A/N:Okay so the first little snippet of this chapter is supposed to be something of an "Epilogue" to the chapter. Everyday life, so to speak of the gang since they found out about Cas and Jimmy using Jim's body as timeshare property.


Dean shot forward, catching his friend before he could slump to the floor. "Hey Cas, you okay?"

"Wrong," that was becoming a common thing, that was about all Jimmy said anymore when they mistook him for the angel. "What's going on this time?"

"We thought we found Gabriel's horn… Cas says its' not causing the 'speak your mind' syndrome that's hitting everyone in town."

"Ya coulda warned me before you called him down… I hate how empty I feel when he's gone," Jimmy shifted his shoulders once he was on his feet, blinking at a sudden realization. "Why the hell did I just tell you that? You got wammied, didn't you? Damnit Dean, you could have warned me!"

"Sorry. Didn't think it would affect you, Cas didn't seem bothered by it."

Jimmy's eye twitched, "Castiel is a fucking ANGEL! Of course he's not affected, angels don't lie! A lie is something you tell to gain something you want. Angel's have no wants so why would they lie?" He blinked, nearly breathless as his eyes darted right, "How the hell do I know that?"

Dean shrugged as Jimmy followed him to the Impala. "What do you mean by empty?"

Jimmy's head thudded softly against the top of the car before he opened the door and got into the passenger seat. "Like… pieces are missing and not just my memory of when he's in control."

"I guess he's been riding you so long you've just gotten use to it," Dean smirked and nudged Jimmy's shoulder as a joke.

"Yeah, something like that…" It took three lights before Jimmy looked around, "Where's Sam?"

"We split up to cover more ground."

Jimmy nodded in understanding before rubbing his hands over his face. "I need a drink," flew out of his mouth before he could stop it.

"It's not even 3… Starting the party early?"

"It helps keep me warm, makes me feel like Cas is still here."

"Huh?" Jimmy's teeth clattered together as he forced his mouth to stay shut for fear of embarrassment or giving Dean fodder for future teasing.


Time jump (6.12)


Jimmy watched Sam from his spot at the back of the kitchen. He could relate to the young man scarfing down food and drink like it was going out of style, that and the memory loss. "Cas," Jimmy blinked at the angel's name and focused on the conversation. "Did Cas fall or…?"

"I'm not Castiel. I'm Jimmy. Cas lets me have control of my body while he's in heaven." Sam gave a concerned look, "You'll know when it's Castiel, trust me."

"How long has that been going on?"

Jimmy shrugged, "Little over half a year."

Sam just nodded, confused look still on his face, before taking a swig of the beer Dean handed him. Jimmy slipped out of the house and into the scrap yard to let the brothers catch up.

Death had watched him… Before Castiel had taken over, before he lost days of time while the angel made sure everything was alright with Sam. "You're an odd one, aren't you?" Jimmy spun at the spine tingling voice to see the man standing behind him.

"What do you mean?" Jimmy wasn't sure why Dean had such terror in his eyes when he had seen them interact. Jimmy found the voice grounding, it reminded him he was human, even if it still felt like walking over his grave when the ancient horseman stepped closer.

"You seem to be missing from my list."

Jimmy blinked, "Say again?"

Death chuckled softly, amusement shimmering in those knowing eyes as he reached out to pull at Jimmy's collar until it was in the correct position. "You are not on my list," every word pronounced slowly as if speaking to a child.

"That isn't possible… Dean said God is even on your list."

Death smirked, "I will admit, it was quite a feat, even an archangel would have been nearly incapable to achieve it. And Castiel had been merely a foot soldier at the time. I can see why He chose to keep him around."

"So, I won't die? Ever?"

Death had something of an annoyed look, one he knew he himself had to have made while Castiel was in control. "That was the deal you made, was it not? He took you from me when it was your time and he would have an eternal vessel forever ready for him when he needs to walk the earth. So long as he exists so too shall you."

"But Cas was destroyed… They told me. Lucifer blew him to pieces… He was gone."

"Yes, and it seemed someone upstairs like him enough to bring him back and with him you. One exists, both exist. Until the end of time, or until Castiel falls from his father's favor, whichever comes first."

Jimmy sighed and pressed his palm against his temple, a headache was forming. He could tell it was going to be a doozy. "Hey!" The cane crunched against the gravel as he stopped and turned toward the call. "Thank you… for telling me."

Death smirked, "You're the first one to thank me in a long time." Jimmy blinked and the man was gone. Only a slight bone chilling breeze signaled his departure.


"A case… are you sure that's wise after this whole soul return thing?" Jimmy asked even as he helped make sure they had a stock of rounds for all the guns along with salt in the trunk of the Impala. "What?" he asked even without seeing Dean smirking, he could just sense it.

"Nothin' and yeah, Bobby and I can take care of it. Sam, you stay and rest."

"I've done nothing but sleep Dean, I'm good to go," Sam kept insisting as Bobby threw his duffle into the back.

"Let the old bastard have his fun Sam, Bobby's been stuck here with me for months. Let them have this one." Jimmy reached up and clapped his arm across the sasquatch's shoulder before giving Bobby's appreciative look a nod and ushering the big oaf back toward the house. "Oh, before you tear outa here," Jimmy rushed into the house, leaving the three men with confused looks until he came back with two plastic sealed containers. "Now, Singer, you have no right to call me bitching about yer damn cobbler!" He got a laugh from the old hunter as he caught one of the containers. "Some for you too, so I don't gotta hear him bitch about you stealing his." Dean looked stunned but caught his. "Now get outa here," he smirked and waved the two hunters inter their seats before leading the worried third into the house.

"Uh… Jimmy? Are you and Bobby…"

"Are we what?" Jimmy automatically echoed as he glared at the cobwebs starting to take over the house again.

"You know…"

Jimmy blinked and frowned at the blush across the taller man's face. "Oh, God no!" He grumbled as yanked down a long string of ancient looking web. How the hell did they overrun the house in less than a week? "Do me a favor Lurch," Sam blinked as a broom was shoved into his chest. "Go chase the eight legged spawns of Satan for me."

Sam started chuckling, he couldn't help it, "And here I thought I'd get a vacation."

"I actually have someone who can reach and you expect me not to put you to work? Go on," Jimmy nudged the sasquatch, miscalculating and shoving him into the wall. "Sorry, forget my strength sometimes…"

"Don't worry about it."

Jimmy blinked when he checked in on Sam, the man had a faraway look on his face. "Something wrong Sam?"

Sam just shrugged and looked up at the cobweb filled corner, "Seems oddly familiar…"