Hey everyone! I'd like to apologize for taking so much time to write all these chapters. I don't want to make excuses but I am going to try to finish these two series as quickly as possible. Then I am going to stick to one shots until I can handle the responsibility of a multi chapter story. XD

I do not own Skip Beat! and it's characters.

Kyoko sighed. She just finished calling Ren and telling him not to pick her up this morning. She told him that Moko san was giving her a ride to LME. Kyoko hated lying to him but she just couldn't face him.

I know it was just another (shudders) "Thank You Kiss" but I can't help feeling like... like he's still in control. I made this bet so that I could influence him with my acting and so far he is the one influencing me.

Kyoko shook her head. This was not the time to think of such things, she needs to get ready for work quickly today so she can walk to LME on time. She decided she couldn't take her bike because Ren will notice it on the bike rack and catch her in her lie.

As Kyoko began to pack her things she became lost in thought again.

Maybe I should just forfeit the bet. I'm obviously not a good enough actor yet if a little kiss from Ren affects me this much. Kyoko blushed lightly. Besides I can easily return whatever he buys me and sneak the money back to him somehow.

Kyoko put her shoes on and walked down the stairs.

"Good morning Okami san, Taisho san!" Kyoko said as she reached for the door.

"Good morning Kyoko. Aren't you going to join us for breakfast?" Okami san said while wiping her hands on her apron.

"I'm sorry but I have to walk to LME today and I can't be late. I promise to eat when I get there." Kyoko said as she exited the restaurant hurriedly.

A loud chop could be heard from the kitchen.

"Walk?" Taisho said.

Kyoko took a deep breath of fresh air and smiled. This is exactly what I needed, Kyoko thought. As she looked around she realized that it's been a very long time since she was able to walk the streets of Tokyo. As she noticed all the cute shops, restaurants, and parks she hoped one day she could enjoy them all.

When Kyoko entered the building she saw two people she really didn't want to see. Tsuruga san and Yashiro san were talking to some workers at the front desk.

I wonder how I can get by without them noticing, Kyoko thought. Ah ha! The elevator!

Suddenly Kyoko ran for the open elevator. She was able to hop in and press the "close doors" button before being noticed. Just as the doors were closing Yashiro san shifted his gaze and saw her. Kyoko's eyes widened.

"Wait hold the eleva-" * ding *

Luckily the doors chose that time to close and Kyoko didn't hear the rest of what Yashiro san had to say.

Kyoko and Moko san sat together in the Loveme room sorting paperwork. They had worked all day and although it was tedious work, Moko san and Kyoko had a lot of fun together. That is, when Moko san wasn't asking embarassing questions.

"So I hear you made a bet with Tsuruga san?" Moko san said raising a brow. Kyoko nodded.

"What is that about?" Moko san continued, hoping she would get a straight answer instead of the usual nonsense.

"I bet Tsuruga san that I could influence him with my acting." Kyoko said quickly, while fumbling with her skirt. Moko san looked at her confused.

"How can you do that without being in a role with him?" Moko san paused. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

Kyoko thought for a moment. There is a role I'm not telling you about but it has nothing to do with this. Kyoko's thoughts wandered for a moment remembering some moments she's spent as Setsu.

"Kyoko! Mo! I'm still here you know. How are you going to influence him with your acting?" Moko san huffed frustrated.

Kyoko blushed furiously. "Well you see... I'm going to make him attracted to me so that he will ask me on a date. Once he does that I'll know I've influenced his feelings. Because obviously he feels nothing towards me now." Kyoko said feeling a faint stab in her chest.

Moko san rolled her eyes. How stupid could this girl get? Even a stranger can see that he feels something for her!

Kyoko was shaken out of her thoughts when she heard a pair of familiar voices coming down the hallway.

"Don't you think Kyoko chan was acting weird today?" Yashiro san said after handing Tsuruga san a bottle of water.

"Kyoko is a very interesting girl if that's what you mean." Tsuruga san said chuckling.

"You know thats not what I mean. Didn't it bother you that instead of greeting us like she usually does, she ran away from you like a frightened deer?" Yashiro exclaimed. Tsuruga san mentally sighed. Of course she was running away from me, Tsuruga san thought. And not the creepy manager who always stares at her and giggles maniacally.

"You're overreacting, Yashiro" Tsuruga san said, reaching to knock on the Loveme locker room door.

Kyoko scrambled to get the papers off her lap as she heard the voices come closer."Moko san, hide me!" Kyoko exclaimed, latching onto her best friends arm. Said best friend glared at her and got up to answer the door.

"Ah!" Kyoko exclaimed as she ran to an empty locker. Kyoko squeezed into the locker and slammed the door shut.

"Hello Tsuruga san, Glasses. What can I do for you? Any Loveme requests?" Kotonami said distracted. How on earth did she find a hiding place so fast?

"Good evening, Kotonami san. I need to talk to Mogami san. Is she here?" Tsuruga san said calmly.

"Ah so you're the reason she's been acting so weird lately. Hold on." Kotonami said turning around. Tsuruga san and Yashiro san waited at the door politely but they could still see the rest of the room clearly.

Kyoko's heart began pounding as she heard Kotonami san opening each locker one by one, getting closer and closer to hers. No! Moko san you misunderstood! I said 'Hide Me' not 'Find Me'. Kyoko held her breath and closed her eyes.

Kyoko's locker door swung open and she tumbled to the floor. Kyoko could hear Yashiro san's gasp and Tsuruga san clear his throat uncomfortably.

"Yes?" Kyoko said feebly, staring up at Moko san pitifully.

Moko san cringed at Kyoko's puppy dog eyes. "Tsuruga san needs to talk to you. Please act professional. We are in LME for petes sake." Moko san said seriously.

Kyoko jumped to her feet. "I'm sorry Moko san!" As Kyoko reached for her friend she was stopped by an ice cold glare.

"Go." Moko san said menacingly

Kyoko began to walk shamefully towards Tsuruga san as if she were a scolded child. When Kyoko stood before him she began to feel nervous all over again. What if he's mad at me for canceling with him this morning? Kyoko looked up at Tsuruga san's face and froze. He was wearing that sparkly smile on his face.

"I have to work on a Loveme task for Yashiro. I'll see you later Kyoko." Kotonami san said abruptly.

"What But I-" Yashiro sputtered as Kotonami san dragged him out of the Loveme room and closed the door.

Silence. Utter silence is what remained after Kotonami san and Yashiro san left the Loveme room. Kyoko stood infront of Ren with her hands clasped in front of her and her head down. Tsuruga san stood with his arms crossed and stared towards the floor. As soon as Yashiro and Kotonami san's footsteps could no longer be heard Ren raised his head.

"You were trying so hard to avoid me that you actually hid in a locker?" Ren uttered frustratingly.

Kyoko flinched. "No, that's not what I meant to- I just-" Kyoko sputtered not knowing how to explain.

Tsuruga san reached out and touched Kyoko's shoulder.

"What? I'm sorry if I did something wrong. Just tell me, please."

Kyoko looked up shocked. He sounded so sincere and... sad. Kyoko couldn't take it anymore. She had to say something fast.

"I'm not mad at you Tsuruga san! I'm just kind of embarassed" Kyoko paused "I... I've never been kissed by someone I didn't hate before and... I didn't know how to react. Please don't take it the wrong way." Kyoko said blushing cutely.

Ren smirked but hid it before he made Kyoko panic again.

"Maybe I'm not capable of doing this bet" Kyoko said her voice wavering.

Suddenly the room got very cold. Tsuruga san dropped his hand from Kyoko's shoulder and sighed.

"I'm disappointed in you . I thought you were serious about this bet and now you're willing to give up without even trying?" Tsuruga san said in a cold voice.

Kyoko frowned. Wasn't this what he wanted? Now I won't be a bother to him anymore.

"Well I guess we'll have to go shopping then. What would you like to purchase first? Dresses or jewelry?" Tsuruga san said seriously.

"What?" Kyoko said.

"You're quitting so now I have to spoil you." Tsuruga san said.

Kyoko fell to her knees. "No you don't! I'm not quitting and you can keep your well-earned money to yourself. I will do my best until the very end, Tsuruga Ren." Kyoko said leaning forward and poking Ren in his chest.

Tsuruga san smiled happily and grabbed her outstretched hand. After squeezing her hand a little he delicately placed it back to her side. "Good. Now I have to go to a meeting with the president. I'll see you when we film for Dark Moon?"

Kyoko couldn't help but smile back. "Yes. Good bye Tsuruga san."

After Tsuruga san left, Kyoko received a text.

Hey Kyoko,

Sorry for ratting you out to Tsuruga. Would you like to sleep over at my place after work?


Kyoko danced around happily. Today was turning out better than she thought. I get to act with Tsuruga san and sleep over at Moko san's house? I'm so happy!

Thanks to everyone for reading this! I finally made an official story line for this series so I know what is going to happen and when. According to the timeline we are in day 3, so as of now we have 4 days left in this bet. Who will win?