"Mom, Volterra?" I asked my mom, who just so happens to be the one and only Rosalie Hale.
"I know that you have a crush on Alec, despite the fact that the Volturi almost destroyed this family years ago. I just want to give my only daughter her greatest wish." that was mom, overly caring one, as always. I do love her though, she does always have my best interests at heart.

"Besides, Aro owes us a favor. We also know how you feel about the redundancy of high school." Dad said. I laughed at him. Emmett, my dad, is the sweetest dad ever.
I smiled. "I love you guys so much." I pulled them both into a tight hug. Mom stroked my hair dark waves.
"Just make sure not to do anything stupid." Mom always tried to make sure I didn't screw up my life. And yet here she goes, letting me jump into the lion's den.
"Guess all there is, is for me to pack." I smiled.
"That's my girl." dad ruffled my hair and kissed my cheek. I left them and bounded up the steps to the second floor, joy overcoming me. I immediately knew what I was going to pack. I threw all of my valuables and treasured items neatly into a suitcase. We have dozens of them, so there was no trouble with me packing my room, regardless of how impractical that would be. I heard footsteps behind me.
" I suggest only packing clothes and items you live without. You will get to have a room entirely to yourself and that already comes fully furnished. Plus, those baggage fees are a killer." I had to laugh again at that one. We have so much money; I can't remember ever having my wallet weigh less than 2 pounds. I found and met Carlisle's eyes.
"I'm sorry, I'm just overjoyed with this opportunity. And my plane leaves in four hours." I was almost done at this point.
"Well don't let me stop you." He replied coolly and walked out of the room, leaving me to my bidding.