tall with broad shoulders and a smug smirk. He was sitting on one of the beds, one of them, meaning there were two beds.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

He laughed and said "Didn't you get the memo? This room is communal."

"Communal?" I said softly.

"You know more than one person" He told me slowly, as though he thought I didn't understand.

I scowled "I know what it means, I'm not an idiot!" I told him.

"Could have fooled me" He laughed.

I glared at him before making my way to the bathroom, deciding immediately that I really disliked this boy, and the weeklong trip to Valour was going to seem extremely long when it was spent with him.

After a long, hot shower I changed into a knee length white dress and a black cardigan. I brushed out my waist long black hair then blow-dried it, deciding to keep it down. Then I gave a deep breath and opened the bathroom door and stepped into the main room.

The boy was no longer there, the room was completely empty. I sighed with relief and plopped onto my bed, the one the boy hadn't claimed for himself. Then I unclipped my two pokeballs and let out my two Pokémon.

"Raaalts" Opal cried.

"Buuudew" Roza said.

Budew went about exploring the room, while Ralts teleported onto my bed and lay down.

I was about to pull a book out of my bag, when a strange alarm sounded.

Opal and Roza looked at me, startled, and immediately I knew something was wrong. I grabbed my bag and stashed it into the cupboard, returned my Pokémon to their balls. Scanning the room, I couldn't see many places to hide.

The front door opened and I turned around in fear. But it was only the golden boy.

"Its Team Oregon" He said with distaste "They are looking for McAllister's daughter, apparently she ran away"

"They are?" I squeaked

"Yeah, I can't stand the sight of them" He told me "I wish they would hurry up and find that girl then be gone"

"Uh... Goldy..." I started, not knowing his name. He had to know the truth before they came in here."They are looking for me. I'm McAllister's daughter"

He stared at me, eyes wide open, and I immediately knew that look in his eyes. It was the look of distaste.

"Before you say anything, I am nothing like him. I can't be judged by what my father has done" I told him. I reached for my pokeballs and released my two Pokémon. "If they catch me, they will take my Pokémon away from me"

The boys eyes widened in surprise. "Fine, but when this is over you have a lot of explaining. Hide in the bathroom cupboard, you should fit. I'll send them away". He then walked over to his bed, lied down and pulled out a book. I slid into the bathroom, shut the door behind me and squeezed into the cupboard.

"Have you seen her?" A man's voice rang through the door.

"Seen who?" Goldy asked.

"That dratted girl" A female voice said. I recognised this voice as Hetty's, one my father's highest followers.

"A girl?" Goldy said "Does it look like there are any girls here?"

"Well, no" Said the man's voice

"Shut up, Henry" Hetty said "Let's check the next room"

I heard the door shut but stayed where I was. I don't know how much time went past, minutes, maybe hours, but suddenly the door opened and standing there was an angry golden boy.

His mouth opened and he said one word. "Talk".